View Full Version : removing ww clips form melt

11-07-2010, 04:13 AM
I was smelting a couple of buckets of wheel weights tonight and skiming the clips off as I always do ( I hate that part of the prossess). I had a strong magnet on my bench and decided to give it a try. It realy worked well I just passed it over the top of the melt and the clips picked right off leaving the melt in the pot (I am using moter oil to flux at this point) I was able to clean the clips off the magnet with a gloved hand with no hassle,and my production rate increased noticably.

11-07-2010, 04:25 AM
Depending on the magnet, heat can "de-magnetize" it, but it would probably take more heat than the clips transfer. That's a good idea, though. I use a slotted spoon with a wooden handle that I got from a junk store.


zomby woof
11-07-2010, 10:24 AM
I use a SS skimmer. It has 1/4" squares holes in it and is a good size. Works great for stirring and removing clips.

11-07-2010, 03:30 PM
I use an aluminum skimmer made for ice fishing.

11-07-2010, 10:37 PM
I use a King Kooker skimmer I got from Gander. Works well and *fast*.


11-08-2010, 07:35 AM
I was jogging one morning a few years back and spotted a speaker magnet, about 4" across, laying in the road. Took it home, drilled a hole through the center, screwed it to a short 1X2 board, and use it to suck them clips out of the melt! So far it has worked great, and there has been no noticeable loss of it's strength.

11-08-2010, 04:24 PM
I haven't tried the magnet, but seems like a PITA. You still have other crud to skim, still need a large spoon. I do fine w/ a large slotted ss spoon, pretty fast, scoop & toss in a bucket. No clips to pull off the magnet.

11-08-2010, 06:09 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me. My worry would be that the clips would fling lead out of the pot if they had any rotation as they left the melt.

I use a ladle drilled full of holes.

11-08-2010, 06:30 PM
Heavy one piece stainless slotted spoon works for me.I flux with parafin and it makes the clips let go of all the lead.

11-08-2010, 06:41 PM
I have a ss wire mesh dipper thing that I found at Wallyworld that works quite well for me.

I have read of others using a magnet and they seem to like the method.

I guess you try a few things and then decide what works for you. Then down the road be sure to pass your thoughts on to a noobie, so he can try several things also to find what works in his case.

If we all did things the same way...we would never find better ways of doing things.

Thanks for sharing your magnet idea. Have a good 'un, ~thecyberguy

11-11-2010, 11:30 PM
A Stainless steel fryer skimmer works good too. Got mine at a resale shop for $1.75

11-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Seems everyone has better 2nd hand shops that we do around here. I never find anything good!! LOL
Have a good 'un, TCG

11-13-2010, 11:50 AM
A Stainless steel fryer skimmer works good too. Got mine at a resale shop for $1.75

Is that a big round slotted spoon?

11-13-2010, 12:54 PM
For the guys using the magnets I have seen some that have lets say shield between the magnet and the object being picked up. To release the object the shield is pushed away from the magnet making it weaker. I think if you had a round speaker magnet with the hole in the middle and you made a shield with rod in middle it could also be your handle. Pick up clips then grab magnet pull it up the rod clips should fall off shield, I hope I explained what I was trying to enough to get my point across.

11-16-2010, 10:55 AM
i use a lead slotted spoon, will that work? ;)


D Crockett
11-16-2010, 11:40 AM
Rick P WOW man what a idea some of you know I do love to make things some have got my smelting pot , ingot moulds and other stuff I make I am going to have to try this idea out I have a speaker magnet with T handle wielded to it that I use to get my clips out with any way thanks for the idea D Crockett

11-16-2010, 01:15 PM
My magnet has a 1/4 x 14" long rod attached. With clips attached, one rap of the rod on the edge of a five gallon metal pail discharges the clips into the pail, and back for another load. Fast.

Tom R
11-16-2010, 11:30 PM
today I put my ww on a wire and pulled out all of the clips at once. I was surprised how well it worked. Any one else done this? Fyi today was my first time melting ww.

12-01-2012, 04:05 AM
Heavy one piece stainless slotted spoon works for me.I flux with parafin and it makes the clips let go of all the lead.

yes the wax lights and coats the metal and all lead dropps off into the melt works great

12-01-2012, 06:52 AM
I use a LARGE ice fishing skimmer spoon.

Got it at Walmart. It was cheap, has a large spoon area, lots of holes for lead to drain through, and picks up LOTS of clips at a time.


12-01-2012, 07:51 AM
I went to the dollar store and picked up a stainless steel "holey" soup spoon for $1

762 shooter
12-01-2012, 08:36 AM
I use this to quickly remove clips. It is a LOT faster than a slotted spoon.


I flux with cedar chips for pet beds. I used to try to skim off all the carbon, but now I just push the carbon to the side and pour into ingots. After the lead is out of the pot, I just empty out the trash.


12-01-2012, 09:28 AM
I use a LARGE ice fishing skimmer spoon.
LOL, they don't sell those here in the heat of Texas....:shock:

12-01-2012, 09:54 AM
I flux with cedar chips for pet beds.

I think I read on here somewhere that cedar gives off some toxic stuff as it burns. You might want to switch to pine bedding instead.

762 shooter
12-01-2012, 11:44 AM
Everything gives off toxins as it burns. The pleasant outdoorsy campfire odor imparted to my neighbors far outweighs the possibility of toxicity. If I was the worrying kind, I would be worried about the wax, motor oil, hydraulic fluid, rubber, plastic, saliva, dip, or smoking tobacco juice as it burns.

Thanks for the warning Elkins45. Didn't mean to sound snippy.


12-02-2012, 08:38 PM
Just ask the communist nation of California. EVERYTHING is toxic in there eyes. Breathing is an act that should be taken lightly as it had been proven to be carcinogen.