View Full Version : Firelapping ML??

10 ga
10-31-2010, 09:37 PM
I need to lap ML barrel.
1. I'm thinking of using patched roundball with patch "lubed" with lapping compound.
2. OR I can use REAL boolits. Have RB and REAL boolits available.
3. What grit for this do you reccomend? I'm thinking start with 600 and finish with 1000 or 1200. OR go with 800 and finish with Flitz, etc... good start finish combo?
4. Anyone with firelapping ML experience? Please give your process and results.
5. OR should I just lap by hand? Done that before but wanting to try the firelap thing.

Where is best place to pick up some "Clover"

Thanks, 10

10-31-2010, 10:26 PM
lap by hand.

10-31-2010, 11:57 PM
I prefer to hand lap a barrel before breeching it. I have fire lapped a couple,though.
I have a Judge Ressell(sp?) barrel on my Beckwith rifle. He is the guy who taught Bill Large how to make barrels. The bore was absolutely perfect, but the grooves looked like they had been made with a chain saw. I shot it a few hundred rounds, trying to smooth it out, but it still cut patches. So, I embedded some fine valve lapping compound in my patches. I don't recall the grit at this time. I loaded about 10 grains of powder, and fired a half dozen shots, cleaning between shots. Test fired again, still getting a bit of patch cutting, so I believe I ended up firing another 4 or 5 shots. That took care of it. It's been 25 years ago that I did this, so some of the details are dim now. DeanD shot this rifle most of the competition season last year, and can tell you it is still a great performer.

11-02-2010, 04:21 AM
I am not sure if the REAL bullets will work or not, I never tried them.

I fire-lapped a 58 cal using the hollow base mini-ball bullets, the instructions I had found said to use Black powder FFFG not a replica powder, as you want the faster extra kick to expand the hollow base on the bullet when using low charges.
I do not remember if it gave an exact amount to use or not, but I do remember it was way less than any hunting load.

I think I fired 10 fire-lap loads and it smoothed it up a lot, before the file-lapping it was very hard to push a mini-bullet down the barrel after firing it 3 times unless you cleaned the bore, after I was able to reload the 10th time with ease.

Michael Grace