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12-05-2010, 06:39 PM
Deer hunting has been very bad and my monthly report for work is due on Monday so I went in and woked on it yesterday. After that I went to the range because I haven't shot in a while. I was shooting my hunting Bisley with 429421's over 22 of IMR4227.

When I got to the range I saw an Escalade parked outside the gate. The gates are kept locked with members having the combination and the combination being changed every year. Two people were shooting bolt action slug guns off the bench with a led sled. Their equipment would have stocked a fair sized sporting goods store. They asked me if xxxx was the combination and I just said no.

I put a 20oz plastic soda bottle on the 50 yard berm. They asked me if I was going to shoot at the soda bottle with "that pistol". I siad I was. Their tone was just a hair shot of sarcastic. It was 29 degrees with a brisk west wind and spitting snow. I hit the bottle a few times and got ready to leave. Their tone changed and they said they would not have believed that a person could hit that target at 50 yards standing. I told thim I did better sitting or with a rest.

I would have liked to have seen their faces if someone who chould shoot like many of the people on this forum had been there. Small victories make life worth wild.

12-05-2010, 06:52 PM
I think every range has those guys. I love the look on their face when they see I am shooting cast boolits. They are worried about leading, etc. I just try to ignore them as they are not worth the frustration they cause when trying to have an intelligent discussion
Amazingly it is not the equipment in most cases but the shooter.

12-05-2010, 07:05 PM
Good day whenever you are firing lead down the barrel :)

12-05-2010, 07:10 PM
I know what you mean, I was hunting on Friday and some of the members saw I was carrying my RSRH 44mag and suggested I use "muzzleloading'' stand because it was "closer" to where the deer come out.

I asked how far away the "regular" stand was. They said it's about 100yds.

I said, "yea this old gun ain't no good past 20 yds" and just gave them the "cheese" :D

No sense trying to "prove" anything. I'm just waiting to kill a deer with it from the "rifle'' stand and not the "muzzleloading" stand and see what they say.

12-05-2010, 07:25 PM
Oh yea. Few years past went to a turkey shoot that just got invaded by the citi-yuppies. One of them had his card and was pointin' to it and telling the other one that "the next time I'll just aim a little more right and that BB will be right in the X"
Still takin' more home with my beater gun than they are with their $$$$ guns......

12-05-2010, 07:27 PM
P.S. One of them one time PO'd me so much I offered him to start at the 660yd. marker and start towards me. See who was left standin' when. He declined. Good fer him....:bigsmyl2:

12-05-2010, 07:30 PM
Kinda reminds me of a time when I was shooting a "bubbaized" .30-40 Krag for the first time at an area range. I had a block of test loads with progressively higher powder charges by .5gr increments, heat treated Lyman 311284 boolits, 4759 powder. The old Krag was equipped with an ancient Pacific peep sight. I was shooting at 200 meters. There were five other shooters on the 100 meter line all with modern scope equipped rifles. They finished shooting and came over to my bench just as I returned with my target. I measured my 5 shot group at 2 1/4"". One of the group remarked that none of them had that small a group at 100 meters, with scopes. They then asked about the Krag, inquiring how old it was. I told them. I had 1 loaded round of ammo laying on the bench and one of the group asked what kind of bullet I was using. I informed them the bullet was made from WW alloy that I had cast myself. The reactions were total shock and awe. How could anyone possibly shoot a group like that with a nearly 100 year old cut down military rifle, using a peep sight and homemade boolits? They walked away talking to themselves. True story!

