View Full Version : Signed up with PayPal

BT Sniper
12-02-2010, 02:04 AM
Got burned by G-pal so signed up with paypal. This should make transactions easier now for those of you intrested.




12-02-2010, 03:21 AM
You are the 5th person I know that has been burned by G Pal.

BT Sniper
12-02-2010, 03:41 AM
Ya I didn't mean to bring it up. There is a 2K+ post thread on the forums here allready. I don't think anyone got their money from the time gunpal switched to g-pal. I would suggest that anyone with money in their g-pal account spend it on somthing rather then trying to get a check or deposite out of g-pal.

Anyway on to bigger and better.

Swage On!

12-02-2010, 03:56 AM
pay pal is no better,they are ani gun,they froze my account when they found i was selling bullets.

BT Sniper
12-02-2010, 04:12 AM
Ya but did you get your $$ owed to you? This was the original reason I went with gunpal because of anti paypal. But like I said on to better things.

12-02-2010, 05:31 AM
pay pal is no better,they are ani gun,they froze my account when they found i was selling bullets.

guess this change happend when ebay stopped allowing bullet sells?
I've not used paypal since then but my ebay account and paypal account was for bullet sales only when it was allowed on ebay. I moved 1k's of dollars threw my paypal account for nothing but bullet sales. My how times have changed.

12-02-2010, 12:08 PM

Pay Pal is owned by e-bay, and both are extremely anti-gun.

Be sure you never put any gun related terms in a PayPal document. Sell "tools", or "parts". They have locked accounts for words like "barrels" "ammo" etc.

I really hate to see them get a nickel of my hard earned money, and would rather send a money order to folks. But I tend to be a bit of a curmudgeon...

Hope it works out for you.


12-02-2010, 01:12 PM

Pay Pal is owned by e-bay, and both are extremely anti-gun.

Be sure you never put any gun related terms in a PayPal document. Sell "tools", or "parts". They have locked accounts for words like "barrels" "ammo" etc.

I really hate to see them get a nickel of my hard earned money, and would rather send a money order to folks. But I tend to be a bit of a curmudgeon...

Hope it works out for you.


+1 anymore I do cash/check/Money Order. Ive seen several guys get their accounts locked for selling gun related stuff so be carefull.

It can even be someone buying something that puts "Bullet Press" or something in the description that throws up a red flag.

Read the fine print in the user agreement about "prohibited" items

12-02-2010, 01:29 PM
Thank you, Brian. This makes it much easier for a lot of us.

When people use their brains when using PayPal, it's no problem. I've used it hundreds of times to purchase firearm related merchandise, but since what I'm buying are tools, that's what I list, plain and simple. I've never had any funds held up, nor have the sellers. Just use your head and beat their system. I'll even add 4% to the seller's price for the convenience of using PayPal, since it's a twenty mile round trip to the Post Office for me, plus the charge for a money order, plus the cost of the stamp. That's not to mention that it might be a couple of days before I drive into town. With PayPal, I just sit down in front of my computer and transfer the funds, and my part is on it's way.


white eagle
12-02-2010, 04:49 PM
now the ease of spending flow thru yer wallet

12-02-2010, 05:48 PM
Thank you BT, I don't know why more vendors here won't use Paypal. I've used it since the beginning and never had much of an issue with it. I too was burned by Gpal.

Even though Paypal is anti-gun and a pain it opens up a whole 'nuther world of sales to you. Oh how I wish Gunpal had been legit..............


12-02-2010, 06:49 PM
Regarding Paypal, it is against the terms of use to charge a surcharge for accepting Paypal. Many sellers do this and they risk not being protected by the Seller Protection Agreement by doing so.


BT Sniper
12-02-2010, 09:35 PM
I'm happy to offer a form of payment for those otherwise unable to purchase these "tools". If I had my way our money would stay in pockets of those we agree with and trust. Thought I had that with gunpal and had 4 sucessfull transactions. Then g-pal stole from us all. So obviously money order and check will be my prefered form of payments.

So when an account is "locked" can you still retreive your money? Or do they steal it from you too that which is not theirs to take?

Still see lots of reloading tools and even the shooter shack is still selling on e-bay so we shall see.

Thanks for the coments and concerns.


12-02-2010, 09:46 PM
I use paypal whenever possible for purchasing items
I've purchased many things that are alledgedly "not allowed" items.
Infact, I paid for a 41 cal. Blackhawk with paypal.
I use wording like, tooling, molds, brass pieces.
and I leave out the "gun" words.
Paypal is very handy, yeah there is a 2 or 3 % fee when collecting funds, that kinda sucks.

12-03-2010, 12:16 AM
I live in a rural area, the post office is 10 miles away. The nearest medium sized city is more than an hour. Over the years, paypal has enabled thousands of dollars worth of supplies and whatever we need. UPS and the USPS have all but eliminated the need to drive hours for things we need.

