View Full Version : Groups are hard at work (trying to ban lead)

10-27-2010, 11:46 PM
They are right on our heels trying to ban lead bullets and sinkers. Sorry to get you all going, but we can't just sit on our back side and let it happen. Here is a little good news.

10-28-2010, 12:07 AM
Thats already old news.
Not being rude , just factual.

10-28-2010, 07:21 AM
Just keeping it on the fore burner. I'm not trying to be stupid. We can't take it for granted that this subject is all covered.

It could be devastating to the fishing industry in WI. Also it would include a big chunk of Lake Superior & Lake Michigan fishing industry. and that's huge.

I'm not letting this go, just because it's all be talked about. I co mingle with a couple people that still think lead will get into you blood stream just by touching it. Some think if you drop a lead fishing sinker in your yard, everything is contaminated. Not many, but enough of these people can can cause a concern and spread untruth.

10-28-2010, 08:48 AM
An article dated 16 Sept is recent enough for me. I'm glad the EPA denied the request, but the anti-leaders certainly won't give up.

old turtle
10-28-2010, 08:58 AM
Just another way the green police can try to stop or reduce fishing or anything else they want to control. They know they can not ban fishing or fire arms so they will do everything possible to make it difficult or make major devices (guns etc.) useless.

10-28-2010, 11:35 AM
if they banned cars and trucks there goes ww's ...even the nasty steel and zinc ones , of note that tho they got shut down on the ammo how many of us still fish ??? or mite ever want to again ? or want ur grandkids too ? i wont deny that the primary target was shooters , their secondary target is still in their sites and anything these groups push isnt good (bleepin spaz's)

10-28-2010, 12:11 PM
I love how all these idiots get some grand scheme in their head that they really don't know jack-squat about, then decide that their tunnel-visioned lunacy must be forced on everyone else...

I say we find a nice patch of isolated land somewhere, build a 20' wall all the way around it with armed guards to prevent escape, and round up all the "greenies". Dump them all in there with nothing but loin cloths and say "here ya go--be green and live in harmony where you can't inflict any more stupidity on the rest of us..." Hypocracy abounds among the self-righteous--beware, they're everywhere.

10-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if a group of Counter-Greenies, spied on those who are bound and determined to ban lead, oil production, etc.!? I wonder how much of THEIR lives are consumed by oil. You know how much stuff is made with petroleum????!!! Plastics, lubricants, etc. -- Like you say Rangefinder, they are hypocrits to the bone! They all drive cars (and not the electric ones either!), they shop at strip malls, buy a million items that are petroleum derived, etc. Id love to see their personal lives held up for the public to see...like Al Gore (Jetstream aircraft, mansions, limos)! Now that everyone can see what a two-faced guy he is, no one is believing him anymore...its all hot air!

10-28-2010, 09:08 PM
They all drive cars (and not the electric ones either!)

Ok let's assume that they all drive electric cars... Where does that electricity come from?? There is some that comes from wind, water and solar. The vast majority, however, comes from coal burning plants and almost 75% of US electricity is made up from burning fossil fuels. (Coal, Natural Gas and other petroleum sources.)

These people that drive and push for these electric cars haven't reduced pollution they have made sure that the pollution created was somewhere else that they didn't have to look or think about.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2008_US_electricity_generation_by_source_v2.p ng

old turtle
10-28-2010, 09:35 PM
RedneckAlbertan is 100% correct. These clowns never think about that, or what is involved in making and deposing of their beloved batteries.

10-29-2010, 01:57 PM
Yes, this is all true. It is clearly a back door way to make life difficult for shooters.

However, I have to say that people are also hard at work trying to ban handguns, motorcycles over 100 HP, and other such enjoyable toys. Once this current regime' is ejected from Washington, things will get better for all of us. It is cyclical, and we will make it through.

10-29-2010, 02:59 PM
I love how all these idiots get some grand scheme in their head that they really don't know jack-squat about, then decide that their tunnel-visioned lunacy must be forced on everyone else...

I say we find a nice patch of isolated land somewhere, build a 20' wall all the way around it with armed guards to prevent escape, and round up all the "greenies". Dump them all in there with nothing but loin cloths and say "here ya go--be green and live in harmony where you can't inflict any more stupidity on the rest of us..." Hypocracy abounds among the self-righteous--beware, they're everywhere.

I know I know,,,tell them all there is a big gathering in LA,,,,then put a couple strategically placed nukes under ground on the san andreas fault, and give them their own island to do as they wish. Then they can paddle they way over to alcatraz for vacations. But mainland USA is off limits,,,mandated by common sense.:smile:

11-02-2010, 07:35 AM
I say we find a nice patch of isolated land somewhere, build a 20' wall all the way around it with armed guards to prevent escape, and round up all the "greenies". Dump them all in there with nothing but loin cloths and say "here ya go--be green and live in harmony where you can't inflict any more stupidity on the rest of us..." Hypocracy abounds among the self-righteous--beware, they're everywhere.
Make sure to dump at least 1,000 each of the following animals in there also since they always complain and want them protected and reintroduced to areas, Grizzly Bear, Wolf, Cougar/Mntn Lion, Coyotes and to many Prairie Dogs to count.

Michael Grace