12-05-2010, 07:31 PM
I have an old 1917 Colt New Service revolver in .45 Eley. Somebody filed the front sight down way before I got it. It hits about 4 " high at 25 yds. and about 6 high at 50. Oddly enough, it hits dead on at 100.
I pulled it out one day and they started laughing when I put 5 gallon bucket on the berm. I commenced to bouncing the bucket all six times.
I just quietly packed up and left without a word. I walked back to the truck thinking:bigsmyl2:

12-05-2010, 08:00 PM
It is experiences like these that do open the minds of the ignorant to the possibilities.
When I was 16 my understanding of the capabilities of a gun came from my experiance with a 30/30. I had a good handle on what it could do and thought that is what all guns would do.
One summer day while working on a local farm haying a man driving a station wagon stopped and asked if he may hunt chucks. He was given permission and then looked at us boys and asked if we new where there were any dens. Of course we did because we had stalked them many times. I pointed out a den from where we were standing and it had to be every bit 0f 400 yards. This man got out s spotting scope and set it on the roof of his car and as he peered through he said, oh yes he is lying on the mound with his head showing.
He then got out some bags and set them on the car and got out a heavy rifle with a long scope. In a minute it became clear that he was going to try a shot from where he stood. I thought he was an idiot and I smugly announced that I would go check after he shot.
He set up his rifle and wiggled into it and fired a shot. I ran out to the hole thinking I was going to make such a fool of him. When I arrived at the hole what I saw didn't sink in right away. Lying on the mound was one head shot chuck dead as a door knocker.
My mind was reeling and I knew I was the fool and a very ignorant fool at that.
That single moment in my life created an unquenchable desire for knowledge of what is possible. I became very interested in his equipment and found he was shooting a custom Mauser chambered for the 22/250 ( a wildcat then) topped off with a Unertl scope. I have come a long way since that moment and I can now do what he did.
Even so I know there is more to learn and that I am ignorant of much.

12-05-2010, 08:01 PM
That "pistol"? A single action hunting handgun isn't what they thought. I get that a lot. Had some cowboys laugh and want to know 'who that goofy **** is' one time. In my old baggy t-shirt and cargo pants (for weekends) I walked by their 'wranglerized' bench. They were trying to hit chicken silhouettes at 40 meters. With my scoped Contender, I set up at the 75 meter turkey rack and started clearing the rack. Their buddy came over to ask what caliber I was using. Lead, homemade...32-20 Winchester Center Fire (read cowboy)!

Never open yer mouth before the man shoots, it's embarassing.


home in oz
12-05-2010, 10:42 PM
Deer hunting HAS been bad.

Found myself thinking that I should have been cutting cedars this afternoon instead of looking for a deer.....

12-05-2010, 10:59 PM
I never saw a deer when i was out hunting, I did get a mild ribbing when i showed up to camp with a 300 savage seems i needed something with "ultra" or "magnum" in the name.

12-05-2010, 11:48 PM
A 300 savage? You use that big a gun?
Man try using something reasonable like a 30-30. Sheesh, kids and their magnums.

12-06-2010, 08:04 AM
I love it when Cadilacs pull up to the range and dump their Wheatherby magnum toting sportsmen out! Some years ago, a pair in an El Dorado pulled up as I was just about to hang a "fun" target, (2" orange dot) on the 100yd backer to shoot at off hand with my 1884 Springfield. Plenty of time to hang targets and 2 empty benches to either side of me, but they declined to hang targets, or occupy a bench, putting their hard cases and a ton of equiptment on the ground behind me as if waiting for the bench I was using. I pointed out that there were benches available and I would wait for them to hang targets, but they said they would wait until I was finished and use the "good" bench, (it was the best bench).

I think they were a bit confused when I stood beside the bench, loaded a thumb size cartridge in the old gun, shouldered, and cut loose with a "boom" and cloud of smoke, (Lyman 457121 over 55gr. of FFFg and a 5gr. kicker charge of Unique). I checked the target through my spotting scope and, (even to my amazement) a big .45 hole off center at 10 O'clock in the orange dot. I thought, "Man, I gotta get outta here now!"

I raised from the scope, turned to them and said, "That'll do! Range is all yours." Priceless!

12-06-2010, 09:02 AM
Found myself thinking that I should have been cutting cedars this afternoon instead of looking for a deer.....

Biggest buck I've seen this year was on the cover of a magazine.........................

