View Full Version : what is this world coming to?

11-03-2010, 10:57 PM
just was over at the inlaws and seen the bed cover off the back of my old international
yeah, the one that i WAS storing some old truck[ the big ones from 8 oz to over one lb] and old stick-on ww's in, [from the late 70's through the 80's] under the topper.
completely sorted,no garbage, before zinc was even thought of ww's.
and all 8 buckets are gone.
that was my stash and had taken forever to scrounge them up.
i am so upset, i can't believe someone took them to begin with.
and i am sure they got a whopping nickel per pound for them.
i think i am still in shock.
I have a semi idea whom it was, and hope i can get more info.

11-03-2010, 11:04 PM
MAN, that really chaps the hind end! If you find out for sure who it was, I think I'd offer to give 'em a few more ww's---in a much more refined form! A liar irritates me, but I can shake my head and walk away. Now, a thief on the other hand... Only use I can think of for a scrounging little thief is something to take out the day's frustrations on---repeatedly.

Sorry for the loss, brother.

11-03-2010, 11:05 PM
Sorry for your loss! Check with the local scrap dealers - wheel wts that old/large shouldn't be hard to find. I hope you find the thief!

11-03-2010, 11:28 PM
Wow, what people will just plain steal these days. They dug up a copper wire out of a conduit pipe I installed to run to a house site several years ago.
Keep the S/N of all your weapons too guys, they do find about 80 percent if you report the guns and serial numbers.:evil:

11-04-2010, 12:32 AM
That really sucks R5R, I keep all mine ingotized and locked up because I had to pay full price for most of it.


11-04-2010, 02:06 AM
That's terrible. I had to pay for all my lead, so it's all under my workbench, so it's indoors and locked up. I hate scrap thieves possibly even more than regular thieves. They cause thousands of dollars worth of damage just to score a few bucks at the scrap yard.

Suo Gan
11-04-2010, 02:09 AM
Probably a class C or B felony in your state considering the replacement value. Then there is breaking and entering and criminal trespass. Prior convictions mean more time. My state has to take down DL# and thumbprint with each purchase of scrap. Have the cops handle this one. When you find them, sue them in small claims for retail replacement. Did all this a few years ago with a trailer full of aluminum irrigation pipe...$10 grand worth, a scrap dealer went down too. The dumb ass sold it for $150. A thief is a brain dead piece of trash not worth the powder to blow to hell. Pretty much all meth zombies who would sell their mother to a gang of thugs to get high. And they want anarchy... if that happens it is going to be open season and I am buying tags.

11-04-2010, 04:41 AM
Even the meth morons can read KITCO tables online. All my casting metal stays secured inside my garage, mostly because of the scrapper speedfreak parasites that infest our society. It is not a bad idea to keep your stash ingotized and stamped with an identifying mark or alpha-numeric series. I wouldn't suggest a Driver's License number, but my ingots all contain my initials and old ID# from work. That way, when reported to police and they tour a scrap yard--they can seize the metal as being identifiable as stolen property. This assumes that the yard man hasn't rendered/smelted the stuff yet, and most such folks aren't the most highly-motivated souls on the face of the earth.

11-04-2010, 08:36 AM
What a bummer. Hope you can find the thief and get your lead or money from him. Prosecution/conviction might be the best you can do.
I live way out from town and I still feel like I have to keep my smelted/unsmelted lead inside my locked shop.
Good luck, jmsj

home in oz
11-04-2010, 09:39 AM
Someone stole four cords of firewood from us out at the farm.

The misbegotton ones had to use a four wheeler to get it out of the heavy woods.

That REALLY annoyed me.

11-04-2010, 10:23 AM
a person i know who lived alone and went to her mothers house for a few weeks , to care for her after a operation , returned home one day and all the copper water pipes had been ripped out of the house and stolen . and the thevies did not compleatly or perposely left the water leaking which partialy flooded the basement ! they never did find out who did it !

11-04-2010, 11:03 AM
there's very few things i dont understand in this world ... thieving is one of them or should i state the selfish greed behind thieving ? i know too well the violation and anger one feels when their house is broken into and ransacked , i've also seen the stupidest stuff stolen - my fav ? i had a old cow skull i kept out in my rock garden ( 'bout the only garden that doesnt die on me ) i set it on top of a ant hill , it was old and weathered and not worth anything , yup someone stole it -ants and all , i'd of gave it away had some but asked , it was crumbling and not good for anything but fertilizer , i even got the person on tape doing it ( no clue who he is tho - sum older kid or young adult ) while i've seen alot of the ravages the senseless suckers cause when they steal metal, rarely do they go after lead , seems like too much work for most of them , amigo u have my thoughts and the hope that u get all or some back

11-04-2010, 11:17 AM
Just the other day someone stole a large flowerpot, including the common variety flowers, out of the front yard by the street. Yep, folks are getting hard up to make ends meet and is the only reasoning behind that theft. Only mad for an hour or so once realizing nothing can be fruitfully done on my end. ... felix

11-04-2010, 11:22 AM
This brings up alot of bad memories for me when I had stuff stolen. I despise theft, and will leave it at that. Hope you can recoop or make up your loss. John

gray wolf
11-04-2010, 12:19 PM
Men I hate hearing about things like this, it just frost my butt when people take from other people. Specially poor folk, not that it matters if yerr poor or rich.
It just ain't right. I had to save for two months just to get some corn Cobb for my tumbler.
Like I always say
" there are folk that want to be left alone--and them that won't leave them alone "
I think I might get a bit Pi$$ed off if I saw someone taken my stuff.
Anyhow I hope you get it back 10 fold, and I feel bad for you.