Those folks who require a money order typically end up waiting a day or two til I get into town to the post office, and another couple for USPS to bring it to their door. Then they have to go to the bank...!

I've been a buyer and a seller for years. Paypal is instant. The relatively minor surcharge has been balanced out many times over in saved time and fuel and travel.

I am willing to go either way. But for me, I prefer the paypal.

BT Sniper
12-03-2010, 12:49 AM
PayPal benifits is obvious just wish they where not against us interested in shooting supplies.

Good shooting.


12-03-2010, 07:16 PM
Thank you BT, I don't know why more vendors here won't use Paypal. I've used it since the beginning and never had much of an issue with it. I too was burned by Gpal.

Even though Paypal is anti-gun and a pain it opens up a whole 'nuther world of sales to you. Oh how I wish Gunpal had been legit..............


the reason that a lot of vendors don't use them is because Pay Pal among others donates money to anti- gun groups... Brady Campaign and Handgun Control Inc. are just a couple. so why would one donate funds to the enemy. anothe example where gun owners are there own worst enemy.

12-03-2010, 08:09 PM
the reason that a lot of vendors don't use them is because Pay Pal among others donates money to anti- gun groups... Brady Campaign and Handgun Control Inc. are just a couple. so why would one donate funds to the enemy. anothe example where gun owners are there own worst enemy.

Is that confirmed? I've heard that as scuttlebut in the past but never seen any actual proof.

12-03-2010, 10:16 PM
the reason that a lot of vendors don't use them is because Pay Pal among others donates money to anti- gun groups... Brady Campaign and Handgun Control Inc. are just a couple. so why would one donate funds to the enemy. anothe example where gun owners are there own worst enemy.

Gun owners aren't their own worst enemy. Gpal, and Ben Cannon is.

12-05-2010, 01:26 AM

BT Sniper
12-05-2010, 02:12 AM

What is this? I have'nt looked yet.

12-06-2010, 04:05 AM
Run by a bank in SD, I've only used 'em a couple of times.
Transfer money to anyone with an email address, recipient has to sign up to get their bucks but it's easy.
Don't know whether they have any bias about guns or shooting sports,
but shouldn't be an issue as they only transfer the money (ACH bank to account / your account to bank),
and have nothing to do with the purchase.


I even have their payment card, no numbers or name embossed on it.
You have to have money in your account to use it.
Haven't noticed anyplace that accepts it yet but I haven't asked either,
always forget about it! They say thousands of merchants accept it.

Uh oh, I just read some of their FAQ, there's a $1000/day $2500/month limit on the account so for some folks
it might be marginally useful.
They say the limits are for security.

12-06-2010, 08:17 AM
"Founded by Steve Case" .... the same Steve Case that founded AOL?

Need to research this a little further.

12-07-2010, 05:32 AM
I thought I recognized that name but couldn't place it.
Never did like AOL, used them briefly years ago, then they kept trying to bill me
after I quit 'em.
If it is the same guy would that be a liability?
I figure it's run by a bank, should be OK.

12-08-2010, 01:04 PM
pay pal is no better,they are ani gun,they froze my account when they found i was selling bullets.

this X 100000

if you ever have to go through their arbitration or dispute it is a NIGHTMARE.
i was mailed a counterfeit Ipod, as were 30 others from the same seller in the course of 48 hours.
ebay would not deal with me, or close the fraudulent sellers account, so he kept selling "apple Ipod, 100% genuine. apple manufactured"
i was directed t paypal for the dispute. thy do not have a phone number to call By the way, so it was all email based communications. and i was not allowed to talk to the arbitrators directly.
long story short, it took me 3.5 months to get my 150$ back.
i will never use pay pal ever again.

12-10-2010, 04:07 AM
My only problem is it takes so long waiting in line to get a postal money order.
The ones from the grocery store are usually quick and easy, but supposedly
they are more often used in fraud (counterfeit), so some folks don't want 'em.
I think Paypal is foolish to treat customer complaints the way they do.
Maybe they have so much business they don't care.

12-10-2010, 09:28 PM
My only problem is it takes so long waiting in line to get a postal money order.
The ones from the grocery store are usually quick and easy, but supposedly
they are more often used in fraud (counterfeit), so some folks don't want 'em.
I think Paypal is foolish to treat customer complaints the way they do.
Maybe they have so much business they don't care.

As an FFL I've received notices from the ATF to watch out for fraudulent/stolen bank/cashiers checks and "Money Orders" from sources other than the post office.

I have no idea what a "Zippy Mart" money order looks like, but I -do- know what a proper USPS MO looks like.