12-06-2010, 09:36 AM
.....i raised from the scope, turned to them and said, "that'll do! Range is all yours." priceless!

love it !

12-06-2010, 10:19 AM
Try shooting your federally registered submachineguns, short barrelled rifles (both with supressors) and my Serbu Super Shorty (a 6" barrel 20 ga shotgun) and listen to the idiots tell me how machine guns are illegal, etc. etc. etc.
I will try to educate them about the process, but sometimes stupidity is just too deep for some of them. Sometimes I will actually tell them that "...I am not at liberty to tell you why I own these guns". That usually shuts them up.
I have had people threaten to call the police. I have always taken out my cell phone and said "....here.....let me do it for you".
Stupid is sometimes just too much to take.

12-06-2010, 10:37 AM
Most of my buddies handloadbut few have fooled with pistols in depth (outside of the Glocks they carry), fewer still had ever shot a pistol past 20 yards. None cast boolits.
My Bro-in-law set up his stop sign sized gong @ 100 yards one day. A buddy of ours (a very likeable loudmouth, if you can imagine) began blowing and going about what he was going to shoot that day.
I smiled, pulled out my Kimber .45, and shot the gong 7 out of 8 times offhand.
What he said cannot be repeated here.
Last spring, we were at a shoot with several older (60's) shooters in attendance. I pointed another buddy's Dan Wesson .357 (Nice pistol by the way!!) at the same 100 yard gong. Through the muffs I heard a collective "what's that boy think he's doin'? he can't hit that!

Did you ever hear a deafening silence through your ear muffs?

12-06-2010, 11:31 AM
.....My Bro-in-law set up his stop sign sized gong @ 100 yards one day. .....Through the muffs I heard a collective "what's that boy think he's doin'? he can't hit that!.....

Odd, the comparisons we make. In our group, here on Cast Boolits, any one of us would think that's an easy target.

12-06-2010, 11:49 AM
A couple of staties were at the range one day when I pulled in. Seven and 15 yard targets. There was a basketball sized rock at the 100 yard berm. I got out my S&W M25 with 8 3/8" .45 Colt, 452424 260 gr./14.0 Herco load. I whacked the rock 6 out of 6 offhand, one hand. Never a peep from the officers. I remarked to them "these big Smiths are remarkably accurate". Had the good sense then to pack up and drive on.

12-06-2010, 01:49 PM
A stop sign sized gong is an easy target for one who has shot a pistol that far.
BUUUT, a confession, till that day about 4 years ago when I hit the gong offhad with my Kimber, I had never tried it.
I knew I could put holes real close together at 25 yards. I knew I could make cans bounce at 50 all day, but I had never shot at 100. I knew a 2" group at 25 yards shouldn't be much, if any more than an 8" group at 100, but there again, I'd never tried it.
I was as shocked as anybody (tried not to act it) when I hit it multiple times. Now, it's old hat. We all do it when we get together.
The retirees we were shooting with last spring were amazed when they found out they could do it. They had just never taken a pistol that far. And had much more extended shooting careers than we did.

Now we've got to move it out to 200......

12-06-2010, 02:16 PM
Our gun club has ALWAYS maintained a good relationship with the local game protector (several different ones over the years). We have even bought him radio gear when the State didn't have the money to properly equip him. After all, we reason, we have common goals. Neither of us has much use for poachers and game law violators in general. In addition, I have personally benefitted from good relations with LEO's in general. As an example, the Game Protectors know where all of the farmers are who need help with game control by way of Crop Permits, etc. Priceless...

At any rate, one of the benefits we give free membership to our current local Game Protector and he has a standing invitation to speak about games issues and regulations at our meetings. We BOTH benefit in many ways.

