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white eagle
11-12-2010, 06:31 PM
I am not sure how many of you have your own land and range but I do.
Apparently someone got a wee bit miffed at me shooting and called the township to complain but when they were told they didn't have a leg to stand on they tried to hang me for not getting a permit to build a shed .That failed to btw
I am not sure what or how do you all deal with these problems [smilie=b:
Its beyond me that there are not more people shooting as it is :Fire:

11-12-2010, 08:09 PM
oops, Democrat neighbor!

11-12-2010, 08:18 PM
Shoot more. Use larger firearms. Shoot the Holy Black when his house is down wind. Maybe he'll rethink his decision to move there. Maybe whoever replaces him will become a shooting buddy.



11-12-2010, 08:24 PM
First of all, I do live in the city. 18 years ago there was an ordinance against having your pickup parked in the driveway overnight. It was supposed to be in the garage. Well my car and my Harley go in the garage. I got a ticket. I was told by the guy next door that the busy body lady up the street had turned me in. The Harley got a brand new set of drag pipes and being it was 18 years ago I used to party a little later than I do now. A few 2AM passes past her house in first gear and some discreet conversation with other neighbors on the street and problem solved. Don't get mad, get even! :bigsmyl2:

11-12-2010, 08:36 PM
For the most part just ignore him. But don't forget to watch his back as well as he is watching yours (you know make sure he does everything by the book too). Of course a couple of 2am drive by's with a Harley wouldn't hurt either.

Jerry Jr.

11-12-2010, 08:47 PM
I was delightfully surprised at my neighbors! I live in a very small town and everyone knows everyone else. One neighbor said, "Heck, Ron, I've never heard a gunshot at your house!" That was after 7 years of range shooting. Then a business moved in on the end of the block, a diner. With all the motion, here came the varmints living in abandoned houses. I spent a few nights drinking coffee and shooting possums and skunks with a .22 Contender. This town has an ordinance that shotguns are legal, I have a .410 barrel for the Contender too.
They seem to have adapted to the same set of rules I have. They watch the neighborhood, watch the children, and dial 911 when necessary. All in all, we're tighter knit than I thought. Bless 'em all.


11-12-2010, 10:28 PM
I registered my range with the state many years ago, from advise from a friend in the Sheriff's department. Back at that time I didn't have many neighbors. Now I do. Once a range is registered in Montana, they play Billy Hell trying to shut you down.

11-12-2010, 11:27 PM
And if you do nothing at all, rest assured that someday they WILL get theeirs. What goes around comes around. I've a jerk living beside me, would rather call the cops than me. But he is running a failed septic system, OUT ON THE BACK END OF MY PROPERTY! [smilie=l: Someday, he'll remember his acts of kindness toward me. I'm just waiting until the required repairs top $50,000 and I'll be talking to the septic powers that be. Sux ta be him!
(And he thinks I don't know!:bigsmyl2:)

82nd airborne
11-12-2010, 11:39 PM
Id get a demolitions liscense too. Thatll learn em!

11-12-2010, 11:55 PM
Figure which ones that are doing it and report them for having child pornography on their computers. Anonomously of course.
Or otherwise set them up.
I have a range on my neighbors property across the driveway from my house.
He asked me if it would be allrght if he used it.
My neighbors are very carefull when dealing with me. C Y A.
And I did have a blasters license when I bought this land.

Life is good

11-13-2010, 12:03 AM
Nice thing about my area; EVERYONE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD IS A SHOOTER!! Saturdays get really noisy.
Let Freedom Ring (in your ears!):Fire::Fire::Fire:

11-13-2010, 12:17 AM
I live in town now (unfortunately) but grew up on the farm and lived in the country until I was 30. Things began to change when the city folk started moving out into the country.

Nothing against city people, but they sure do think different. When I was young, everyone knew everyone else to some degree, and if you had a problem with a neighbor you jsut talked to them about it.

One time a retired neighbor came and asked my dad if he would please refrain from pumping slurry (liquid cow manure) through the irrigation sprinkler onto the field down the hill from his house for the next week, because he was having people come to look at his house for sale. My dad laughed and said no problem.

