View Full Version : Scored .... !

John Boy
09-29-2006, 09:33 PM
Thirteen pounds of 99.9% Tin @ $6.13/# including shipping ...[smilie=1:
Was bored the other night, so started browsing eBay 'Reloading' ... all 27 pages - then Bingo, a Buy Now!

They are 2# ingots. So, now I have to find my 8oz strap decoy anchor weight mold and re-melt them

09-30-2006, 12:41 AM
John Boy;
You really don't have to remelt the tin. Just get yourself an inexpensive postal scale, and melt off what you need. For instance, if I need 4oz to add to my lead, I just melt off 4 oz. in the melt and check weigh the remainder on the postal scale.

It is really quick and offers excellent accuracy and best of all, it is easy.


09-30-2006, 11:17 AM
I wouldnt be blowing my horn just yet. Its pretty easy to fake pure tin. I was buying in ingot form from a certain source at one time as pure tin but it seamed to be the leaded veriety so I wont by in that form again. Now I get tin in 1 lb extruded bars stamped pure tin from foundry.
Find a source that you know is pure and stick with it. Be vary cautious buying any ingots from auction. By the time you can figure out what you have the inspection period is over and by not returning the product you have willingly accepted the product and cant rightfully complain.
I get tin from John Walters for a reasonable price. Last shipment was about 5 months ago and price was $7.00 lb + shipping. He will ship flat rate.

09-30-2006, 02:14 PM
I buy cast tin bars (99.99+%) from Art Green here in Los Angeles. They have foundry marks and come with a certificate of the analysis. Price varies slightly above $7.00/pound. When you bend the bar it makes a strange creaking sound. These bars are easily cut into small pieces with garden shears.


09-30-2006, 08:01 PM
Do you have Mr. Green's address or a contact number. I'd like to arrange to pick some up.

John Boy
09-30-2006, 09:40 PM
Bullshop, I believe I can trust this eBay vendor to be honest and straight up. I have bought several molds from him before and all descriptions have been as advertised or better.

10-01-2006, 12:11 AM
OMGB Try 310-274-1283 or
Art Green
485 Robertdon blvd
Beverly Hills Ca. 90211
His smelter is in sun valley,( near Van Nuys), and he has a work space in Beverly Hills, so call ahead of time and he will have what ever you want waiting for you. The last time I was there he even came out and put money in the parking meters for me. my truck took up at least 5 parking spaces, and he didnt want me getting a ticket. DM
He has a small catalog if you ask for it, and can make any alloy you request.

10-01-2006, 12:33 AM
As DM indicates Mr. Green is a very nice guy to deal with. He has been a metallurgist for many decades and knows his stuff. His "office" in Beverly Hills is jam packed with metal and orders waiting to be picked up. If you visit in person be prepared for some long discussions ! :) :)


I will be picking up some tin bars in the next couple of weeks. If it is not convenient for you to drive into Beverly Hills I can pick and mail whatever you might need. Parking on Robertson Blvd. can be a nightmare !


10-01-2006, 01:09 AM
Actually, i drive through Sun Valley every day on the way to work. I was hoping I could pick up the bars there.