I was shooting my 625-8 (4") .45 ACP Jerry Miculek Special at 25 yards standing and he hung his target and proceeded to fire a string with his .40 S&W Glock. We walked down to the target butts. I had a particularly nice target (100x100 on the timed fire target with a high "X" count and most of them cutting one hole). His target was decent but the shots were pretty much scattered over the scoring rings including several wide ones. I am a "Certified Old Fart" and he looked at me and asked, "What in the devil are you shooting?". I said, "Just this ol' .45 revolver". He shook his head and stated, "I would tell my buddies what I just saw but they wouldn't believe me"... He is a genuinely nice fellow and a good Game Protector so I was quite careful to not rub it in. I just mentioned that all it takes is a couple hundred thousand rounds of careful practice. Anyone can do it if they try....

I am still getting a decent amount of "those good targets" and give thanks every day that I can still do it - even at my age. Just takes a good cast bullet in a good gun and maintaining my practice levels.


12-09-2010, 12:00 PM
Some years back Willbird from this forum and I were in SD prairie rat hunting. We were up on a hill looking out over a valley of sorts with a dog town covering a few hunnert yards wide by a thousand or so yards long. There were some large mounds out there and Bill got his highly modified 1911 out and started shooting at a mound a couple hunnert yards away. By garsh he was hitting it in a few shots! He then started lobbing them out to 500 or so yards at a large mound and after a few rounds was peppering the mound. I had a 1937 Brazilian contract S&W Nframe in .45ACP. I was shooting the Lyman 452423 over 7 gr Unique in autorim cases.(eek!) Bill showed me how to use the sights Kieth style and it was not long before I was getting a hit now and then on the mound! Talk about having an epiphany!
Back home I read everything I could by Kieth, Magivern, Jordan etc to learn the "secret" of fine pistol shooting. Aside from basic "pistolmanship" what I took away from them was three things that make one a better shot, practice, practice, practice. I dry fired for countless hours. I burned up a lot of .38 WC in the barn at 30 feet in the next couple of years and started shooting targets of opportunity while woods loafing. If I keep up on practice I can hit things pretty well and impress myself and sometimes others. Seems like when the opportunity is there to show off I am having a "shaky" day ;)

12-09-2010, 02:51 PM
I go shooting as much as I can with my brother an of all the guns we shoot, shooting .22LR's at various objects/55 gal barrel top on a hillside some 500yds away is the most fun (ya we don't hit the top all that often, but we get close and learn much on the topic of trajectory.) Anyways my bro told me he went out with some friends and was shooting scoped hunting rifles(he with his .303 Enfield iron sights.) Ya so he just used the .303 off hand on a rock first shot on the hillside to show that you don't need a scope and high-tech super-blammer to hit what your shooting at (I don't think that he told them we have put 2000+ .22LR on that hill);) So now they watch pawn shops for those 'ol boat anchors too!

12-11-2010, 11:17 AM
It is kind of funny that a lot of shooters (real and or so called) have never tried long range hand gunning, or cast blts, or load if at all only one or two ctgs. They are missing a lot in life I think. I will never be much of a handgunner, short or long range mostly because, I prefer shooting long guns. However, it is fun to shoot one or two handed with handguns at long range, and I do once in awhile throw a few down to 100 and occaisionally hit something other than the burm. It is always interesting to me to have experts (so called) who have never burned a round of cast, particularly in a rifle, that cast will just lead the bbl, are not accurate, etc.etc.etc. Kind of reminds me of the old yankee sayin "H'aint nothin more rightous than a reformem prostitute".

12-11-2010, 01:28 PM
I would have asked the tresspassers to kindly leave of thier own accord...Or they might not find thier bodies....Or the caddy.

12-11-2010, 02:37 PM
I would have asked the tresspassers to kindly leave of thier own accord...Or they might not find thier bodies....Or the caddy.

It's clear how they can afford the caddy and all that gear. Too many people like that around, and they're increasing in number.

Tom W.
12-11-2010, 04:34 PM
I would have asked the tresspassers to kindly leave of thier own accord...Or they might not find thier bodies....Or the caddy.

And in N.Y. they'd believe you..