Another time a neighbor we barely knew called and asked that I not shoot anything really loud that afternoon, as they were having company. Again, no problem.

Nowadays people just call the cops and act like jerks, more often than not it's city people bringing their city ways with them when they move to the country. Where I grew up we had a name for them: "D**n Californians!".

No offense intended towards the few decent and sane folks living in California.

11-13-2010, 01:29 AM
It is sad when the people next door have no compassion for there fellow man.

I was taught that if you "percieved" a possible problem with the guy next door you went, as a gentleman, and tried to work it out.

9 times out of 10 the issue was a simple misunderstanding or malfunction that had passed unknown ( hey it could happen).

The same applies with White Eagles range. If a neighbor had an issue with either the time of the noise or the noise level the correct action was to make a polite request.

Making an inquiry to the "city" is the work of a gutless coward. He, or she, is hoping to get someone else to do the "dirty" work for them while they hide in the shadows and giggle!

Once again a polite request can work wonders with this type of neighbor as well but for different reasons. This type will be confounded that you were able to deduce his, or her , identity and will then fear both legal and phyiscal retaliation and commence to keep a low profile in the future.

Living in L.A. you get that kind of jerk every once in a while and, so far, the simple request to be a polite neighbor has shut them up each and every time!

11-13-2010, 08:39 AM
When I lived at home before I joined the Navy I would shoot in the yard at my Dad's house. Targets and squirrels. The neighbor would complain all the time and called the cops a few times even. Went so far as to try to turn my Dad in for stealing playground equipment from the BOE. My Dad was a supervisor and was given all the older equipment which was installed all over our yard for the neighborhood kids and my little brother and sister to play on. He struck out on that one. Here's the kicker.......He is a retired Marine and a shooter/reloader!!!

11-13-2010, 09:29 AM
i went through much the same with a few untaged trucks behind my shop. the next time i will just set their house on fire and shoot them like the rats they are as they run out.

11-13-2010, 09:32 AM
Oh boy even though we live in the country when we built here we had ONE neighbor. I was all excited about being able to shoot when I wanted to when we got the house done (this was like 22 years ago...) and she had this stupid little dog she said was so scared when I shot that she had to give him tranquilizers so he wouldn't have a heart attack. The cops, DNR, etc were out here a dozen times. Finally the DNR cop got mouthy with me and told me you weren't allowed to shoot within xxx feet of a house. I explained to him that the law only provided that during hunting season, that I could damn well shoot at targets from my porch anytime I pleased and if I was under arrest I submit immediately.........

.............he dropped his eyes and grinned, made some comment about an educated redneck, blah, blah, blah...........I didn't think it was funny anymore. I called the Sheriff and had them come out and told them what the guy had done and said I wanted to press harrasement charges against my neighbors. The poor county boy about soiled hisself. He asked me not to do that and said he would go talk to my neighbors about the laws and that I did have a right to shoot whenever I wanted from my property and sent Mr. DNR packing.

Problem solved except in the next week I used up about a years supply of ammo off the front porch just to annoy the witch.

They eventually moved, property around me got sold, a bunch of Native Americans bought property around us, and we have one older neighbor living where the witch used to live.

....and every single one of us LOVES to shoot and we all get along great. A couple of us have Mini 14's and you should hear the 30 round clips going off once in a while.

That witchy neighbor even showed up at a zoning board meeting in 1992 or so when I opened my gun shop and was told by a County Commissioner that "Ma'am that property is zoned farm and forest agricultural. There's gonna be tractors running at all hours, farm equipment running, and yes Ma'am, even the COWS PASS GAS once in a while.............." I got the zoning set and have kept it ever since but I almost fell out of my chair from trying not to laugh.

Some people just have to be jerks...................


