This is Memorial Day weekend and , not just another holiday to go get drunk etc ..

End of Rant ..

However , you have probably seen on the news where communities around the country are raising funds to send those men of the Greatest Generation to Washington to the WW2 Memorial there ..

Our community sent almost 90 men up a couple weeks ago .. Please support this one ..

These men are our fathers and grandfathers , and what we have now is a direct result of what they did then ..

My dad passed away in 1999 at age 90 , he was one of thousands who never had a chance to see the Memorial ..

We're loosing them at an alarming rate now .. The youngest living warriors are at least 80 years old now , and the clock is running fast ..

A bunch of ordinary guys who did a bunch of extraordinary things , came home raised families , rebuilt this country , and never asked for anything in return ..