View Full Version : Lead removal info needed.

10-11-2006, 11:06 PM
Dang, just realized I posted this under the wrong section. Sorry about that guys.

Howdy guys,

I decided to detail strip and clean my 94' Winchester yesterday evening. Once I had the bolt removed I looked down the bore, yep...needs a scrubbing.

I've tried over a 100 brush strokes with a good bronse bristle brush, using Hoppe's and Shooter's Choice both. I also tried using Shooter's Choice Lead Remover, and a few run's with J.B Bore cleaner.

STILL I'm finding a few specs of lead in the grooves of my barrel, beginning just past the chamber and down the bore for another 4 to 5 inches.

Suggestions on getting it ALL out?



10-11-2006, 11:10 PM
Outers Foul Out. Better living through chemistry.

10-11-2006, 11:50 PM
The best on the current market is Blue Wonder Gun CLeaner.

Soak a bronze brush with it, ten strokes, ten minute break, then ten more
strokes, and patch it clean. Won't take more than two sessions like this.

IF you're afraid of it, or dont' want to buy more. Contact me and I'll mail you a sample tube Ken sent me for just such purpose's. Am running low on it, so can't be sending to more than a couple.

Make sure you keep it off the stock, as it'll take all the finish off before you even
realize it got on there.
Takes out all fouling to the metal. So make sure soon as it's cleaned out to oil it up real good where ever the goop has been on metal.
IF you don't, it'll flash rust in half a minute and you'll be cussing me for rusting your gun. But, it's not rusting it at all, it's the moisture in the air that does it. Same as an engine block as it dries after pulling it out of the hot tank, just as quick too.

Something else that's great about this stuff. IF you've got an old rust bucket hiding in the closet. Get it out and work it over with BLue Wonder and it'll be cleaned to the metal as nice as you've even seen one get. Make sure to oil it up though, or it'll flash rust again.

Had a girl friend in Ga give me a couple old rusted up guns that hadn't been cleaned in many years. The rust was pitiful, this stuff polished it up first pass. Impressive stuff. Stinks like hell though so use it in the shop, or outside where the family won't suck in the fume's.

Wish you well, shall be waiting to hear the report.

ken@novumsolutions.com and I'd bet he'd send you a sample too, tell him I sent you.

10-12-2006, 12:28 AM
Fire a couple of J bullets through it loaded to about 1500 fps., then do a normal cleaning.

10-12-2006, 02:14 AM
..............Chore Boy copper pot scrubbers. Be double sure they're Chore Boy or take a magnet with ya to de sto' an check'em. I bought a couple boxes of copper COLORED steel by mistake once (Made in China too, fer cripes sakes). When I got home I wondered that the box didn't have 'Pure Copper, 100% Copper' or similar, so checked with a magnet and it stuck.

I just kinda peel a bit out then cut it off with some snips. Then wrap it around a bristle brush. A few passes with it and any suspected leading is wiped out.


10-12-2006, 09:47 AM
I did the same thing as Buckshot, bought some cleaning pads then found they would stick to a magnet. I took a magnet to town next time and checked several other brands of pads. Turns out that they were ALL magnetic. Then I ordered some “deleading wool” from Cylinder & Slide Inc. It looks just like the cleaning pads and a magnet sticks to it too. Now I don’t know if I should use it or not. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Uncle R.
10-12-2006, 10:08 AM
I've used 4/0 (extra fine) steel wool on leaded barrels for years. I was advised to do so by a crusty, old, and very skillful gunsmith when I asked for advice on dealing with a badly leaded revolver barrel. It does no damage that I can see - heck it works very well for removing minor rust specks from a blued finish too. I use it with plenty of oil or solvent - never dry. I'll agree that pure copper would seem less likely to cause damage, but on those cases where the grooves are filled and the barrel looks like a smooth bore I'll still reach for the 4/0 steel wool without concern. Just make sure it's 0000 grade - this stuff is so fine you can rub it on your cheek without scratching. If you grab the kind of steel wool that you'd use to scrub a rusty barbecue grill you're gonna be looking for a new barrel. :roll:

10-12-2006, 11:52 AM
Chor Boy brand they sell up here is 100% copper and using one on your barrel in rifle or pistol is a dream come true when cleaning the lead out. I haven't used my Lewis Lead remover since switching to Chor Boy pads.

Checking my pistol barrels for leading is one thing but for rifles I could use some suggestions on how the best way to check the bore.

Take Care


10-16-2006, 04:44 PM
You have received the Word. Swab it with Kroil, then hit it with the Chore Boy. There is a product called Big .45 that is very similar, and works just as well, but they don't have it at the grocery store.