View Full Version : Horses, guns, and zombies! 10:00 tonight on AMC

10-31-2010, 12:55 PM
Attention zombie shooters! The series, "The Walking Dead" premeirs tonight on AMC. Looks like a good one, a cop wakes up from a coma to find the dead walking around, he grabs his Colt Python, a stash of shoulder-arms and takes advatage of a terget rich enviorment while looking for his family.

Check it out here; http://www.amctv.com/originals/The-Walking-Dead/#1288540924046 Looks interesting, lots of guns, he gets a horse, and shoots zombies...What more could you ask for?

10-31-2010, 09:43 PM
almost forgot about that, thanks.
looks like 11 mountain time.

10-31-2010, 10:46 PM
Inspired by true events..............

10-31-2010, 11:38 PM
Inspired by true events..............


This is almost believable.

BTW...It was pretty good.

10-31-2010, 11:57 PM
"The Walking Dead"

Glad you said something. I saw the title on the channel guide and thought it was a new documentary on Washington DC.:redneck:

11-01-2010, 06:28 AM
Hey, it wasn't too bad! Heck of a lot better than those stupid "reality" shows. I don't know what a Kardasian (sp?) is, but I don't want to keep up with one.

11-01-2010, 06:51 AM
Hey, it wasn't too bad! Heck of a lot better than those stupid "reality" shows. I don't know what a Kardasian (sp?) is, but I don't want to keep up with one.

Their mom married Bruce Jenner the Olympic gold medal winner.

11-01-2010, 07:37 AM
Glad you said something. I saw the title on the channel guide and thought it was a new documentary on Washington DC.:redneck:

No, they're vampires!

11-01-2010, 08:27 AM
Inspired by true events..............

Stay alert! Looks like it happens in Ga!:shock:

11-01-2010, 09:41 AM
Too bad the horse became a zombie brunch and the idjit got trapped in the
M1!! :oops:

Not a bad show, but I keep groaning about his tactical choices. :groner: Will keep watching to see what happens. :Fire::Fire::Fire::popcorn:

11-01-2010, 10:56 AM
maybe they can put in some commercials next time.
probably the last time i'll see this show.

11-01-2010, 11:01 AM
maybe they can put in some commercials next time.
probably the last time i'll see this show.

Why's that? I thought it had a pretty good beginning. I just hope it maintains a level of intelligence, like the old BBC series, "Survivors" (nothing like the current reality show) that ran on PBS back in the 90s. I'm still angry with PBS for ending it before the series ran it's course.

11-01-2010, 11:42 AM
It is based upon true events

Notice how the zombies took over Atlanta

11-01-2010, 12:35 PM
Was there more than one episode last night? I turned it off at 11P.

11-01-2010, 12:59 PM
Was there more than one episode last night? I turned it off at 11P.
Nope. The single episode aired.
Then, it came back (zombie-like) to air continuously until killed with a shot from the remote.

His tactical choices?
I think the thing which keeps the viewer watching is wondering what dumb stunt the guy will try next...

Since it is what I thought it would be...'realistic' drama based upon the impossible...I probably won't bother to watch, again.
The Trilogy of the Ring made more sense to me...


11-01-2010, 01:31 PM
Stay alert! Looks like it happens in Ga!:shock:

You better believe it brother! I can't reload ammo fast enough.

11-01-2010, 02:33 PM
Watched it this morning. Pretty good, sort of a 'Justified' set in 'Zombie Land'.

Damn shame about the horse...


11-01-2010, 02:43 PM
The DVR is set for every new episode, I watched it last night, I liked it.

11-01-2010, 04:31 PM
I thought Rick, (the deputy) did o.k. Gotta remember, he was in a coma during the plague and woke up right in the middle of "walkers" going around eating people. He doesn't have the benifit of experiance yet, but I'm sure he'll get there. I have no idea why he chose the horse instead of siphoning some gas out of the truck that was there and and driving his patrol car, but I didn't write it. I just hope the series maintains a level of intelligance in the plot, (yeah, I know, zombies-intelligance?:veryconfu Oh well...).

