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David R
10-13-2006, 05:46 AM
I am sure some have had some already, but it hit us like a ton of bricks. Leaves are still on and the snow is wet. I bet there is (are?) 10" on the railing of my deck. I have a couple of trees down, LOTS of branches. I ran the generator at midnight and again this morning at 4 something. Once the house is warm, I can go to work IF they have power there. I can come back at noon and run the furnace and fridge for an hour, then go back to work. I doubt I will have power today. Depew which is south and west of me got almost 2 feet. Oly Cow!


Rick N Bama
10-13-2006, 06:59 AM
What's snow, LOL. Way back in '93 we had a late "blizzard" which produced around 13" which I think that's about the most I've ever seen here in N. Alabama, and I'm soon to be 59 years old. I just don't know how you folks cope with so much of the stuff.

Now ice storms, well that's a story for another day:) Have fun!


10-13-2006, 07:38 AM
we got 8 inches here in houghton. check out my blog for yesterdays adventures (http://snipershide18.livejournal.com/).

10-13-2006, 09:05 AM
Got maybe 3/4" up here in the St Lawrence valley. Hope they get you going soon. We were 15 days w/o power during the '98 ice storm. That stunk. Thoughts nad prayers headed your way.

10-13-2006, 09:38 AM
I remember that storm, got caught in it on the way back from FL and spent 3 days just out side Knoxville in a motel. Funny thing was all of the Bass Boats sitting around since there was a big tournament that weekend on a nearby lake(NOT).


10-13-2006, 10:07 AM
Wednesday we were blowing leaves, Thurs AM it was blowing SNOW:shock: It's still snowing today. Time to put up the summer toys again:mad:

10-13-2006, 10:29 AM
No snow this far south yet, but the chill has arrived. It was 16* on the back deck this morning at 6am. Frosty on the windsheild too.


Rick N Bama
10-13-2006, 10:33 AM
For you guys "waaaaaaaaay' up north. Will this snow be around 'til spring? Please excuse the dumb questions from this redneck but I've never been any farther north than just across the Ohio River into IL & IN.

Our snow normally becomes ice as it's driven on and thus we wind up paralyzed until it gets gone. The local governments simply aren't equipped to handle a heavy snow, although they try their best, so farmers with front end loaders normally clear the road I live on. I hope you get your power back soon.


10-13-2006, 11:01 AM
Somehow, the snow missed us here in the mountains. Not that I'm complaining. The leaves are still in technicolor and not many have fallen yet. Usually in the NE there is a warm spell in late October/early November when we did out the shorts again for a week or so. In New England, we call it "Indian Summer". We don't usually get snow that stays until near the end of deer season in late November. Usually by Thanksgiving. Weather is just a fact of life here, and there are a lot of fun things to do in snow that make you forget for a little while what a PITA it can be sometimes. The worst season is spring, when you're up to your butt in mud and the black flies are chewing every exposed square inch. Compared to that winter is heaven. :drinks:

10-13-2006, 11:49 AM
It may be hard to believe, but the Anchorage bowl is still uncovered. I was watching the 'termination dust' ease it's way down the mountains last week, figuring it was the last week for ducks, then we got a 'pineapple express' and this weekend there will be yet another trip out to the marsh :mrgreen: . The weekend promises to be a little too bluebird for good duck hunting, but at least the marsh shouldn't freeze.

Rick-FWIW, up here once it hits, we're pretty much stuck with it until around April. Though the cold, snow, & ice don't bother me nearly as much as the dark. Oh well, you've got to pay for June/July somehow [smilie=1: .


10-13-2006, 11:55 AM
For you guys "waaaaaaaaay' up north. Will this snow be around 'til spring? Please excuse the dumb questions from this redneck but I've never been any farther north than just across the Ohio River into IL & IN.


We usually get out first snow that sticks somewhere around thanksgiving.