First hand experience.;)

12-12-2010, 01:41 AM
I love to shoot.
I use to be a fare shot.
So just getting to go shoot is a small victory.
All else is icing on the cake.:Fire::Fire:

12-12-2010, 04:03 PM
And in N.Y. they'd believe you..

First hand experience.;)

It's best not to taunt the man with a crazed look holding a semi-auto rifle LOL.

Moreso when the range I go to is all private property and gated/frenced.

I've told tresspassers that the owner holds 250 acres of thick woods...what are the chances your cell phone will work 6 ft underground?:bigsmyl2:

12-12-2010, 06:44 PM
You're actually contemplating killing someone for trespassing on property that you don't even own? Now lets get back to reality here. Might sound cool if youre looking for an ego boost, but I doubt it'll hold up in any court.

Comments like above and discussions such as above is sure to attract lots of friends to the shooting sports.

12-15-2010, 12:35 AM
You're actually contemplating killing someone for trespassing on property that you don't even own? Now lets get back to reality here. Might sound cool if youre looking for an ego boost, but I doubt it'll hold up in any court.

Comments like above and discussions such as above is sure to attract lots of friends to the shooting sports.

Marked private property.

I pay dues and would rather solve my problems the old fashioned way by talking instead of calling police to wait 45 min and filling out a report.

If that discussion happens to scare the living poop out of someone, all the better.

Didn't you intimidate your 16y/o's first date? same principle.

12-15-2010, 10:14 AM
what are the chances your cell phone will work 6 ft underground?

Is this emplying you're buring the cell phone or the body with the cell phone, therein layes the question.

Didn't you intimidate your 16y/o's first date? same principle.

No! its not the same principal at all.

12-15-2010, 12:11 PM
Is this emplying you're buring the cell phone or the body with the cell phone, therein layes the question.

No! its not the same principal at all.

Then hell. why pay dues? Just let anyone waltz into the range, shoot willy nilly in all directions,trash the place and get another one closed.

Would you let a stranger use your woodsplitter without asking? let them waltz into the barn and help themselves to your hens?

Or would you confront them and let them know they are not welcome?

I'll bet most of the farmers around here would answer your noise in the barn with a shotgun....and not a question.

If I pay dues and see someone that DOESN'T using the facilities, I AM going to confront them.

I pay for the use of a service(the range and facilities). those dues allow me to come and go as I please. People NOT paying for the use of the range are stealing directly from ME and the range. As the non-paying "members" come in, trash stuff WE pay for and maintain. Not to mention the liability issue of the trespassers injuring themselves.

If a threat of not leaving that property ever again keeps them from coming back, no harm no foul.

Try trespassing on private property in Texas after dark. The threat of death becomes all too real....and not just a threat.

I'm sorry you don't feel the same way I do about people breaking laws.

12-15-2010, 12:51 PM
I'm sorry you don't feel the same way I do about people breaking laws.

I do feel the same way about people breaking the laws. But I draw the line of you or anyone else taking the law into your own hands, there is the difference.

Being a paying member of a club does not give you the right to be shooting people you perceive to be trespassers, whether in Texas or any other state. If you continue to think so you need to get a VERY good Lawyer on retainer.

12-15-2010, 01:29 PM
I do feel the same way about people breaking the laws. But I draw the line of you or anyone else taking the law into your own hands, there is the difference.

Being a paying member of a club does not give you the right to be shooting people you perceive to be trespassers, whether in Texas or any other state. If you continue to think so you need to get a VERY good Lawyer on retainer.

Please show me where I shot anyone, trespassing or not.

I'll wait while you find it.

It's really simple if they are trespassing or not. If the gate is locked, with a car parked outside it, they are trespassing as all range members have keys for the lock.

Again, I'll wait while you find instances of me shooting any person.

I just get frustrated to see what I put in time and money into(club dues and work details) trashed by people that think "Oh, gunclub..I hop fence I go shoot now" and trash the range, buildings, bathrooms, break stuff and generally cause more work for us and the landowner, just because they think nothing will happen to them.

