View Full Version : Liquid lanolin problems

10-07-2006, 05:53 PM
After seeing several threads about using liquid lanolin as case lube, I ordered some. I also bought a bottle of 91 percent isoproply alcohol and a quart of "denatured alcohol', pettigree unknown.. but at the price of $6 a quart I feel like I should be drinking ! (Joke!)

I tried a mix of 1:4 lanolin to alcohol with both alcohols but neither one dissolved the lanolin! It is seperated and remaining quite aloof on the bottom of the container.

I couldn't find any 99 percent isoproply but I expected the 91 percent to work OK and I was certain the denatured stuff would dissolve it. Could the problem be with the lanolin itself?

10-07-2006, 06:52 PM
That's a new way (to me) to approach using lanolin as a case lube. I've never used anything else (reloading since the early '60's) but anhydrous lanolin for case lube, but never tried to dissolve it in anything. I've always just rubbed a little on each case with my fingers. It doesn't take much.

But if you wanted in in a liquid, I'd have thought it would be soluble in the alcohol preparations you mention. It's strictly a natural substance from wool, as I'm sure you know. Try a little bit in a little hot water and see what happens. Then, if it dissolves in the water, you can add that to the alcohol. This is purely conjecture as it had never occurred to me to put it into a liquid form.
Best Regards,

10-07-2006, 08:02 PM
Don't know about the lanolin that comes in a tube, but anhydrous lanolin is immediately soluble in mineral oil, baby oil, or any petro solvent. Water it down to 50-50 with mineral oil, and just do the case body, and not the neck or shoulder. After sizing, you can wash the cases in some handwasher liquid soap, just enough in the hot water to suds up slightly. Rince with hot water a couple of times, and for the last wash, put in a ounce or so of vinegar to keep the water spots (calcium/magnesium) off of the cases. Place cases by a vent to dry. A good vent is the ice box blower exhaust port under the door. ... felix

10-07-2006, 08:57 PM
I use Dillion Case Lube - Lanolin and alcohol - Directions - shake before use - Spray and let sit for a few minutes.

I suspect that they seperate after a few minutes is why you have to shake before use. I can not see a seperation in the plastic bottle that is on my shelf.

Works great - a little goes a long way.


10-07-2006, 11:21 PM

The 91% percent isoproply will work OK but the water (9%?) in it will cause it to separate out after sitting for a while. You really want the 99% alcohol. It doesn't separate, but it's still probably a good idea to shake it a little before using it.

Here's a link to the instructions (http://www.frfrogspad.com/homemade.htm#Sizing) I used. I didn't have any trouble with the alcolol diluting and mixing with the lanolin.

The link mentions that the common rubbing alcohol won't work at all, so I would suspect that your "unknown" alcohol is rubbing alcohol.


10-08-2006, 08:08 AM
If you google "case lube" you'll find all kinds of recipes for using lanolin. Personally I use Imperial Sizing Wax. No muss, no fuss, it works better than anything else I've found, cleans right off in the tumbler, and a little can of it lasts a long time, (as in years and years). It seems like if I spent even an hour messing about making case lube, the payback for that hour spent would take me a lifetime using homemade lube even if the ingredients were free.

10-08-2006, 07:48 PM
Lanoline is great stuff and possibly the best lube around.

Here in New Zealand we have about 50 million sheep, they all live outside all year round in rain, hail or snow and I ain't never heard one squeak yet.......[smilie=1: :-D

10-08-2006, 08:54 PM
I have been using liquid lanolin and 91% isopropyl and it works fine. It is in a small spray bottle at 1:4, give it a shake and spray. It dries in a minute or two. I put the cases into a shallow pan, spray, roll around and size.

Bad Flynch
10-10-2006, 09:33 AM
If you extract anhydrous lanolin with alcohol, you can get a product that is useful as a case lube. However, not all of real lanolin is miscible with alcohol and its use straight is arguably better, although stickier.

Lanolin is miscible (not all of it is necessarily soluble) with mineral spirits. The mixture makes a sort of goopy soup.

10-10-2006, 11:08 AM
I scored a bottle of 99% isopropanol and it dissolved the lanolin just fine! I wanted something I could use to spray a large quantity of brass all at once. For really heavy resizing chores I like the Imperial wax but I haven't tried Bullshops.. I think he has a resizing lube.

