View Full Version : first good range session

11-19-2010, 10:25 PM
50yrds 50grs of pyro p, .490 round ball, precut cva blue strip pillow tickering, 50/50 cresco/t17 lube.

first shot low about 6in to the right. second 2in higher, right above the first. swabbed the barrel, 3rd to the right next to the bulls 4th 2in below the first swabbed the barrel, 5th off the target but under the rest. 6th touching the 3rd. 7th, the patch was cut oddly so, my guess, it was my flyer, 6in to the left 6in low. 8th (last of my pyro p) between 2nd and 4th shot.

found out also, the gun don't now like the sabot round I have. really really tight loads and really does not like pyro rs with the nipple I have.

I had an full buckhorn rear sight on it, looks great on the gun, but finding myself wanting to line up with the top of the buckhorn. switched out with an cva adjustable. lost the site plate for it