11-04-2010, 12:23 PM
I suspect Runfiverun may be in a touchy situation; reading between the lines.
He said his stash was at his IN-LAWS. Not to impugn his mother or father-in-law, but, well, lets face it, most of our wives have cousins. And some of them figure if it ain't nailed down, it's theirs.
"Welllll, don't be too mad at Cletus, he ain't ever been too bright. He's got 3 kids all drawing State Idiot Checks he has to support."
I love my in-laws to death; but I'd be REAL careful what I left laying around their place.

11-04-2010, 12:30 PM
Thats a tough one for sure. I feel for ya.

cajun shooter
11-04-2010, 01:04 PM
Scrap yards are under some of the same rules as Pawn Shops in that they can't take anything in without proper ID. In the past they could get by buying stolen items but no more. We have had a rash of new construction jobs having all the copper tubing stolen out of the walls. Also fore closed homes. They are being caught when the cops collect the info from the scrap yards. I would be at any scrap yard within 100 miles. That much lead will make it a felony theft. That much lead was not moved very easily or with out help. Sorry for your loss. Don't call them on the phone and notify local police.

11-04-2010, 01:10 PM
I'll never understand the mentality of a thief, either. Like most, I've had stuff stolen from me before. Over a decade ago, someone broke into my truck and stole four guns (I got one back- cops found it). VERY important to keep serial numbers.

Sometimes the consequences catch up with thieves and dirtbags. Several years ago a friend of mine had a bunch of copper fittings and irrigation pipe stolen from his farm. He was so furious that he spent the night in the barn with his shotgun for a couple nights, hoping they would come back.

The deputy that took the report told him that he knew who did it, and was very frustrated that he couldn't put them away. Two local dirtbags had a long history of that sort of thing, and he was certain it was them. He had caught them red-handed before stealing pipe right out of the field, but the judge gave them a slap on the hand and let them go. He even mentioned the scrap yard that they dealt with.

My friend went down there and was sure that he recognized his stuff in the yard, but when he asked about it they chased him off. He came back with the cops, but couldn't prove anything. The cops made them show them the receipt for the metal, and it was one of the suspects girlfriends, but again, no way to prove it was his metal.

A couple months later there was a fiery crash a few miles down the road from where he lives. Two guys had stolen a car and had a couple cans full of stolen gas in the back. They took a curve too fast, flipped over in a ditch, and caught fire. Passersby couldn't get them out, and had to listen to their screams as they burned to death.

Yep, it was them. Call it karma, call it divine retribution- a small taste of hell before they get there. That's a BAD way to go. There but for the grace of God go I...

11-04-2010, 01:14 PM
Even the meth morons can read KITCO tables online. All my casting metal stays secured inside my garage, mostly because of the scrapper speedfreak parasites that infest our society. It is not a bad idea to keep your stash ingotized and stamped with an identifying mark or alpha-numeric series. I wouldn't suggest a Driver's License number, but my ingots all contain my initials and old ID# from work. That way, when reported to police and they tour a scrap yard--they can seize the metal as being identifiable as stolen property. This assumes that the yard man hasn't rendered/smelted the stuff yet, and most such folks aren't the most highly-motivated souls on the face of the earth.

In general, marking all of your valuable stuff with some sort of unique identifying mark is a good idea.

11-04-2010, 01:16 PM
it was purposefully left there in the old truck [mine], for weight in the winter so they have something to drive if he can't get the car out of the driveway.
it's not a family issue, but as these things go, it's a small town.
and they do live out of town quite a ways.
i'm looking into it, if i's whom i think it is he will be sorry.
i am not sure on replacement value, but buying it would be in the dollar a pound range, plus shipping, for 8 buckets of ww's at about 160 lbs each.
just over 1200 lbs.
over a years worth of shooting. and a back-up source for if i ever got super low on lead.
it was about half of what i got though.

Charlie Two Tracks
11-04-2010, 06:28 PM
That is a bummer to say the least! People will try to steal anything they can. Sometimes it doesn't work. A few weeks ago a couple tried to steal some copper wire. The problem was............. it was still hot! The guy was killed and the wife was seriously burned. The kids were in the car. The kids are in foster homes right now. I feel bad for them.

Suo Gan
11-07-2010, 01:34 PM
it was purposefully left there in the old truck [mine], for weight in the winter so they have something to drive if he can't get the car out of the driveway.
it's not a family issue, but as these things go, it's a small town.
and they do live out of town quite a ways.
i'm looking into it, if i's whom i think it is he will be sorry.
i am not sure on replacement value, but buying it would be in the dollar a pound range, plus shipping, for 8 buckets of ww's at about 160 lbs each.
just over 1200 lbs.
over a years worth of shooting. and a back-up source for if i ever got super low on lead.
it was about half of what i got though.

Yeah, Its gonna be a felony...if you can find them.

Charlie Two Tracks
12-20-2010, 07:27 PM
Any news on the Lead that was stolen. Just wondering.

12-20-2010, 11:28 PM
One of my crew had an 100 lb. Lead ingot out in the yard, with his dog tied to it. Came out and found both the ingot and the dog were gone... The dog came back a couple days later, no sign of the ingot. He needs a meaner dog if he's going to do that!

12-22-2010, 10:42 PM
Well, the dog anchor market is UP lately...

Long time ago I went to tow vintage race cars in Steamboat.
Left a cooler full of homebrews strapped on the toolbox while we went in to eat.

Hope they got sick.

12-25-2010, 02:10 PM
The one I really dont understand is people have been stealing decorations from our grave yard. The officer that came when a deer I had made for my BIL grave was stolen said he just might pistol whip the person if he caught them. Like Felixs' flowers what are they going to do with them?