10-10-2006, 02:36 PM
If you can't get pure isopropanol anywhere else, look for IsoHeet gas line antifreeze at the auto parts store. Its not cheap but for lanolin resizing lube you shouldn't need much. Check the label to be sure you don't get the methanol version. The bottles are two different colors.


10-11-2006, 03:18 AM

Good to hear you got it working. I just tried this recipe the other day, so far it's worked great for bulk resizing of .30 carbine brass.

I bet the problem was probably the water content, I tried this with 91% Isopropyl alcohol bought at the drug store and while at first it looked a little questionable when I soaked the flask in warm water and agitated it all mixed up fine.

03-29-2014, 08:55 PM

The 91% percent isoproply will work OK but the water (9%?) in it will cause it to separate out after sitting for a while. You really want the 99% alcohol. It doesn't separate, but it's still probably a good idea to shake it a little before using it.

Here's a link to the instructions (http://www.frfrogspad.com/homemade.htm#Sizing) I used. I didn't have any trouble with the alcolol diluting and mixing with the lanolin.

The link mentions that the common rubbing alcohol won't work at all, so I would suspect that your "unknown" alcohol is rubbing alcohol.


Old thread bump...
Thanks for the awesome link.
Best Wishes

03-30-2014, 09:11 PM
Old thread with good information. I had stumbled across it a few years ago and adopted the lanolin/alcohol mix myself. For application I use a gallon or larger zip-lock bag with the brass in it, spray the brass with the lube and then seal the bag and tumble it in my hands to spread the lube. I then empty the bag into a colander to dry. This allows me to lube a large number of brass easily. To clean the brass I tumble it in a Thumler with SS pins and Dawn soap.

04-01-2014, 08:08 AM
Two tumbles it is I guess. Was hoping to get by with a wipe on the zip trim after sizing. Thanks

04-01-2014, 08:13 AM
I drop my spray bottle in the ulstrasonic for 30 minutes with the heat on and all of the lanolin dissolves or suspends.

04-01-2014, 02:04 PM
I bought lanolin off eBay, came in a tub and is a very thick, sticky, gooey paste. Thicker than axle grease. Tried to mix a spoonful of this with 91% or 96% isopropyl alcohol, can't recall which, and it wouldn't dissolve. Nasty mess.

Bought a bottle of Iso-Heet, the red bottle I believe, and mixed in a heaping teaspoon of the lanolin paste. Dissolved just fine, poured it in a spray bottle, works very well. It separates out, but a little shaking and it goes right back into suspension.

04-02-2014, 12:44 AM
91% Alcohol and Lanolin work for me in a spray bottle. I drop a couple of .357 SWC's in the bottle and shake the bottle before use.

Lloyd Smale
04-02-2014, 06:15 AM
problem is all lanolin isnt anhydrous. Some is water based and water based lanolin isnt going to mix as well with alcohol.

04-12-2014, 01:07 AM
Well I tried it. Mixed 16 oz alcohol with 4 oz lanolin oil. Out my 30-30 brass in a baggy a squirt or two after shaking. Shak and bake. Very nice and slick. I let it sit in the bullet tray for 5-10 min. Most all my cases have little ripple like marks around the shoulders. So I tried the 30-06 cases. Once again lightly and let the alcohol flash off same thing. I was stoked a out the idea. Now after trying it in really disappointed. The hole in the sizing due is venting I believe. Watsup reckon....sigh

04-12-2014, 05:32 AM
Try getting 99% at a pharmacy

Lloyd Smale
04-12-2014, 06:09 AM
Well I tried it. Mixed 16 oz alcohol with 4 oz lanolin oil. Out my 30-30 brass in a baggy a squirt or two after shaking. Shak and bake. Very nice and slick. I let it sit in the bullet tray for 5-10 min. Most all my cases have little ripple like marks around the shoulders. So I tried the 30-06 cases. Once again lightly and let the alcohol flash off same thing. I was stoked a out the idea. Now after trying it in really disappointed. The hole in the sizing due is venting I believe. Watsup reckon....sigh

your probably using to much. It doesnt take much to get good lubrication. Try cleaning your die out good and spary them lightly.

04-13-2014, 04:39 PM
Will do. And I thought I was goin at it easy too. Lol