Again, the threat of "Show up here again and you won't ever leave here" can be construed many different ways. And know what? of the multitudes I, and other range members who have made that threat to trespassers, not one of those people has come back.

If they want to pay the dues, put in the 80 hours a year in repair and range work, I"ll be glad to shoot next to them. hop the fence and trash the joint, well, don't be upset when your feelings get hurt.

12-15-2010, 01:37 PM
Then hell. why pay dues? Just let anyone waltz into the range, shoot willy nilly in all directions,trash the place and get another one closed.

Would you let a stranger use your woodsplitter without asking? let them waltz into the barn and help themselves to your hens?

Or would you confront them and let them know they are not welcome?

I'll bet most of the farmers around here would answer your noise in the barn with a shotgun....and not a question.

If I pay dues and see someone that DOESN'T using the facilities, I AM going to confront them.

I pay for the use of a service(the range and facilities). those dues allow me to come and go as I please. People NOT paying for the use of the range are stealing directly from ME and the range. As the non-paying "members" come in, trash stuff WE pay for and maintain. Not to mention the liability issue of the trespassers injuring themselves.

If a threat of not leaving that property ever again keeps them from coming back, no harm no foul.

Try trespassing on private property in Texas after dark. The threat of death becomes all too real....and not just a threat.

I'm sorry you don't feel the same way I do about people breaking laws.

Um...no. Granted, we have none of that stupid "duty to retreat" BS in Texas, but using deadly force on someone who just tresspasses without you being in fear of your life is going to get you prosecuted, and you will most likely be found guilty. All shootings in Texas go before a grand jury, and if yours doesn't pass the smell test, you are going to have problems.

12-15-2010, 02:12 PM
Please show me where I shot anyone, trespassing or not.

No, but you sure imply it.

I would have asked the tresspassers to kindly leave of thier own accord...Or they might not find thier bodies....Or the caddy.

I sure sounds like an implication to use violence to me.

I've told tresspassers that the owner holds 250 acres of thick woods...what are the chances your cell phone will work 6 ft underground?

Could very easily be construed to mean to dispose of a body "6 feet" with their cell phone. Sounds violent to me!

Try trespassing on private property in Texas after dark. The threat of death becomes all too real....and not just a threat.

Again sounds violent to me and with the threat of death. Sorry, It won't hold up in court, not in todays world. As noted earlier, better get a Very good lawyer on retainer.

With your tough guy attidude "if in fact thats how you actually approach folks" your membership would be quickly revoked at the 2 clubs I serve on the board of directors of. I also am a Certified NRA Range Safety Officer, and this attidude would not be condoned at all.

12-15-2010, 02:36 PM
Me and the wife went to the range one super cold winter day. No one was there, so we sit on a bench together and cuddled up in a wool blanket, break out the hot chocolate thermos and commence to exterminating all the clods of dirt with our .22's. It was a nice time really. Then they showed up. There was a piece of plywood at 300 yards with nails in it to hang clay targets on. They had God knows what, belted bullsh!t magnum this (COME ON man, it's TN!!! you don't need that!) and that. They were too lazy to go out and set up fresh clays on the board, and they were taking turns at one remaining clay from some other day/time. The wife was sick after the first volley and wanted to leave. Here's the funny part, I don't know how, but it dawned on me. I remember seeing one day that the bottom right corner of the plywood (4x8 sheet) was loose. Evidently the velocity on their ICMB's was enough to glide through the rotten wood with out disturbing it. So, I aimed at the top right corner, a little to the left as we had a light breeze and I managed to put a round in the bottom right corner. When I did, the wood shook enough to knock off the clay and it fell to the ground and broke. Well, no one was paying close enough attention and all I hear is HOLY @$#%!!!! They just hit it with a .22LR!!!!

