View Full Version : Waiting for Monday

11-21-2010, 09:10 AM
Monday is opening day for guns. I have the .475 all set to go. Whitworth will be out to use his .500 JRH for the first time.
Yesterday was the last day for archery so we went out in the afternoon. I watched a doe feed across the openings to my left until I had a crick in my neck. She stopped at about 20 yards at the very last place I could shoot because of a cedar behind me. She looked the other way so I could draw and shoot. I watched her go down right in front of Whitworth's ladder stand! :bigsmyl2:
Now I have to butcher today.
My friend Don also hit one but his bow was so loud I think the deer dropped down at the shot and he hit it above the spine. I have a bow like it and had to quit using it, every deer would jump the string and I would miss at 10 yards.
We found the front half of his arrow but very little blood, even came home and got the fishing lantern. I will go look more this morning, it was cold last night but I don't expect she is dead. Appears to be just a flesh wound.
We did very little hunting with bows. It would be cold at night, upper 20's and then go to near 70 in the day. No good for hanging a deer.
Anyway I shot two and need about 3 to 4 more for neighbors and expect a lot of bang, flops with the revolvers.
Keep you posted.

home in oz
11-21-2010, 12:02 PM
Sounds good.

Did not get out with the bow this year.

Dont forget the photos.

11-21-2010, 12:04 PM
We'll enjoy the stories once they unfold. Good luck!

11-21-2010, 01:31 PM
I found Don's deer. He gut shot it and the ooze from the holes was awful smelling. I could have salvaged it but dogs found it and ate half the hams. It was a mess.
I back tracked it and did not find any blood at all. Can't find one in the dark without a blood trail. We searched for hours but the deer had turned right off the trails and without another drop of blood, it was hopeless. We got turned around so much I had to keep finding the way back to the stands.