View Full Version : Progress...

12-01-2010, 12:40 PM
Have y'all seen this?


mold maker
12-01-2010, 01:38 PM
Finally somebody is using common sense. Not far enough, but at least in the right direction.

home in oz
12-01-2010, 01:47 PM
It is a good start.

12-01-2010, 08:50 PM
More good news! We are winning on the guns issue.

I have been active in 2nd Amendment issues since 1966 when I wrote my first letter to the
editor. Since 1992 I have worked with the KS state legislature on range protection, firearms
preemption, concealed carry and improvements to concealed carry in KS. We eventually won
on all. I see other 2nd Amd activists winning all across the nation - with Nebraska and
Iowa recent gains/improvements in my local area.

With CCW laws, one of my personal reasons beyond the obvious benefit that some good
individuals will have in their personal defense is that with millions of legally armed citizens
living, working and traveling all over the country we do two things that are very beneficial
in the long run.

First, we build a huge, unassailable database of good news - none of the bad things that
are claimed for widespread gun ownership and widespread carrying of handguns have
happened. Huge numbers of uninvolved and disinterested folks see friends, coworkers and
relatives carrying guns safely and without any danger to society. Previously plausible claims
of "blood in the streets" no longer carry any weight, and in most states the police have
recognized that armed citizens are not a problem and are on our side. Still more work
to be done, but the progress is immense.

Second, we force society to learn to accomodate armed citizens. Many public officials have
to be dragged kicking and screaming (Amtrack, Chicago, Wash DC, etc) to recognize our
rights (keeping guns in cars on company property is a law in many states, etc) and to
accomodate our legal possession, transportation and carrying of weapons. I just renewed
my CCW today, and when I mentioned where I was going at lunch to several female
coworkers, it raised no comment at all. KS just voted to change our state constitution
to replace the old court-neutered 2nd Amendment type language with new, unassailable
gun-friendly language and it got 88% of the vote Nov 2nd! This is awesome.

We are slowly changing the entire mindset across the country. We are winning, finally
rolling back the gains that the hoplophobes had made. A Texas University just joined
about 75-80 other Universities in honoring CCW permits on campus. KS now permits
all NFA weapons without any state interference - all were illegal a few years ago.

We are winning at the local and national level. I expect national CCW reciprocity in the
next few years, just like all states have to honor your driver's license.

We need to keep INSISTING on our gun rights, and we will keep winning.


12-01-2010, 10:26 PM
Indeed. A lot of progress has been made, the result of the tireless work of a lot of people like Bill, and we all owe them our thanks. Even if all of us are not politically active, all of us can live by example, proving in person that no, gun people are not a bunch of anti-social domestic terrorists.

But one thing that I think is really helping to turn the tide is the internet. People who have a desire to learn more about gun people and gun culture can do their own investigating online in the privacy of their own homes. And when they do, they find forums like this one, and they discover something they would never find in the mainstream media; we are normal folks just like they are. And they are finding out that a lot of the bilge they've been spoon fed by the D.C. ruling elite is patently false. And not just about gun culture, either.

And the result is a shift in the tide. I've always wanted to take the "Empire Builder" route from West Glacier MT to back home in Cincinnati and see the country from some other vantage point than from behind a truck on I-90. And now I can start planning my trip. I look forward to it.

12-02-2010, 12:32 PM
The whole thing is a vicious cycle that revolves around generations of people.
Since the days of Al Capone wher the gun control fire started getting red hot it has taken 70 or 80 years for lawmkers to realize ( at least a few ) in a small way that gun control does not control crimnals. What it does is to render honest people defenseless.

Now imagine that we actually go the other way. As more and more people get guns , there will be plenty of stupid ones in the crowd as well. Eventually there will be more media coverage of igmorons shooting themselves or friends accidently and the antis fire will rekindle and start a down cycle.

Realistically , if 1/4 of the passengers on a train were armed , a gunman crimnal would not have nearly as much of a chance to do his dastardly deeds.

A train hijacker would find a way to get his gun on board regardless of any laws.

12-08-2010, 04:40 PM
Now we need to start on the "PUBLIC SCHOOLS" they are required to follow the constitution also and it would really be good if they taught the truth as well.

12-10-2010, 10:21 AM
Now we need to start on the "PUBLIC SCHOOLS" they are required to follow the constitution also and it would really be good if they taught the truth as well.

Might be harder there, due to the almight NRA's position on guns in schools. :mad:

12-11-2010, 10:22 AM
SCGunGuy exactly what is there position ?
I thought NRA was for following the law even though they want to change it? Because they do not want it's members in prison.