11-13-2010, 09:46 AM
All of my neighbors shoot, if I'm out behind my house shooting sometimes my cell phone will ring, it's the neighbors wanting to know if I want to come over and shoot with them. If I'm sitting in my shop working at my bench, the neighbors kids will sometimes show up at the back door and run me off my bench so they can lubrisize boolits for me. Last week I had one sitting at the lubrisizer with a batch of fresh Mihec 40 caliber HP's, another was sitting in front of the brass bucket and sorting brass into boxes. Their mother was in the swamp behind the house sitting in her tree stand trying to put brown down.

11-13-2010, 10:34 AM
white eagle
A).You need to see if what you are doing is legal and keep a copy of the laws that pertain.
B). You need to find out and talk (as a neighbor) to the person that has complained, Not to complain but to find out why they complained. If this person would be interested offer to let them shoot, If this person seems irrational write up the basic conversation and save it you might need it down the road. Also if there are not rational about your rights a trip to the police and the township with your fears that person has mental issues would be in order. I once had a complaint from former village about grass weeds to tall they refused to tell me who made complaint but did admit they did not inspect property and wrote a letter that it was a mistake for me. The only tall weeds I had was summer onions and raspberries while the neighbor had three unlicensed junk cars ? A month later I found out he was high and complained (from his friend). Then he got violation for cars and he is probably still mad at me even though it was someone else that complained (his Friend).
C). Start a log of all the BS going on times dates ect. even of what and why you have shot if you wish but include any problems you have and any code violations the neighbor has.
While talking to them it is a good time to look for code violations but that is not a good road to go down unless it is the only way.
My daughter has moved to Wisconsin (Dodge County) Beautiful there I Hope you get CCW reform soon I would like to visit more often.

Tazman1602 As you know In Michigan the 450 feet safety rule for shooting is for hunting only but DNR will tell you otherwise if they can that is why DNR stands for Damn Near Russian. If that guys supervisor was doing his job he would be written up for unethical conduct it is a shame no one will hold bad officers accountable.
I had a fiend in Lapeer county went though same thing he did go to court the court explained to the neighbor that he was doing nothing wrong. After that every time her dog came on his property he would take it to the pound as a stray and her cat got ate by coyotes so he got blamed for that but animal control told her that it was not the neighbor. My friend ended up contacting the land owner, she was renting, and he told her she needed to find a new place to live as he did not want problems because of undeclared rental income. He has had no problem with new people who purchased property as they shoot also.

gray wolf
11-13-2010, 12:58 PM
MEN !!!

Like I always say

Us that want to be left alone ---------------- and them that won't leave us alone. --

I live alone in my little camp and do as I please, (all within the law )

And when the jerks come up for a week or two for vacation--Well
They are one big liberal Democrat pain in my A$$. I can't stand the way they think.
I can't even listen to liberal radio, it makes be GAG.


11-13-2010, 01:47 PM
White Eagle, You could burn some alfalfa hay when the wind will take the smoke his way and see if he calls the police about you smoking dope! Or you could just burn some horse or cow manure when the wind is right at him to get a reaction. I actually laugh about the 911 calls to our county central dispatch about hearing gunshots. They aren`t sure from what direction the shots were fired, but are certain what type of weapon or even caliber fired them. I was turned in once several years back, PC - pre cancer, about automatic fire being heard coming from my range. I was shooting my Ruger Blackhawk .45 LC! The resulting immigration of city folk to the rural areas and bringing their problems about why they are moving here is a real pain for us locals that have been here all our lives and aren`t about to stop doing what we do just because the "tree huggers down the road don`t like it!Robert

11-14-2010, 03:38 AM
When I first moved into the home I'm living In now back in the mid 70's most all of my neighbors were retired, most of them went through the Depression and they had small gardens in their backyards, as did I also. Now when anyone spotted a groundhog in the area I would get a call to eliminate it, heck most of them were cooked and eaten and I was invited to many groundhog dinners, darn good eating. well we eventually got one of those D word neighbors, and she did nothing but complain about the gunfire. one year she decided to put in a garden, hired someone to till the plot and she had at it. one day she found out just how much damage a groundhog could do to a garden, and she actually asked me to get rid of it for her, I told her in a very nice way that I would be glad to, except that I dont do it anymore because of the complaints about the gunfire and I walked away, the look on her face was hard to describe, but she then realised the error in her ways, yep one groundhog equals one completley ruined garden, I had the last laugh on her ...................steg

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
11-15-2010, 11:38 PM
Just be glad if they are only "city folk"!!

