View Full Version : Target backers

11-25-2010, 01:54 PM
One good thing that comes from my recent political campaign is that the corregated plastic signs with their metal "H" frame legs make excellent target backers.

11-25-2010, 02:11 PM
The pols here have got too cheap to use the corrugated plastic - they use thin poly signs on the wire frames now !

11-25-2010, 05:29 PM
I have been a fan of using the plastic political signs for a while. They make great pistol target backers. Unless you are using wadcutters they last a good while.

11-25-2010, 08:53 PM
I think I have about a dozen of them target backers, they work great.

11-26-2010, 08:52 AM
I wait until the evening after election to collect them. Figure if they arn't picked up by then, they are fair game, particularly in public areas. Got about a dozen this last election.

11-26-2010, 10:10 AM
Well DLCTEX don't keep us in suspenders, "did you win"
Inquireing minds want to know?


11-26-2010, 01:23 PM
keep your eyes open around the convenience stores and supermarkets. Their attention-grabbing signs are printed on the same material, and they're usually larger. I got a couple once that were only printed on one side. If you know a manager or reliable clerk, you should be able to get all the sign plastic you want.

11-26-2010, 01:38 PM
Some of the very large signs are the plastic corrugated material too. I got one of a defeated gubernatorial candidate and cut 8 pcs of the size I needed. One of them even had his picture on it.


mold maker
11-26-2010, 02:01 PM
I visited the voting areas and collected several doz of the corrugated plastic signs. At major intersections there were a doz or so at each. I needed the exercise and the signs were a means to get it.
Now I'm going to the range to pickup brass and harvest lead.
Signs, Brass, and Lead all for free. Just how much better can it get????

11-26-2010, 02:33 PM
Beekeeper: Fortuantly I did not win as I had all the griping I wanted before election day. My brother is commissioner in another county and will not go to coffee or out to eat in his county due to complainers making it an unpleasant experience.

11-26-2010, 05:59 PM
I've been using those cardboard project boards the kids use for their school projects. Love the kids that use cheap glue. The papers just peel right off. Perfect. Nice white cardboard, I usually cut into three pieces and just spray glue my spots on.
One day, one of the ass't principals stops down and says "you saving those??" Yeah. What for?? Target backers. Hey, can you save me some ?? Sure. I load him some 45ACP once in a while. Then I had to show him one of Miha's 45 HP's. Hey, can you load me some of these?? Yeah. Here we go again. It's OK, he promised to give me back my brass and plastic boxes. Wanted to pay me. No way. That's technically a crime if you pay me. Don't worry about money, just enjoy.
I love it when educators are involved in shooting sports. I took a teacher shooting last week. She had a great time. On the way home she asks " so, am I officially bad ass, now that I can shoot a .45?? I said yes, yes you are...... enjoy Mike

11-26-2010, 11:22 PM
Even the wire pol signs work good for target shooting. Just paste a orange target spot on it and you are good to go.

11-27-2010, 03:00 PM
I use the signs until they are shot up. After that I tape a pizza box top on it and it's GTG. Wash rinse repeat.

Papa Jack
11-28-2010, 11:18 PM
Boy what a great idea ! I just yanked one out of my yard, and tossed it behind the garbage can, thinkin that plastic stuff might come in handy for shooting......Especially when it's pouring down rain and I'm trying to hold a paper target together.....
Thanks for the idea, glad some body's thinkin.....PJ

11-29-2010, 01:14 AM
Boys thats small time stuff go big and get some real estate signs steal frame foot pegs and alot more heavy duty. After shooting that up remove metal center replace with a gong. Check with the realitors they have a few broke ones you can pick up free or for a few bucks.

11-29-2010, 10:26 PM
I work constuction and get all of that plastic cardboard that I want in big sheets . The sheets are on the big roof top units to protect the fins during shipping . The Mechanical contractors are more than glad for me to take it off their hands . We just finished a big job that had 23 roof top units , most of the sheets are 4' x 7' . It cuts real easy with a circular saw .