First of all a hats off to jmorris for his abilities to make something from nothing. Some of the rest of us are probably capable but simply either don't have access to mills and lathes, welders and such or don't have the time. I fall into two of these catagories the time one and the "I don't have the equipment to do so catagory" So, what is one to do? Some of us have the money to plunk it down and simply buy what you want and my hat is off to you. Some like myself like to save money. Ok, Ill say it I'm a cheap SOB. I like to DIY my projects simply for two reasons. 1.) I save money and arrive at something that works well with less spent. 2.) I guess I simply like to play with things when I can make an hour or two somewhere between dinner and bed time.
In another thread you can read that I have a basic bullet collator kit coming soon. In a short information gathering stint on the internet I found there are several motors that are available when putting a kit together. Two of them I will list and the first is a MrBulletfeeder motor and the second is a JGY-370 motor that is available from places like Amazon or ebray. Note* one MUST select the motor the 370 version with the correct speed. There are other motors available from places like Grangers for example.
So, armed with a motor, a home made speed control, a 2A wallwart ( I have a bunch of these) power supply along with a printed unit one is ready to sit down and begin to put together a cloned a machine that is possibly a collection of different ideas in order to speed up the quest to make even more ammunition. So, what is next? Well, got to get those bullets from that collator to the collection tube on your presses dropper assembly. Possibilities of that springy tube thing are as I can see to be several. First one could purchase that spring thingy from MrBulletdropper for around $12 plus shipping and have something that will probably mate up with the collator. But what are you going to do if your just cheap like me? Got to looking around the old tool box and discovered a spring thing that I used to slip over refrigeration tubing in order to bend it without collapsing the tubing walls and making a kink. So, will that work? I think it might just work or possibly allow one to use a bit of scrap copper tubing to make most but not all of the delivery tube that will be needed.
I don't have a Dillon 650 case collator but rather a home made unit so the idea of using it to hold the bullet collator will be out in my case. A stand will have to be fabricated from some steel square tubing in order to mount my bullet collator.
Pictures to follow when my unit arrives.