View Full Version : Old Style H&G Handles

10-04-2006, 02:09 AM
I bought a 4 cavity H&G # 68 mould from Wayne Gibbs in March of '95. It makes really nice bullets but the business end of the handles is too thick to fit my 4 cavity H&G #51 mould, which has thinner slots milled into the mould block sides. The # 51 is a bit older than the # 68. I'm not sure why there is a difference but there certainly is. When I acquired the #51 (as a gift) my buddy and casting mentor loaned me a pair of handles to fit it, with the stipulation that I would return them before I moved. I e-mailed Ballisticast a couple of days ago to see if I could purchase a suitable pair from them and am still waiting for a reply.

Does anyone here know of a pair I could purchase? Used but serviceable would be just fine. Thanks.


Lloyd Smale
10-04-2006, 05:10 AM
buy a used set and put them on the grinder.

10-04-2006, 08:13 PM

My newest Ballisti-Cast handles are 0.31" thick and fit the Ballisti-Cast four cavity moulds very snuggly.

Interestingly the RCBS and Lee 6-cavity handles are also 0.31" thick. Since the Lee's cost less than $13.00 new I might try theirs. If they are too thick just mill them down a bit.

Good luck.


10-05-2006, 12:11 AM
That would probably be the quickest route. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be checking e-bay, etc.
