I have an unlimited supply of Cardboard. Even if this gives me the same performance as my Crimson powder its what I will use in the future as it is free and you can't beat free. My paint can batch was done in 20 minutes and the dutch oven was done in an hour, so even the propane cost is not much. From what I now know I can mill it all for three days instead of one (no more work) and make up for the mediocre carbon source.
I'm still coming back from the range with the shot up target frame stakes. I cut them into 6" pieces and leave them in a plastic milk crate (does milk still come in those?) to just season. The sawdust from that gets added to cardboard for my charcoal run.
Side note - even on a slightly windy day the bottom of my container goes to 600+ while the top is in the low 200's Is this from wind or am I trying to cook it too fast? With the paint can I cook it on its side and use pliers to rotate it every ten minutes or so. Can't do that with the dutch oven.