I stood up and kissed the wife on the cheek and said, just loud enough to be heard, "You were a little high on that one love, we'll work on it next week." We gathered our things and left never bothering to say a word to them.

I got a good woman, she knew to play the part the instant I did it.

We still laugh about that to this day.

12-16-2010, 09:06 AM
Now thats a darn good story. Wish I could have heard what those others said after you left!

I have a few stories me self, but I would be either bragging or fibbing so I'll just keep my fingers off the keys ;):groner:

Me and the wife went to the range one super cold winter day. No one was there, so we sit on a bench together and cuddled up in a wool blanket, break out the hot chocolate thermos and commence to exterminating all the clods of dirt with our .22's. It was a nice time really. Then they showed up. There was a piece of plywood at 300 yards with nails in it to hang clay targets on. They had God knows what, belted bullsh!t magnum this (COME ON man, it's TN!!! you don't need that!) and that. They were too lazy to go out and set up fresh clays on the board, and they were taking turns at one remaining clay from some other day/time. The wife was sick after the first volley and wanted to leave. Here's the funny part, I don't know how, but it dawned on me. I remember seeing one day that the bottom right corner of the plywood (4x8 sheet) was loose. Evidently the velocity on their ICMB's was enough to glide through the rotten wood with out disturbing it. So, I aimed at the top right corner, a little to the left as we had a light breeze and I managed to put a round in the bottom right corner. When I did, the wood shook enough to knock off the clay and it fell to the ground and broke. Well, no one was paying close enough attention and all I hear is HOLY @$#%!!!! They just hit it with a .22LR!!!!

I stood up and kissed the wife on the cheek and said, just loud enough to be heard, "You were a little high on that one love, we'll work on it next week." We gathered our things and left never bothering to say a word to them.

I got a good woman, she knew to play the part the instant I did it.

We still laugh about that to this day.

12-16-2010, 09:50 AM
I have a few stories me self, but I would be either bragging or fibbing so I'll just keep my fingers off the keys ;):groner:

If more folks held to that kind of thinking, I have no doubt that the incredible ranges at which some of these great shot are made would shrink considerably.

I intend no dis-respect, nor do I doubt, anyone in particular's claim on this forum. It just seems I never see those kinds of shots when I'm at the range. I guess I just show up too late.


12-16-2010, 10:25 AM
Unfortunately these stories show that the world has 2 types of people. Those that can only except there point of view. An those that are open to new ideas.
Both types when confronted with something new either dismiss it or accept it an try to learn from it.
We all are a member of both groups at different times in our life. It just depends on how important the new information we are seeing to our self worth.

12-16-2010, 04:01 PM
Um...no. Granted, we have none of that stupid "duty to retreat" BS in Texas, but using deadly force on someone who just tresspasses without you being in fear of your life is going to get you prosecuted, and you will most likely be found guilty. All shootings in Texas go before a grand jury, and if yours doesn't pass the smell test, you are going to have problems.
Carrying Firearms and using them=Fear for my life. I know of 4 cases in the last 2 years no billed for shooting a trespasser. One of which was on the phone with 911 when he shot them...And that wasn't even his property ;)

No, but you sure imply it.

I sure sounds like an implication to use violence to me.

Could very easily be construed to mean to dispose of a body "6 feet" with their cell phone. Sounds violent to me!

Again sounds violent to me and with the threat of death. Sorry, It won't hold up in court, not in todays world. As noted earlier, better get a Very good lawyer on retainer.

With your tough guy attidude "if in fact thats how you actually approach folks" your membership would be quickly revoked at the 2 clubs I serve on the board of directors of. I also am a Certified NRA Range Safety Officer, and this attidude would not be condoned at all.

So, how does your range deal with trespassers then? Give them a free pass to use your facilities with no dues paid?
I'm again sorry if my response to theft of services is different than yours.

So, what's your range. I have a few "members" I want to send there instead of ours.

