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12-05-2010, 11:59 AM
I just ran out of powder and started useing a new lot of swiss 1.5 The same weighed volume of powder fills my cases almost .050 higher than the old lot. That is on a 61gr load in a 40/65. Is this common for swiss?

12-05-2010, 12:21 PM
That's more than I've seen before. But I have only had three or four different lots. Did you mix your new powder well? I've found that it settles some and that leaves the larger granules on top. If you did, I would just load to the correct powder height and see how it shoots.

Old Caster
12-08-2010, 11:30 PM
How fast the powder is poured into the case can make that much difference in height although Swiss varies much less than Goex with pouring speed and no where near as much as Pyrodex which is why Swiss is the easiest to get to shoot well with Goex being next and Pyrodex the hardest. Consistency is important, and pouring speed is way more important than the height of a drop tube.

John Boy
12-09-2010, 12:19 AM
The same weighed volume of powder fills my cases almost .050 higher than the old lot.
Kid, my guess is this new lot of swiss is less dense than your previous one.
Easiest way to determine this is: Fill a volumetric measure to the 100 line. Then pan weigh it. If the weight is less than 100grs ... this lot is less dense than your old one. Example, my current lot of Swiss 1.5 weighs 104.5grs

12-09-2010, 10:30 AM
through testing for now- got to get loads ready for this weekend. looks like I will use less powder and same compression as old lot for now. Did not think changing lots would make this much difference?

cajun shooter
12-16-2010, 01:54 PM
With the fine art of loading BP rounds you will not have too many boring days if you try to do better each time. Shooting BP has to be one of the most challenging sports that exists. I was a very hard bowler at one time and although I never rolled a 300 I came close with a 294.

12-16-2010, 06:38 PM
Yep, gives you a great feeling about self,gun, and loads to take down several rams in a row. But sure is humbling then to have the pigs show what all can go wrong. I think I am closeing in on the 1-1/2 moa so there is the chalange.