I'll take any form of check payment ... but I give them 5 business days after deposit to clear before I ship.

12-11-2010, 01:48 AM
"I thought I recognized that name but couldn't place it.
Never did like AOL, used them briefly years ago, then they kept trying to bill me
after I quit 'em.
If it is the same guy would that be a liability?
I figure it's run by a bank, should be OK."

You may want to know some of the people who started Paypal and AOL are the same.

12-11-2010, 06:29 PM
eBay still allows people to sell bullet casting molds, and some other items. You just can't sell the bullets made from the molds. Molds don't hurt the children, boolits do... haha

So, as long as BT keeps the descriptions clean (no mention of bullets, per se), he should do fine on PayPal.

12-14-2010, 11:41 AM
BT Sniper,

I would encourage you in the strongest of terms not to do businees with Paypal unless you have absolutely no other choice. And not because of their anti gun stance, but because they will screw you the first chance they get. They are notorious for suspending accounts for no good reason and holding peoples money for 180 days.

Go here to read up on some of the latest horror stories.

Here is a good example:

12-15-2010, 12:13 PM
thy do not have a phone number to call By the way, so it was all email based communications. and i was not allowed to talk to the arbitrators directly.

With all due respect, I have been a Paypal member since their beginning, which I believe is about 11 years now. Paypal does, in fact, have a phone number listed on the website, and I have called them a few times in the past.

I know you don't want to use Paypal again, but others might. The Paypal number is listed on the website and can be found by clicking "Help" at the top of the screen, the click Contact Us by Phone or Email at the bottom right of the next screen. This will take you to another page where you will have to click some more but finally you will get the phone number.
Yes, it could be easier and it is a bit inconvenient to get to the phone number.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that Paypal has a phone number on the site, and has had a phone number on the site since I have been a member.

Hope this helps someone

12-15-2010, 12:53 PM
I have had a paypal account for about 6 years, no problems at all.

mold maker
12-15-2010, 01:01 PM
Morning BT.
Thanks for accepting Pay Pal payments. Even though I live close to the USPS, the inconvenience of making a trip there, and then using them, to do what a couple clicks on the PC will accomplish is a deal breaker. The PO money Order fee isn't that much cheaper and the delivery time can be maddening.
I'd rather spend my anxious moments casting than making trips to banks and the PO. Then wondering if you got the funds, yesterday, today, tomorrow or a week from now. As stated if wording is watched, you can have my funds in a minute, and Nobody has to leave their chair.
If I use the personal option and pay for goods, services, or just send money as a gift, I can prepay the fees so that they state exactly the amount delivered , and I am charged (CC or account) for the total.
There are many times when getting money to someone right now is important.
Dealing with anti-gun folks isn't something we can avoid, so work their system against them, and giggle while we do it.

12-15-2010, 01:22 PM
Bank wire transfers are as old as the railroads. Most banks will send money to another free of charge, but ask first. After all that is what paypal and these other lookalikes do. ... felix

12-18-2010, 05:22 PM
Well, PayPal just "found me out" and limited my account.

I guess it's time to start taking credit cards!

12-23-2010, 09:19 PM
Bank wire transfers are as old as the railroads. Most banks will send money to another free of charge, but ask first. After all that is what paypal and these other lookalikes do. ... felix

Unless I'm missing something, the last bank wire transfer I sent was FAR from free. From my home bank where I have a bunch of accounts to a bank Vice President in the mid-west. The "electronic transfer fee" was substantial.

I guess we are left, each of us, to our own personal preferences.


12-23-2010, 11:12 PM
It sounds like those are business accounts, not personal accounts. Banks that rely upon street traffic for deposits are usually more liberal in their "business" fees. Also, it is not unusual for a lot of banks to rely upon other banks for their non-scheduled EFT activity. ... felix

12-24-2010, 11:34 PM
With all due respect, I have been a Paypal member since their beginning, which I believe is about 11 years now. Paypal does, in fact, have a phone number listed on the website, and I have called them a few times in the past.

I know you don't want to use Paypal again, but others might. The Paypal number is listed on the website and can be found by clicking "Help" at the top of the screen, the click Contact Us by Phone or Email at the bottom right of the next screen. This will take you to another page where you will have to click some more but finally you will get the phone number.
Yes, it could be easier and it is a bit inconvenient to get to the phone number.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is that Paypal has a phone number on the site, and has had a phone number on the site since I have been a member.

Hope this helps someone

have you ever had to deal with their resolution services?
it sounds like you have had nothing but smooth transactions. if that is the case, then yes paypal is great, convenient and everything it is supposed to be
when i had the issue with a counterfeit item sent to me, there was no phone number for contacting them.
just a email address.
i am almost 100% positive about that.
if there was a number it was not for complaints or issues with a transaction that went bad.