If they are city and university folk, you now have major problems.

I worked at Washington State University for years. Finally moved out of the town because of the liberal pukes.

But then there is University of Idaho, located just over the border from Pullman, Washington. Sooooooooo although the U of I / Moscow, Idaho area is better the universities really bring a low life bunch of scum.

Here in Latah county - Idaho - a bunch of the scum tried to get laws passed against out door lighting at rural homes and farms.

Get this, Light polution!!!!!!!!!!

I can give you all the dark sky you want, and it ain't far from my door.

One problem as per shooting, is we have had it too easy for too long and didn't get ranges establised when we should have.

Lewiston, Idaho, about 45 min from here, and home of CCI, Speer, bitterroot bullets and other good ol'boys, can't even find another piece of land to set up a new trap range after the many years old range at the edge of the airport was shut down.

Be thankful for what we have left, but beware of all the city and university anti everything folk.

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot

11-16-2010, 12:15 AM
My being a thick skinned and forgiving Christian type, I'd invite them over for a day of shooting and BBQ'n. If that don't settle the mud in the water, nothing will. So only thing to do is not let any ordinance violation they have slide. Place some womens panties in his car/truck. Have a lady friend call his house when he's not home and angrily ask his wife to have him call Candi. Well... you get the idea

11-16-2010, 02:59 AM
You guys are lucky.
Here in the National Socialist Nation of Hawaii, we cannot shoot anywhere except at a approved range.
We only have one public range for the whole island.
Only open limited days and hours.
Hunting land is very limited and almost impossible to get a time.
No discharge of a firearm within city limits which today is the whole island.
Old timmers tell stories about hunting in the mountians behind their homes.
Makes me wonder if progress is all that good as we think it is.

11-16-2010, 01:52 PM
Nothing good will come from ratcheting up the conflict. You want to enjoy your property as you see fit and they want to do the same. In spite of your different understanding about the shooting issue, you both have a common goal.

Mutual respect and communication will accomplish far more than a Mexican stand off and increasing hostility. In order for this issue to be resolved, there must be at least one grown up in the equation. It might as well be you.

If you pay attention to those who are telling you ways to punish them and make the situation worse, you are going down the wrong path. No good will come of it.

11-16-2010, 08:49 PM
I am not sure how many of you have your own land and range but I do.
Apparently someone got a wee bit miffed at me shooting and called the township to complain but when they were told they didn't have a leg to stand on they tried to hang me for not getting a permit to build a shed .That failed to btw
I am not sure what or how do you all deal with these problems [smilie=b:
Its beyond me that there are not more people shooting as it is :Fire:

Get some exploding targets. They will have him crapping in his drawers. :twisted:

11-16-2010, 09:48 PM
It sounds like it's time to buy a case of Tannerite.

Tom W.
11-16-2010, 10:17 PM
I'll periodically step outside and unleash a round or two into a nearby pine or oak tree at odd hours , just to keep the neighbors honest...

white eagle
11-17-2010, 11:52 AM
I like that idea
cept the only problem with that is I may send it thru a trailer
yep the put a trailer court directly across the street from my property
that is where the trouble starts my bet
i have had enough I just my property for sale yesterday
I am out of there
I hope

11-18-2010, 02:58 AM
yea nothin good will come doin the payback. invite them to shoot off a few on a small cal rifle. get their interest. sell the home defence reasoning. help them find a good firearm that would suit them. recruit them. when you hear shots going off in their yard....... you win and have done a great service to your sport. gl.

L. Bottoms

11-18-2010, 04:28 PM
I'll periodically step outside and unleash a round or two into a nearby pine or oak tree at odd hours , just to keep the neighbors honest...

