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10 ga
11-30-2010, 12:43 PM
Usually don't post my finds but this was kinda good. Went to the goodwill and droped off stuff the wife had bagged up and didn't need any more. Got a 20% off purchases receipt for the stuff. Went inside and began to browse... 2 heavy soft pewter mugs $1@, 1 teflon medium 12 muffin pan $1, 3 eagle heads and feathers pewter (at least 2 lb.)desk type paper weight $.99, and best of all a 9" copper skillet with brass handle and matching sauce pan for $4! Of course the skillet and sauce pan will never see alloy, only food. And then the 20% off too. My solder and pewter cache is growing. Now a WW run and then back to hunting. Best to all, 10

white eagle
11-30-2010, 01:47 PM
good score
I need to go scrounging today as well

12-01-2010, 12:57 AM
Not too shabby 10ga. I picked up two used rolls of solder (~>1#) at the Habitat thrift store for a buck this past Saturday. It makes it worthwhile to chauffer the households' bigwig around sometimes. Of course she spent a ton of $$ at the thrift stores but she saves big time money on my teenage kids by hitting the bargain stores and yard sales and it gets me out amongst the masses too.

Hmm, that last bit may not be a good thing now that I ponder it some.

12-01-2010, 01:22 AM
Scrounge enthusiastically!!
Pure tin bars from Rotometals just went from $13.99 to $15.99 per pound.
As the US$$ loses power , all comodities will just go up in price.
I'm glad I went long on tin a few months back. I bought 60 pounds at just under $9.00 per pound plus 10 1 pound rolls of 95/5 solder for $10.99 each.

Also calculated that if you count lead at $1.00 per pound that antimony was cheapeer in the "superhard " than pure antimony. I loaded up 200 pounds of that at $2.19 per pound.

I gambled and won I think.
I just wish I would have bought all my credit would tolerate in silver a year ago.

12-05-2010, 03:21 AM
I've started noticing thrift stores where I didn't know they were there before.
If I have the time I run in and check. Some good stuff in there besides pewter.
Found a couple of heavy-bottom whiskey glasses pretty cheap, a fancy meatcutter's knife for 99¢, etc.

12-06-2010, 06:45 AM
I've started noticing thrift stores where I didn't know they were there before.

More and more people are seeing the value in second hand items.

10 ga
12-06-2010, 01:44 PM
Whiskey glasses, Hummmmm! I have 2 old stainless beer kegs and some copper roll tubing, Hummmmm.

12-07-2010, 05:20 AM
I know what you're thinking!:drinks: