Plate plinker - nice job, simple yet effective, do you have any videos of the "tracks" you cut in the base to direct the nose down one to fall and the base down to keep going and flip?
Willy Snyder
PO Box 2732
Pocatello, ID 83206
Plate plinker - nice job, simple yet effective, do you have any videos of the "tracks" you cut in the base to direct the nose down one to fall and the base down to keep going and flip?
I really like the push piece that puts the bullets back into the plate. Like it much better then the spring loaded flipper
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Don't like being hammered by the Cast Boolits Staff, then don't be a nail.
The rules are simple to follow.
At some point something will have to change but the video I posted above were 9mm pistol bullets and this is a 220gn .308 bullet in the same flipper.Yes, Jmorris's bullet flipper could be printed, but it would probably be quicker and cheaper to fabricate from a plastic cutting board and a sheet of plexiglass/lexan/acrylic sheet. Variables to be accounted for in design: bullet length/weight will affect required distance before entering, the minimum radius of channel and the distance past entry into final drop; diameter will determine width and depth of channel. There may also be others.
It’s such an insanely simple design when I woke up with the idea, I figured it couldn’t work.
It’s a lot easier just as effective and more universal than others I have built.
Here we go.
That white is really hard to photograph. Hence the black sharpie.
At the drop hole it is just a simple ramp to guide the point of my 9mm cone shaped 124 gr into the hole. That boo lit design does not like being nose down. The base flip is a triangle shape and works really slick at moving the base over.
I found the build like a puzzle and I do enjoy a challenge, also I am currently home for winter so I had the time. If I was working at the time it probably makes more sense to buy the MBF ready to go and modify it.
Last edited by Plate plinker; 02-22-2018 at 01:14 AM.
That is pretty much the same setup as i came up with when i looked at mine today. Hopefully i will get a chance to do it on the weekend. See if it works for me.
Got emailed to me. Work in progress.
Don't like being hammered by the Cast Boolits Staff, then don't be a nail.
The rules are simple to follow.
I could see that working fine if some spacing between casts for the turnover. However, if multiples come down close together seems they might bunch up and stop at the turnover.
Hi guys, nice to see my bullet feeder here
@Redwoode: That's true. You have to slow down the collator motor speed.
I made a change in the turning plate:
- AmmoMike83
Thanks for all the work you have done on the design.
I'm borrowing a Maker select plus for the next couple weeks to work on this project. Hopefully the printer will be up to this task! I can't wait to get started but won't get the printer until Sunday.
Hey Mark, you are very welcome. I hope it's not your first 3D printing attempt ever? Cause it's a difficult project. The printing bed has to be leveled perferctly. And btw. order a "Dremel"-Tool, too!
I have a dremel and many different bits. It will be my first attempt at 3d printing. I'll start with the small parts and work my way up. I have free use of the machine, just had to buy my own filament. If I screw up I'll be out $20.
@Mark2215 wish you good luck. If you have any troubles. PM me!
Mike, I like your Uplula pickup & speedloader on thingiverse. Slick
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Don't like being hammered by the Cast Boolits Staff, then don't be a nail.
The rules are simple to follow.
Watch the video I posted in #21. Bullets don’t come out of a collator like water out of a faucet. The spacing on the wheel forces them to drop out one at a time. Same thing keeps them from locking up dropping out into a tube, one at a time.I could see that working fine if some spacing between casts for the turnover. However, if multiples come down close together seems they might bunch up and stop at the turnover.
As usual, more than one route to get there. (Feed Star Sizer point down.)
I have watched many thousands base down out of my MBF. I'd like to have as reliable a point down output solution for it or another bullet collator.
BP | Bronze Point | IMR | Improved Military Rifle | PTD | Pointed |
BR | Bench Rest | M | Magnum | RN | Round Nose |
BT | Boat Tail | PL | Power-Lokt | SP | Soft Point |
C | Compressed Charge | PR | Primer | SPCL | Soft Point "Core-Lokt" |
HP | Hollow Point | PSPCL | Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" | C.O.L. | Cartridge Overall Length |
PSP | Pointed Soft Point | Spz | Spitzer Point | SBT | Spitzer Boat Tail |
LRN | Lead Round Nose | LWC | Lead Wad Cutter | LSWC | Lead Semi Wad Cutter |
GC | Gas Check |