I thought I was the only one that did that. :drinks:

Frosty Boolit
11-18-2010, 07:52 PM
Was at my Parents house shooting small handguns and all of a sudden there is automatic fire coming from next door. We went over there and I was able to fire a MAC-10. Probably the last time in my life for full auto but at least I took advantage of the opportunity. This was only 50 miles SW of Cleveland and there are maybe 5 houses in a row with my parents being the city slickers, the catch: NOBODY even gave a ****.

11-19-2010, 05:43 PM
Kinda brings to mind the yo-yo's who build in the flight path of airfields and complain about the noise of aircraft. My dad always said "hain't nothin more rightious than a reformed prostitute!" Sort of applies I think!

11-20-2010, 12:10 PM
Hey you ain't got it too bad.
I live on a street which is 100% demecrat.
I was here first and do not intend to move
All of my neighbors are gun haters.

I get the police called on me at least once a month for "Having Guns"oohh the horrors of it all.
The local police (the one I like) is a retired Marine.
Came to the house the first time .
I showed him my setup.
we talked and he went away happy.
Tells the neighbors he will check and calls me to say they did it again. We have a laugh and forget about it.
Got a new neighbor across the street a couple of weeks ago.
Doesn't shoot but likes guns.
Came over and introduced himself and looked at my collection.
Said maybe he will have to start collecting himself.
Told him of the neighbor pitfalls and he just laughed and said that was their problem.


11-20-2010, 12:31 PM
I guess there is going to no where to shoot in the lower 48 states. i shoot my 747 Daisy at metal electric plates paintyed black at 15 yds. i dig them once and go back in the house. i shoot them when the neighbors are at work,

11-20-2010, 12:33 PM
My 747 quiet fun.Mounted a Ultra dot red sight on it. I can shoot better in low light with just my backyard spot lights on

11-23-2010, 08:00 PM
Bee keeper I had a similar experience in 1976 we were at a friends in the "country" shooting muzzle loading pistols and a little 45 cal cannon when deputy shows up. The neighbor a half mile away called the police deputy talked to us said we were doing nothing wrong but had to respond then fired our guns several times. The neighbor came unglued and drove over the deputy told him we were doing nothing wrong and told him to go back home if he could not get along with his neighbors. Some people are just not happy unless they can make someone else unhappy i bet he was a DEMONCRAT!

Just Duke
11-23-2010, 08:21 PM
Build a nice little house/shed like Mike Venturino shoots from. Should quiet it down alot.

11-24-2010, 04:12 AM
When I was a teenager, the neighbors called the sheriffs department on me for "having a machine gun."

We had moved to the country, and admittedly, I did shoot some on the back of the property, and occasionally I did some small game hunting as well. But that day, I wasn't doing either of those things.

The sheriff arrived to discover that I had a RUBBER BAND GUN. I admitted that the rubber band gun was fully automatic; every time you pulled the trigger, it would unleash every rubber band on it. My sister had one too, and we spent more time picking up rubber bands than we did chasing each other. The deputy laughed and drove away.

That was about the 4th or 5th time they called the sheriffs dept on me. After the incident I walked over to their house and calmly and kindly informed them that I would press charges for harassment if they called the law on me again, without good cause. I explained that I had the legal right to shoot on my parents property with my parents supervision, and that I only shot in safe directions, I assured them that I only owned legal guns, and I explained gun safety to them and their children. I also offered to let them come and shoot to feel more comfortable with the idea.

That was almost 20 years ago, and to this day, I can shoot to my hearts content at my mom's place without a problem. Too bad my Mom lives 7 hours from me.

11-24-2010, 12:20 PM
Gotta be careful, calling them people Democrats. I have some died in the wool Democrat neighbors, down the road, who would shoot a Vulcan Cannon in the yard if they had one. Lotta times we don't politically agree but they are still good neighbors (they are just misguided:p).
I have started calling the bad ones Liberals and have found them posing as Republicans.

11-24-2010, 11:22 PM
I call the bad one demoncrats.

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
11-25-2010, 12:08 PM
Ya, and it turns out that some of those "Demoncrats" are real obamnations!

Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot