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Thread: The Value of Vendor Statis?

  1. #1
    Vendor Sponsor

    BT Sniper's Avatar
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    Oregon next to the river

    The Value of Vendor Statis?

    This is a great sight with a lot of great info, unfornatly it is getting a litte bitter latly and the amount of quality info shared is starting to fade. Severial long time members no longer even post here any more. Unforunately it seems we may need to experience a bit of growing pains or dark times to appericate the hopeful good times ahead.

    So what has everyone's panties in a wad lattly?

    Well here is somthing to consider.

    As posted in another thread.

    "If you wish to buy things from BT then by all means go ahead. However that does not mean that another cannot sell something on CB without being harassed by someone"

    Now see this is where the problem lies!

    According to the Swaping and Selling rules posted in said forum one must have been a member for 30 days and have 25 posts to even post items for sale, but the real kicker is the last sentence. "This area is meant for casual sales only, if you have a "commercial" or "volume" based business venture contact 45nut. to sign on as a vendor sponsor." see attached copy of these rules below or on the swaping and selling forum.

    Now many of us here may not venture far from the "swaging" forum as we tend to stay where our intrests lay (such is the case with me anyway) but many here may be supprised to know CB has severial Vendor Sponsors, all of which pay yearly dues to the sight owners for the privilege to sell and advertise our items here on this great sight. When somone comes in "off the street", or from a nother forum that does not allow selling of items, no matter how good his/her intensions are, and offers "commercial" and or "volume" sales without vendor statis... well it feels like a slap in the face to evey one of the vendors that do pay their dues as well as the sight owners.

    Take some time to think on what I've said here. Put yourself's in the other person's shoes. Swaging is making a great comeback and we should all feel so lucky to be a part of it. Many new and exciting tools and dies I'm sure will soon be avialble but I say if you wish to sell items on this great sight, respect those that have paved the way for you as well as the sight owners that so graciously allow sales on this sight/forum. Sign up for "vendor statis" if you wish to make a venture of sales posted on this forum. It is the least one can do to show respect, if not to other vendors, then atleast to the sight owners.

    As consumers you all have the ability to make your own choices but let us all make "Vendor Statis" mean somthing to this sight!

    Good Shooting and Swage On!


    Portion of rules as they appear posted on Swaping and Selling home page.

    NO spamming ,no degrading posts on sales threads, must be a member of 30 days and have 25 relevant posts (+1 and me too don't count). Privileges to post here can be revoked for abusing the above terms. Listings will be deleted after 30 days. This area is meant for casual sales only, if you have a "commercial" or "volume" based business venture contact 45nut. to sign on as a vendor sponsor. Thanks!
    When you stop learning you are dying.

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  2. #2
    Boolit Master
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    Mar 2007
    All good points.

    Probably not posted in the correct forum/area.

    Maybe you should PM your concerns to 45nut directly.

    If you can come up with a 22 lr die that has different inserts so you can make different ojives and boat tails , I will buy it from you.

  3. #3
    In Remembrance

    DukeInFlorida's Avatar
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    I'll take all the grief that anyone wants to send my way. I really like the way Brian does things, and the products that he produces. I will continue to support him with my business.

    I'll refrain from posting comments about others, and allow the market place to decide whether other die sets are any good. I suggest that others follow that advice as well.

    Vendor Sales are different than Group Buys. Someone needs to pay attention to the fact that some "vendors" on this forum are slipping through the cracks. Or, at least they should be in the group buy area.

    Brian, hurry up with the .308 and 224! Pretty please?

    Over and out on this subject.

    NRA Life Member
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  4. #4
    Cast Boolits Founder/B.O.B.

    45nut's Avatar
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    Moved thread.
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  5. #5
    Vendor Sponsor

    BT Sniper's Avatar
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    Oregon next to the river
    I feel there is a bit of confusion amoungst the members as to what Vendor Statis entails. Heck there even may be a bit of confusion umungst us fellow vendors but I feel it is improtant to us and this sight that rules for sales of items on any of the cast boolit forums be implamented or enforced to keep the peace on the forums.

    It is a privlage for us vendors to be able to offer our products here to the many thosands of members and guests that frequent this sight. I would like to see the value of Vendor Statis as a symbol that anyone that bares this statis is in high regaurd with the sight and good to go in the eyes of the customers/members, like a ebay seller's A++ rating, credit rating, car fax report, used car garentee etc.

    Ken, I think you can delete the two members coments in previous post as they can not view them now anyway. Matter of fact probably better to send it back to them in a Pm with information as to why the thread was moved.

    Hopefully we all as vendors can all make more use of this "vendors only" forum and I look foward to hearing form all of you on such maters.

    Good shooting,

    BTX Star Crimp Die
    Back in stock with new low price!
    Click link below!

    also check in and say hello on my new face book page!

  6. #6
    Super Moderator

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    If any Vendor Sponser finds someone 'outside' the rules, all they have to do it is to "Report the Post". Simply click on the triangle with the exclaimation mark inside. It's down at the bottom of your avatar block.

    Father Grand Caster watches over you my brother. Go now and pour yourself a hot one. May the Sacred Silver Stream be with you always

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check