View Full Version : whats best way to smoke alum. mold

09-29-2006, 04:15 PM
I tried a match to smoke the .323 dia. Lee mold, but I only succeded in smoking the edges. How do I get it up inside the mold.

09-29-2006, 04:22 PM
I and many others seem to use the butane BBQ fire starters you can get at the 99cent store. Smokes up a storm! :)

After smoking the mould I warm it and let it set for a few minutes to make sure any resulting moisture has evaporated away.


09-29-2006, 07:17 PM
i just recently tried midways mold release spray.... I wont be messing around with smoking molds ever again! Ive been smoking with mixed results for a few years. never was able to be impressed with it. One thing that did seem to help the most was to heat the mold up first. but that didnt help much for getting the smoke into the cavity.

so my advise is get some mold release... youll be glad you did

MT Gianni
09-29-2006, 07:30 PM
Make sure that you are working with the tip of the flame as that is where sooting will occur. If your mould is too close you will cool the flame so that is soots at the edges of the flame cone not at the tip. Gianni.

09-29-2006, 08:05 PM
Following what MT Gianni said, be sure you smoke the mold when it is hot so there's no possibility of condensate forming. This allows a more even coating to be deposited in the cavities.

09-29-2006, 09:16 PM
Assuming a smooth cavity and no nicks or burrs, I find a clean cavity to work best.
No smoke, no release, and no beating on the handles.

However, I think temperature (of mould and alloy), and the alloy type have an effect on the contraction of the bullet away from the cavity walls as it cools and solidifies.

All of the moulds I actually use are alumunum.

09-29-2006, 11:16 PM
I use to smoke molds ----but find it much better to polish the mold cavity with a buffing compound like 3m---works for me---- and boolits come out shiny also---provided your mix is good---I have been using---50% WW---40%range scraps and 10% babbitt---made some 357----158swc today and they came out nice----good luck----Mag

09-30-2006, 12:12 AM
I've tried to smoke molds, but they don't fit in my pipe and they are really hard to light:mrgreen:

sorry I couldn't resist[smilie=1:

Actually I have been using the midway mold release spray also and it seems to work well so far