View Full Version : Building a Cast Boolit 308

11-02-2010, 09:39 PM
I have a

Fabrica De Armas 1947

Fabrica de Armas 1952

FN (98 style no other markings)

Brazilian 08 34 30

A 24 inch surplus barrel left from the time when Israel was converting 98s to 308.

I have had this barrel (and the actions for a while) and since it is like a mirror inside and I have 308 brass, dies, 30 cal molds I think they should come together for a cast boolit shootin stick.

Of course my Mauser book is MIA around here some place so I can not refer to it now when I need it.

Are the Spanish actions going to be "soft" . . . will it matter on a cast shooter?

Opinions and knowledge solicited from the learned ones here!

11-02-2010, 11:37 PM
From your actions listed I would consider the FN action 1st and the Brazilian second. And not even consider the other two. While there isn't anything wrong with the two spanish actions I'd hedge my bets and go with the ones mentioned. Frank

11-04-2010, 03:19 AM
Good morning
+1 on the FN . I have read of all sorts of 35 whelens and 8 mm rifles built on them.
Last one I had was in 7x 57 and was as good as any Mauser action I own now.