11-01-2010, 04:38 PM
You better believe it brother! I can't reload ammo fast enough.

They haven't made it here yet, (well, maybe that one old guy on the ridge, but he's slow...) so I'm going to print off some multiple zombie scenes and use them for timed rapid fire targets and practice a little.:lol:

Good luck to you, RugerFan!

11-01-2010, 05:50 PM
What horse? I musta missed the last couple minutes or something. Last I remember the black guy was unable to put down his zombie wife and Rick trailed the half body zombie throgh the park. I dunno, that was 2 hours past my bed time, maybe I dozed off.

11-01-2010, 06:16 PM
Yeah, you musta been sawing logs! Rick, (the deputy) starts off for Atlanta in search of his family, runs out of gas in the patrol car and walks to a farm, saddles up a horse and rides into Atlanta on him. He hears an aircraft, rides around a corner and is confronted by many-many zombies! The horse skids, falls, Rick runs as best he can, slips under an abandon tank while zombies attack and eat the horse. Zombies crawl after him, he scurries throught the escape hatch into the tank, shoots zombie in tank and seals himself in...That pretty much ends things for episode 1. I think it was an hour and 1/2 long. Oh and his partner, wife, and son are outside Atlanta hole-up with some other survivors and hear Rick's patrol radio asking if anyone else is alive around Atlanta, (they don't know it's him) they try to answer via, radio, but can't get through to warn him of the zombie hoard.

11-01-2010, 06:31 PM
Repeat of episode one will be Friday at 9pm central.

11-02-2010, 01:52 AM
................Does only a headshot put a zombie down, or does a few 'Center Mass' have the same effect? I think I'd like an auto 12ga and tootle around in a 4x Suburban with the back full of 3" shells loaded with #2 shot. For starters, anyway :-)

Oh, didn't see the show.


11-02-2010, 06:37 AM
Thanks Hick.

11-02-2010, 07:34 AM
................Does only a headshot put a zombie down, or does a few 'Center Mass' have the same effect? I think I'd like an auto 12ga and tootle around in a 4x Suburban with the back full of 3" shells loaded with #2 shot. For starters, anyway :-)

Oh, didn't see the show.


It's still head shots only, and these zombies are worse than the ones George Romero created. These, "walkers" are quicker, (if they're still fresh) and apparently a scratch has much the same effect as a bite, and they'll even eat animals.:shock: The good news is, the virus, or what-ever only effects the living, no long dead digging out of graves here.:grin:

I know it's silly, but I just love a good zombie movie with lots of shooting!

11-02-2010, 08:00 AM
I know it's silly, but I just love a good zombie movie with lots of shooting!

You aint the only one...
I think ive been hooked ever since I watched the original "Night of the Dead" when I was 8 or so and it scared the **** out of me

Village Idiot
11-02-2010, 10:07 AM

Oldhickory forgot the cut scene. After killing the zombie inside the tank with the berretta he got off him, he locks himself in the tank. He is sitting there contemplating what to do next. Outside the horse was being torn apart and the tank was swarmed with zombies. The way he was flopping the gun around his head, it looked like he was thinking about capping himself? The radio crackles in the tank. “hey you, you in the tank, ya you stupid”, he just looks at the radio dumbfounded as the scene cuts.

The show name was “Days gone by” and is on again Friday 10 pm, Saturday 2 am, and Sunday 2am. Next show called “guts” is on Sunday at 10 pm. Looked it up on the satellite.

Bushot, only head shots put them down but 00 buck and aim a little higher should do the trick at closer ranges.

44 Fanatic & Oldhickory, I agree. I am a sucker for a good zombie movie also. Wife was not impressed though and watched next top model, dancing idiots or or some other stupid show in the other room. She wonders why i spend my time at the loading and casting benches Bah.


11-02-2010, 07:50 PM
It WAS good, I was actually impressed with it...but i like zombie movies. I watch 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later about once every two months. But those are FAST zombies...like ZombieLand...the big rule is "CARDIO", can't be a fat boy trying to outrun the undead!!

11-03-2010, 12:02 AM
there is nothing better than a zombie hunt, god I love killing zombies, I live in maine, we have lots and lots of zombies, just ask mr. king. :)

11-03-2010, 12:22 AM

I'll watch it when I get around to it...


11-03-2010, 01:27 AM
It's still head shots only, and these zombies are worse than the ones George Romero created. These, "walkers" are quicker, (if they're still fresh) and apparently a scratch has much the same effect as a bite, and they'll even eat animals.:shock: The good news is, the virus, or what-ever only effects the living, no long dead digging out of graves here.:grin:

I know it's silly, but I just love a good zombie movie with lots of shooting!

.............Well darn. I really dislike zombies that can run. That's just so dang tiring:-) I get the whole zombie schtick as it's violence without remorse. I mean, they're simply animated cadavers and since they're already dead anyway, and mean to do you harm, well .................. Whatever it takes is okay. I isn't like they're some type of superhuman alien from outter space, so you don't have to be a physicist to create deadly weapons. Just think of all the available targets for exspansion testing :Fire:

Many years back on 'The Highroad' BB, they had an archived post by some very talented and imaginative person who'd done a bunch of descriptions of alternative movie scenes for the de rigueur ones. Like you KNOW the monster (or whatever) is in the basement, right? But the young sexy half dressed heroine and the clueless idiot she's running around with seem to NOT know that, and decide (for some reason) they really have to go into the basement too? The alternative to that was something like (I don't recall exactly) the heros says, "Wait a minute. Let me toss a couple of uncle Ted's frag grenades down there first".

That's a pretty poor example as they were actually really well done, and it had me in stitches. There were several having to do with zombies also and as I said they were well done and very funny. Of course if people did those things vs what you see in the movie the whole production would only be about 15 minutes long! :drinks:


11-03-2010, 09:53 PM
They haven't made it here yet, (well, maybe that one old guy on the ridge, but he's slow...) so I'm going to print off some multiple zombie scenes and use them for timed rapid fire targets and practice a little.:lol:

Good luck to you, RugerFan!

Oh I bet they're in PA too. Watch your six cuz they are everywhere! Well I've got first watch tonight, so gotta load a few more mags and get out to the LP/OP. :shock:

11-04-2010, 12:55 AM
BIG Zombie/Dead movies/Romero fan here – and really digging the first episode!

Anybody into the more obscure, try this: DEAD SNOW (http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi2978087705/)


11-04-2010, 10:21 PM
Actually you can watch it online free here: http://www.mania.com/watch-walking-dead-11-days-gone-bye_article_126237.html

I've got it on right now.

11-07-2010, 08:52 PM
Episode II tonight at 10:00!

11-07-2010, 09:04 PM
Great series! Idont find the "Boob Tube" very interesting. i did better when I had 3 TV stations .Later you had UHF/VHF. Now 100 channels of nothing. You got guns ,zombies, and great make up. What else could you ask for and keep it PG 13

11-07-2010, 09:07 PM
oh yes about the tank scene. You military guys may know that the tank used does not have a bottom hatch. But there is a thing called poetic license

11-07-2010, 09:16 PM
Dvr is set
Got the girlfriend hooked also.

11-07-2010, 09:22 PM
If you are into Zombies rent "Zombie Land" with Woody Harrison and Bill Murray in a cameo role

Village Idiot
11-07-2010, 09:43 PM
If you are into Zombies rent "Zombie Land" with Woody Harrison and Bill Murray in a cameo role

That was a funny one! Now I'm craving a twinkie.

11-07-2010, 10:01 PM
George Romero's, "City of the Dead" is pretty good too...Pittsburgh!:shock:

11-07-2010, 10:04 PM
If you are into Zombies rent "Zombie Land" with Woody Harrison and Bill Murray in a cameo role

Oh ya, that's hilarious!.....er.....I mean, a good documentary.