Rick N Bama
10-13-2006, 12:06 PM
God bless all of you! I think I would go stark raving mad with your winters. I normally don't wear long sleeves until Dec:)


10-13-2006, 12:07 PM
Ya, sure, betcha Dan: the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - nine months of winter and three months when the skiing is lousey. (Spent five years at K I Sawyer!)

10-13-2006, 02:10 PM
What's snow, LOL. Way back in '93 we had a late "blizzard" which produced around 13" which I think that's about the most I've ever seen here in N. Alabama, and I'm soon to be 59 years old. I just don't know how you folks cope with so much of the stuff.

Now ice storms, well that's a story for another day:) Have fun!


That was "the storm of the century," March 15th 1993. NOT! Sure it reached the balcony of my second floor apartment, but we've had worse.

I only got 6 or 7 inches of snow last night. The thruway was closed though.

10-13-2006, 05:42 PM
Snow this time of year! Why dont you guys move to a decent climate???
No snow here just warm and sunny. Still have green lettuce and chives in the garden. Wow how do you put up with it?

10-13-2006, 05:55 PM
Snow this time of year! Why dont you guys move to a decent climate???
No snow here just warm and sunny. Still have green lettuce and chives in the garden. Wow how do you put up with it?

Must be global warming. :mrgreen:

10-13-2006, 07:46 PM
Western Nevada has had two light snowfalls, that put a dusting on the mountains above 6500'. Down here at 4800' we don't get any snow until the end of October. (No, Algore, it's not your global warming scam, just the regular weather pattern.) Know-it-all blonde daughter, recent CA refugee, has not yet elected to get snow tires and extra wheels for her 2WD pickup, despite several reminders. It's not nice to try to fool Mother Nature!

10-13-2006, 08:19 PM
Snow this time of year! Why dont you guys move to a decent climate??? No snow here just warm and sunny. Still have green lettuce and chives in the garden. Wow how do you put up with it?

I spent a winter in Delta Junction once (Fort Greely, mid 80's) and about 15 of them here in the UP.

As nice as the interior of Alaska was, I still prefer the UP; more snow, less cold.


10-13-2006, 08:31 PM
Global warming, bring it on!!! I vote for the one that can get it here the quickest! I be sproutin my pinapple seeds right now.

10-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Surely each of us can afford to buy a ton of coal and set it on fire.

I like palm trees.

If the ice caps melt, it'll be a shorter drive to the beach.

10-14-2006, 05:42 PM
I think I have a sweatshirt in one of the drawers, I do have a waterproof unlined windbreaker for when it gets down to about 30' with some freezing mist, about the worst we normally get here.
I do not know about the rest of you, but I have a very decent layer of natural insulation, have much more problems with the 90s and up from March to November, much of what is dripping off me is not sweat, but lard.

David R
10-15-2006, 10:07 PM
Well, I now have power and cable. Just came on tonight. I lost at least the top out of almost every tree in my yard. Branches everywhere. A tree company came through today and cut the limbs off the power lines in my front yard. I am lucky. I am a mechanic and welder. I had 7,000 watts of 220 ac with electric start. The only problem is it burns 1 gallon an hour. I drove 15 miles friday morning to get gas for the welder. Still LOTS of people with power out, but getting better. All that is left of the snow are the plow banks. I went outside with my 18" boots and it was over the top of those with the snow packed under them. I figure around 2 feet. A new record. Its a state of emergency here. I have not heard of any traveling bans any more. 5 miles north of me they got 1/2 as much snow. 20 miles north, by lake ontario,none. I had a blast playing chess with the children.

Back to normal life once I burn a few tanks through the chainsaw. I have a nice piece of black walnut for my dad. The pine and fruit trees had no problem. My oak tree only lost its little top, but the soft maples split like a banana. 2 mountain ash took quite a beating ,but I think they will be ok. Lots of parts came off the weeping willow. I will have plenty of fire wood.


10-15-2006, 11:52 PM
David, sounds like you were better prepared than most for the storm. Today's Reno paper had a story and pictures of the western NY storm, more than 2,500 miles away! Usually it takes a hurricaine to get news coverage from the other side of the country.