A pictorial of how I make my 22LR black powder reloads:
Cases: Empty Primed ArmsCor Cases purchased from the Hunting Shack - no longer available
Mold: David Mos 22KT custom mold. The Lyman 225438 mold can also be used
* Mos Bullets - 42.4grs cast @ 730F using Bhn 15 alloy for this batch, lubed with Bullshop NASA lube
Mos Bullet Dimensions:
* OAL - 0.470
* Heel - 0.210
* Heel Width - 0.085
* Band Diameters - 0.221
Reload COAL - 1.00
Components Used to Make the Reloads:
Loading Tray: Scrap piece of Trex and a 1/4" Forstner drill bit
Drop Tube Placed in Charger Drop Tube: A 223 case cut off at the web
Bullet Lube Variables: NASA Lube - pan lubing, Graphite, Liquid Rooster Lube and Paraffin (dipped or pan lubed)
Powder Choices: Swiss Null-B, DuPont FFFFg sieved to 50 mesh and Swiss FFFFg. Will also try the 2010 KIK FFFg sieved to 40 mesh
Powder Charger: My 'el cheapo' Lee Perfect Powder Measure that will drop 4.5grs of powder more consistently than the other 4 chargers I have. Even better than a B&M. Powder setting of 4.5grs is dropped into a pan and weighed on the digital scale, accurate to 0.1gr. Then I just drop the powder without weighing into the cases which fills the case to the top of the lip using 223 cut case with the 22 case in it's mouth as an 'extended drop tube' so there is no powder spillage on the bench
Only 2 dies and a shell holder are needed to make a completed round:
* Lee Universal Expander Dies (small) is used to create the case bell before charging and seating the bullets
* CH4D 22LR Seating Die and Shellholder. The CH4D puts a nice factory crimp on the case. Currently, the CH4D die is not in current production. I talked with Mr Davidson @ CH4D and he anticipates to do a run of them in 4-6 months. Mine was from a small run that he made 5 years ago
Update: Talked with CH4D today. They are heat treating the dies now and will only be making 5 sets. Should be ready in a couple of weeks ... get your order in if you want one!
* Dies on a Lee 3 Hole Turret Press
And the rifles currently shooting the original gunpowder reloads, each with a vernier or peep sight
Might want to also visit the other 22 BP thread here on Cast Boolits ...
Update thread