What happens when one of those "trespassers" misses the berm and bury's a 30cal JHP into someone's home? I'm sure insurance covers members..what about people on the property illegally? I think "in today's world" you'd be screwed.

I approach the people hunting illegally on my land the same as the people on the range illegally. With a shotgun and a statement.

Sorry you roll over and let the criminals walk all over you. I prefer not to involve the PD..As it's not the duty of the PD to protect -you- or -me- at all BTW.

12-16-2010, 04:48 PM
You sir are on a short road to a court trial and a loss. Even brandishing a firearm will get one into a court battle in most states.

Sorry you roll over and let the criminals walk all over you. I prefer not to involve the PD..As it's not the duty of the PD to protect -you- or -me- at all BTW.

You don't even know me, you've gotta be joking.

I approach the people hunting illegally on my land the same as the people on the range illegally. With a shotgun and a statement.

Do you own the range? If you're just a member you're in the wrong. Is the range affiliated with the NRA? Is your range insurance thru the NRA? If so you're putting all of your members in the possibility of legal problems.

But do as you wish as I see you consider yourself the end all of trespassing laws, that is, till you get to court.

12-17-2010, 09:06 AM
Carrying Firearms and using them=Fear for my life. I know of 4 cases in the last 2 years no billed for shooting a trespasser. One of which was on the phone with 911 when he shot them...And that wasn't even his property

Good luck to you in the future, sir.

12-17-2010, 02:45 PM
You sir are on a short road to a court trial and a loss. Even brandishing a firearm will get one into a court battle in most states.

You don't even know me, you've gotta be joking.

Do you own the range? If you're just a member you're in the wrong. Is the range affiliated with the NRA? Is your range insurance thru the NRA? If so you're putting all of your members in the possibility of legal problems.

But do as you wish as I see you consider yourself the end all of trespassing laws, that is, till you get to court.

Next time I see people at the range illegally, I'l take your advice and just leave. That way they can trash what I pay for, you are happy I let criminals continue the illegal ways.

What would YOU do if you saw people at the range illegally? Call the police? Yea, they love coming 40 miles from the city in an unincorporated town to hand out a trespass ticket.

They might even not show up in that case. Meanwhile, the criminals you coddle are trashing what I pay for. Sounds like a win win situation to me.:rolleyes:

You are happy I allow criminals to continue the illegal path, you get to stand on your high horse and take the moral highground, meanwhile they cause thousands of dollars in damage every year.

Sounds Great! I'll get right on it. :rolleyes:

12-17-2010, 07:10 PM
Hey hope no one thought I was poking at the OP. I was speaking for self, about self.

Everett - is that JMB himself?

There is a reason JMB designed the P-35. :mrgreen:

If more folks held to that kind of thinking, I have no doubt that the incredible ranges at which some of these great shot are made would shrink considerably.

I intend no dis-respect, nor do I doubt, anyone in particular's claim on this forum. It just seems I never see those kinds of shots when I'm at the range. I guess I just show up too late.


12-18-2010, 02:00 AM
I must say that I know how Storydude feels; I used to live in Columbia, Mo, and just North is an area called Finger Lake, that has a conservation dept. run shooting range, a really nice place, until one day I went out there and found the place had been trashed. Some Alpha-Hotels had brought a bunch of alcoholic beverages and had a grand time shooting the benches, outhouses (nice cinder-block ones), and the signage with several different firearms. Beer bottles strewn everywhere, along with various food wrappers. I get tired of paying taxes to support this kind of privilege only to have some jerk mess it up.

12-18-2010, 02:38 PM
Hey hope no one thought I was poking at the OP. I was speaking for self, about self.

Everett - is that JMB himself?

There is a reason JMB designed the P-35. :mrgreen:

Yes Sir, that is Mr. Browning. And, as Darla from the 'little Rascals' used to say, " My Hero"

12-18-2010, 10:28 PM
Yes Sir, that is Mr. Browning. And, as Darla from the 'little Rascals' used to say, " My Hero"
That's classic.