View Full Version : That didn't sounds good!!

11-12-2010, 04:06 PM
I was doing a little threading the other day and all of a sudden the carriage started kinda stopping and going. The next thing i know CRUNCH! It took me less than a second to turn the machine off and dissengage the half nuts but the damage had been done.

Three gears in the QCGB damaged beyond hope. It looks like two out of the three are new damage but the leadscrew gear had been damaged for quite some time. I vaugely remember the guy I bought it from mention he didn't thread on it......now i know why! Oh well what you gonna do. A couple purchases on E-bay and the parts are on the way.

At least I get more familiar with my machine. Not too bad to take apart but that cone gear assembly is gonna be a bear to get back together I think.

home in oz
11-12-2010, 04:07 PM
It will be character building most likely

11-12-2010, 11:16 PM
oh bummer

11-13-2010, 10:56 AM
yep a crunch while machining is bad. So is a burr-ting-bang-clang-zip-LOL. really I went through a lathe just like yours once and it is really not too hard to do. Just have to find the gears..

11-22-2010, 11:01 PM
Re: "A couple purchases on E-bay and the parts are on the way".

Ya got VERY lucky there w/ the fleaBay parts, mate.

Years ago, I broke a pal's vintage Atlas while hoggin' out some receiver blanks for a couple .50 BMG Maadi-Griffins that we were building. I sized the leadscrew, bought the proper Whitworth tap @ local retail & proceeded to fabricate a new split nut for him outta bronze, because replacement parts were unobtainable. That lil' repair was about 4.5 hrs of work total.
The kritter still runs like a Swiss watch to this day ......