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Thread: I need some Bible 101

  1. #21
    Boolit Master

    EMC45's Avatar
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    I like NIV, NAS and NKJV versions. They all have a different tempo and way of getting the Word across. I like John, Proverbs, Psalms, Corinthians (1, 2) HECK I like it all!!!!! First things first though......Communicate with God. Ask for His will for your life. Surrender all to Him and realize what was done at the cross of Christ for you and your family. The Word will come alive! It is a Living Word too! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.......
    You can miss fast & you can miss a lot, but only hits count.

  2. #22
    Boolit Master pmer's Avatar
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    Many thanks to all. Outdoorfan really hit close to the mark. There are some things going on in the church I grew up in. I have grown to disagree with their grasp of modern times. It's not realy the church here locally but more so their affiliated organization. I have hoped and prayed and it seems like God's answer is to move on.

    I don't think it's a time to be sad but rather look to new horizons, grow in the word of God and be excited about things to come.

    I think one of neatest things is how term dusty bible has moved through this thread. I hope it brings others to rediscover their Bibles.
    Oh great, another thread that makes me spend money.

  3. #23
    Boolit Grand Master

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    On an old Apache camp area !
    Good morning Pmer
    For the first 21 years of my life I considered myself a Lutheran. Not that we went much.. but that is what grampa Schulke was so that is what we was. When I went into the Army a feller gave me a New Testament. That was my first Bible. A year later started reading it. My life was a standard tank trooper mess. I discovered I was a sinner. I had no personal relationship with my creator. I was dirty with sin and could not enter into His Holiness. I was "lost in sin with no hope" and knew it.
    That is why the Lord Jesus died for our sins. He is the only hope to be washed clean. He is the only way to be made acceptable to a Holy God. The Lord Jesus said "Come to me, believe in Me and have eternal Life".
    My friend no church, religion can save any of us. That is why the Lord Jesus came to die for our sins. He is our blood sacrifice. He is the only way to heaven, to have a complete life with purpose. He is everything we have need of.
    That is where we all need to start. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved... That is what the New Testament is all about. The book of Acts.. chapter 4 verse 12.. "for there is salvation in none other for there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we can be saved". That is the beginning to knowing what this life is all about.
    Mike in Peru
    "Behold The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world". John 1:29
    Male Guanaco out in dry lakebed at 10,800 feet south of Arequipa.

  4. #24
    Boolit Master WRideout's Avatar
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    Interestingly, I have had the mirror image of missionary's life; I was raised Baptist, and am now Lutheran!

    Pmer, I have found through the years that passages I have read take on new meaning when in a different life context. I used to really dislike the Old Testament, but have been reading it lately, and find there is a lot of hope in there. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you what God wants you to know.

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  5. #25
    Boolit Buddy dakota's Avatar
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    Bible 101

    Please start with the New Testament. If you grow to study the Bible you'll find that both books are great. If you are interested in what the original authors wrote, the best translation is NRSV! I've studied Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic and also have studied New Testament Greek. I've translated each of these. The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and then Paul's letters with emphasis on Romans would be my recommendations. Please keep in mind that many of Paul's letters were in response to issues in the early church. Also there were a few of the letters that were accredited to Paul but were written by one of his students.
    The major prophets in the old testament and Psalms would be next - in my opinion. I've done my best to memorize several of the Psalms. Start with the 23rd Psalm and Psalms 46.

    Much of the early Bible is an history that is very important, but in my mind could wait until later.
    Finally there are many helps available for many of the books of the Bible.
    I have on my computer a software program that has over 40 translations and they are all good.
    You can also find translations on the WEB. Wish you were near - but if you'd like any help, I'm here for that.

    Rev. Lynn S. Hardy (ELCA - Lutheran)

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  6. #26
    Boolit Grand Master

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    I've always been partial to the KJV. I was lucky to wind up with my dad's, his name is embossed on it and I've left all his bookmarks in place. In his later years he was part of his church's lay ministry, helping out with Bible study and other tasks. Seems that when something troubles me I can always open his bible and find a passage that is helpful.

    Gee, worked again. Had a very trying day, my dad's Bible opened to the first chapter of Job. Certainly puts things in perspective.
    Last edited by TXGunNut; 05-02-2013 at 09:45 PM.
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  7. #27
    Boolit Master
    Lucky Joe's Avatar
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    Much good advice above, I also am Lutheran and we (family) keep Luthers Small Catechism close at hand. My personal advice is to ask the Holy Spirit to aid in your learning, he is the one that will open things up for you. Then it will come to you as you mature in your studies. Nice post glad you took the time to do this, and I appreciate all the encouragement your getting here.
    Lucky Joe
    "There's always a way."

  8. #28
    Boolit Master pmer's Avatar
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    So soon and quite a ride allready

    I put one of the miniature new testaments back in the vehicle I use for my field service job and have been taking some time during lunches for reading. That bible and I have 10s of thousands of miles together but it got little use till lately. I have been reading at home and during work and been getting rushed with emotions. Prior to this I was getting these feelings singing in church too. More so in the new church though.

    Now after the new church and before my first post here is was rear ended in my work truck and its gone now. I got knocked pretty good and I slid into the vehicle in front of me. I didn't think this had much to bare with the issue at hand but this does enter back in later.

    Now its obvious, I definately have something going on inside me and it's coming to a head because I can't read when my eyes are teared up and my nose is running LOL. It wasn't funny at the moment though so I put my hands together and prayed to God asking why am I crying and how can I read your word when I can't see it? My mouth said something about eyes but it left me like how you forget a dream shortly after you wake up. Then I turned my needs to Jesus and asked him to come into my life and guide me to where the Lord wants me to be.

    This was at lunch during my work and I closed the book of John and started on my way. The next big thought that came to my mind was distracted driving and how peoples lifes change in car accidents and a need to tell people to watch the road instead of the distractions that they can have in their cars. I have plenty of experience about distracted driving and think I have something to offer.

    I thought this whole experience is so noteable. Not just what I revealed but everyones contribution is a blessing onto itself. We are brothers in faith where ever life takes us.
    Oh great, another thread that makes me spend money.

  9. #29
    Boolit Grand Master

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    God is good. Remember what I told you about piece hunting for you relentlessly? Jesus will continue to seek you out, but you must continue to be willing to let Him in. Especially when it is uncomfortable.
    What you are doing now is a lifelong process. I have been a Christian for many years, but I still come to God and confess my sins, and there is always more room for Jesus and less room for sin. I have a masters degree in hiding my heart from Him and protecting my heart from His grace.

    This isn't ever about pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. It's about surrendering to His grace, and doing whatever it takes to be obedient to Him. When we obey, even when it hurts, God shows us things, wonderful things, and He floods our hearts with piece and joy.

    In Galatians 5:22-23 The Bible says that the fruit of the spirit is: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
    The closer you draw to the Jesus, the more you will see these things start to overflow in your life, more than you ever knew was possible.
    Precision in the wrong place is only a placebo.

  10. #30
    Boolit Master
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    Thanks for sharing your experience. It seems as if God brought you to the point where you experienced or are experiencing Godly sorrow for your sins, as well as the joy of seeing the Light! Every person must experience this if the Holy Spirit is truly at work.

    Praise God for what He's doing in you, which the natural man sees as foolishness!!

  11. #31
    Boolit Master

    sparky45's Avatar
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    I'm probably one of the worlds worst "backsliders"; sprinkled the first time and dunked the second time; rededicated my life as a teen and have served several years as a Deacon in my local Church. That's all in the past. This thread, nay passage, is an eye opener for me. Tells me it's high time to get back to the Word and focus on the rest of my responsibilities.
    Thanks pmer for the kick in the seat of the pants.

  12. #32
    Boolit Master

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    I was raised as a farmer and carpenter, one of the lessons I learned early was if one plans to build solid start with a solid foundation. The Old Testament is the foundation. I understand some of it is tough plowing. The hardest book for me to get through was Numbers but Joel is in some ways a mirror of my life.
    As for the best version, As a boy I was tought from the King James, and have used several of the other translations to study and speak from. I do love the poetry from the King James.
    I have several old "family" or alter sized bibles that were offered to me as the younger generation of familys were desposing of them after the old people were gone. So much family history in them and no longer wanted.
    Don't buy nuthing you can't take home

    Joel 3:10

  13. #33
    Boolit Buddy

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    I suggest starting with the NT book of John. He tells you what Jesus meant. Then read the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. They tell you what Jesus did. Then read all of Paul's Letters. Then the rest of the NT.

    Do not ignore the OT as it lays the ground work, the separation from God. The NT shows us the way, the only way, to redemption.

    Take your time and savor the journey. It will save your life!

  14. #34
    Boolit Grand Master

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    Angels are partying in Heaven! Another soul saved. Spend as much time in prayer and thinking (meditating) on the meaning of the Word as you do reading it. Read it first just for the story, as you would read a novel. Don't try to dig into the meaning of each verse at first. Once you understand the story then start studying. That's a life long journey.
    Wayne the Shrink

    There is no 'right' that requires me to work for you or you to work for me!

  15. #35
    Boolit Master crabo's Avatar
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    Pm me an address and I will send you a book.

    My dad wrote it and it has been translated into 10 different languages. It has helped a lot of people understand the Bible and the Christian life. I have some of a version that has a reduced vocabulary so it is really easy to read and understand.

    Do not argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

  16. #36
    Boolit Grand Master

    missionary5155's Avatar
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    Good morning pmer
    You have made the right choice reading His Word. God said "draw close to me and I will draw close to you". The Lord Jesus stated ' Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will open to me I will come in to him and comune with him and he with me".
    Those are daily invites. I take them literally and persue them. I want God's imput. I do not trust myself or my past... I simply trust what God says. His Word brought me to Repentance and Faith in Christ and I figure His Word will get me through life and into eternity. I tell everyone the same thing... Start with God's Word, continue with God's Word and you will finish with God's Word just fine. His Promises, His Truth, His Living Example. There are no substitutes. There are no needed additions. There is no greater joy than knowing that Jesus died for me and in Him is Eternal Life.
    In Him I can overcome this world. In Him I am a new creation. In Christ I am acceptable and have personal fellowship with Holy God.
    Jump into your spiritual journey with Christ as your King, your Lord, your best Friend and you will have no regrets. Make His Word your first activity daily. Always guard your life so the Lord Jesus will remain your first love. Walk with Him practicing His way of life.
    Mike in Peru
    "Behold The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world". John 1:29
    Male Guanaco out in dry lakebed at 10,800 feet south of Arequipa.

  17. #37
    Boolit Master

    EMC45's Avatar
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    Jer. 29:11. There is so much in store for you pmer. Prov. 3:5,6. Just trust him and not you. He knows better than we do. Your post got me choked up.
    You can miss fast & you can miss a lot, but only hits count.

  18. #38
    Boolit Buddy shaper's Avatar
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    Wow, I haven't been on the cast boolits site very long and didn't know this part was even here.
    I now am more impressed with the management of the site that lets it's members talk about our savior. I grew up in the church and was saves at 16. I am very pleased to know my children and grandchildren are all saved. When I read for pleasure I go to the psalms and proverbs. When I read to study I always have a commentary to help understand the word better, I like Matther Henry and Jamieson Fausset and Brown. My bible is a King James with the chain refference which helps to pull other verses in with what I am studying. I would highly recomend starting your learning of the scriptures in a Sunday School atmosphere as it is difficult to properly teach yourself anything without direction, instruction, dedication, and lots of prayer.

  19. #39
    Boolit Mold

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    Acts in a thumb nail Thanks Professer Blue

    1 Son- The Son Rises
    1 Dew- The spirit decends- like Dew
    3 Knee-Peter and John Fix the Crip
    4 Door- Shuts the Door on Peter
    5 Dive- Anirius and Sapheria take the Dirt Dive
    6 Stix- Stix and Stones break Stephens bones
    7 Heven- Stephen is taken home
    8 Great jumpin disciples- Phillip makes the jump to talk with the eathiopian
    9 Shine- The Son shines on Paul
    10 Hen- Peter tries a new food
    11 Leven- Peter visits Cornealius
    12 Shelve- Tries to Shelve the Faith James is killed
    13-14 Paul goes a courting- 1st missionary Journey
    15 Meeting -the meeting at Jerusalem
    16-18 Paul goes a Baking- at Phil a pie - 2nd missionary journey
    19-20 Third one is Crummy
    21 is not so fun when Paul goes to Jerusalem
    22 2x2- Paul goes up the steps to make his defense
    23 Paul has to flee
    24 25 26 Feelex, Festus, Agrippa. Paul makes his case
    27 Paul goes a travelin- to Rome
    28 Paul shakes a snake- on the island.

    you may want to listen to the Good Book while you work. i get much more out of it that way. If you can listen to the same book for several days and then move on.
    Last edited by Charimon; 05-09-2013 at 07:41 PM.

  20. #40
    Boolit Mold
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    I think this is the first time I have found a thread like this on a forum and I am delighted to find it and I am impressed that it is allowed. Cast boolits just went up a notch.There is a great tape series from Khouse by Chuck Missler called "through the bible in 24 hours" It goes through the entire bible story fashion so when you start reading the scriptures it's easier to tie everything together.
    I've given copies to several people and it helped them make sense of the bible without getting overwhelmed.

    E sword is also a great bible study aid and you can download it for free.

    Be blessed Micah 6:8

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BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check