Thank you, Coot. I tossed the packaging and couldn't remember.
"In general, the art of government is to take as much money as possible from one class of citizens and give it to another class of citizens" Voltaire'
The common virtue of capitalism is the sharing of equal opportunity. The common vice of socialism is the equal sharing of misery
NRA Benefactor 2008
Greetings and salutations fellow shooters:
I completely forgot about this thread so, apologies for not responding.
To date, no further progress has happened regarding cast bullets and my merkel double rifle. Life and work got in the way.
Now that I am very close to retirement, and with the very recent loss of my favorite hunting/best pal dog, it’s time to pick up where we left off.
In the meantime, have also acquired a ruger #1 in 9.3x74r which I hope to set up for cast bullet shooting.
I’m thinking a weight of 250 to 270 grains. If I take it hunting, that should give me enough foot pounds for deer and moose to 200 yards.
Your thoughts on this please.
Kind regards,
First off welcome back.
If I were to hunt with a 9.3 and cast bullets I would prefer a bullet with a large meplat as I've seen what a blunt nose cast bullet can do to big animals. I would also look for the softest alloy that didn't lead at the highest speed I could get with accuracy and safely. As for your Merkel most double rifles can shoot cast bullets with some degree of satisfaction. The bigger the caliber the easier it seems to be to get them to shoot decent groups and regulate. That said I still haven't gotten my Chapuis 9.3x74 double to shoot cast to my satisfaction. The individual barrels shoot OK but so far I haven't found a load that regulates.
Hey Max.
I'm currently engaged in creating cast ammo for the same rifle. No results to report yet.
Data on hand looks as though WW760 may be the cat's meow.
Holy crap good cheer, that is the bullet design I’m looking for. I live in Alberta, Canada. If I send you money, can you ship 100 of those for me to try out? I do not need them lubed and sized as I would do that myself.
What size gas check do you use? I see the bullet is .369 in diameter. I am assuming you use this bullet cast and lubed to your needed diameter.
What rifle are you shooting this from?
To update: I am now semi retired: taking the summer off.
I use magma equipment for making bullets. They have shut down and were bought and moved to Australia. I will order the mold blank and have them shipped so I can get a mold.
There will be some serious testing going on in the coming weeks. I will keep you updated.
Time to resurrect this thread again.
Good Cheer, have you gotten any further with that 275 grain bullet for your 9.3x74R?
No sir I haven't yet. Life keeps getting in the way.
Oh, and the rifle is the Ruger No.1.
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |