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10-29-2010, 09:24 AM
for my big sister tho she'll never get to read it


my sister she slips silently away
no pitter patter or sleek of feet
no sound even from angel's wing beat
a tear for the girl i once knew
another for the woman to which she grew
and a smile as she starts her journey anew

free at last she leaves her chains
those that hurt tormented and enslaved
eased only by the opium's narcotic crave
shrunken and frail hardly one i know
much less that girl from long ago ...

safe journeys sis ...
see ya on the other side

MT Gianni
10-29-2010, 11:27 AM
Nice poem Fryboy. Sorry for your loss.

10-29-2010, 09:12 PM
my humble thanx amigo !

on the brite side ...she's free at last , way to young but her suffering is over and that is the important part and for her the end was easy , i hate drugs but i hate to think of how much more agony she would of been in had they not been there , women plz i cant stress this enough do the self check ups and if u have concerns for the love of god and ur loved ones see the dr.!!! perhaps some day they will actually cure cancer instead of just using it as a money maker , i kinda doubt it will be better under obama care ..... so catching early is important ! happy trails e.j.....:cry:

10-30-2010, 10:50 PM
I am sorry for your loss and offer my condolences. Curdog

10-31-2010, 01:19 PM
coming from a curdog ...that means alot to me , i've always considered myself an american mutt , the true heinz 57 so to speak aka much like a curdog , my humble thanx amigo ! my loss is nothing compared to the freedom my sister gained and while i'm logical enough to know that and to rejoice in the memories shared there's still that empty spot that i know in time will ease , be well amigo

10-31-2010, 11:42 PM
Sorry for your loss, J. Brighter days ahead.


11-02-2010, 12:01 PM
Fryboy, you have my prayers in addition to my respect now.

11-02-2010, 01:25 PM
thanx amigos , as some may note my communications skills vary with the interpretation , the same holds true to my prose , this one is a bit more emotional for me than many i have scribed ( the subject matter and inspiration figures heavily into this one ) and i rarely share even the normal ones let alone ones that cuts my heart so deep....you humble me deeply , my thanx and may the sunshine illuminate your darkest of days