View Full Version : First deer

10-20-2010, 07:39 PM
I know this is the revolver section but thought I would keep you up to date. I missed a deer the first day when I hit a branch and was rewarded with a big "CLANK."
I didn't see a thing this morning so went out this afternoon. Seen a small one and a while later I was watching a big doe but I lost her behind trees. Then this one walked out in front of me at 20 yards. He went about 30 yards before folding.

10-20-2010, 07:44 PM
nice lookin buck:bigsmyl2:

10-20-2010, 08:22 PM
NIce buck, Jim! Congrats!

10-20-2010, 08:24 PM
nice lookin buck:bigsmyl2:
Thanks, but I don't eat horns anyway. The lady that owns the property is coming to help butcher and wrap. I gave it to her and her sister. I need to get them 3 more.
I can hardly wait for gun season so I can lay them low with revolvers.
Deer are running ragged here, nothing to see 30.
There are a few 12 pointers running around and a 14 pointer. Maybe Whitworth will be lucky!
I will take young deer or a doe every time for myself. Been known to have a big buck and a doe walk by and I shot the doe! :holysheep
I am a confirmed meat hunter! Had too many big bucks that were made of smelly granite! :groner:

home in oz
10-20-2010, 08:39 PM
Good deer! Good shot!

10-20-2010, 11:55 PM
I don't have NEAR the experience deer hunting with revolvers that you do, but I have taken several with .44 Magnum revolvers (my Model 29 Smith is my "fair weather" revolver and my Ruger Red Hawk is my "bad weather" revolver).

I'm "afraid" that I have to agree with you AGAIN!:mrgreen: I am a confirmed meat hunter, myself (at least I was before I got too old and feeble to drag my own deer out of the woods:sad:)

Although, it MUST be said. Here in SW Ohio, the deer are bean and corn fed and even the bucks in rut seem to be sweet. The last deer I took, was a ten point buck, in season, and every scrap of him was MORE than just edible - it was delicious. I have cooked deer from the mountains of WV, that did NOT have the benefit of beans and corn and they were so rank you had to open the windows while cooking them.

I will admit, however, even around here, that my first choice is a nice doe.


10-21-2010, 12:20 AM
good on you

10-21-2010, 09:58 AM
I don't have NEAR the experience deer hunting with revolvers that you do, but I have taken several with .44 Magnum revolvers (my Model 29 Smith is my "fair weather" revolver and my Ruger Red Hawk is my "bad weather" revolver).

I'm "afraid" that I have to agree with you AGAIN!:mrgreen: I am a confirmed meat hunter, myself (at least I was before I got too old and feeble to drag my own deer out of the woods:sad:)

Although, it MUST be said. Here in SW Ohio, the deer are bean and corn fed and even the bucks in rut seem to be sweet. The last deer I took, was a ten point buck, in season, and every scrap of him was MORE than just edible - it was delicious. I have cooked deer from the mountains of WV, that did NOT have the benefit of beans and corn and they were so rank you had to open the windows while cooking them.

I will admit, however, even around here, that my first choice is a nice doe.

Being from Ohio, I know what you are saying.
I went to PA every year and shot a lot of small doe under the same tree. One would be good and the next was awful. :twisted:
Here in the eastern panhandle of WV, deer are good.
The very worst deer I ever shot was an OLD gray Ohio buck. I bought a pressure cooker just for his meat and you still needed a chainsaw to chew the thing. The meat was rank too. It stunk! That made me quit putting buck meat in my freezer. After all, nobody goes to the store and buys meat from a 20 year old milk cow. :mrgreen:
I just never fell into the trophy hunting thing, I let the big boys breed.

gray wolf
10-21-2010, 01:16 PM
Nice going and very well done.

Here in Western Maine the Deer hunting has been --well not so good.
At least in the area that I can drag my old bones to.
Coy dogs and bad winters have taken there toll. No Doe permits for the third year now for Franklyn county.
This is bad for us cause we depend on the Deer for a lot of our food.
But I must say that when I do get a Deer it taste just fine.
Anyway back to you--nice job and good luck with the pistol hunting.


10-21-2010, 01:26 PM
Nice job
I totally understand what you are saying, thats why I havent hunted deer much in the last few years, because I want to eat the meat not just look at the rack.Last year every deer I saw looked like they were on crack!!Matter of fact last two years they looked horrable was at the check in station last year on opening gun season day and these deer these fellows brought down had more tics on them than I had seen on deer in a long time.We will see what this year brings:)


10-21-2010, 04:54 PM
Deer is cut up and GONE! :drinks:
I was taking the scraps down in my woods and booted a huge buck right below our chicken coop, 10 or 12 point. I hope he makes it through the season.

Lloyd Smale
10-22-2010, 06:35 AM
nice buck. ive shot a bunch of deer this year doing crop damage shooting with rifles and handguns but my bow hunting and been the ####! The deer just arent moving and i had one crack at a small buck and missed it cleanly. I need a kick in the but though. Ive been so busy with other things that the first time this year i picked up my bow was the day i missed that deer. I guess I deserved it. Oh well at least i didnt wound it.

10-22-2010, 09:41 AM
44man did you use a 44cal or 45 cal broadhead?:popcorn:


10-22-2010, 10:33 AM
44man did you use a 44cal or 45 cal broadhead?:popcorn:

[smilie=l: Actually it is 1.00 caliber. Big Snuffer!

10-22-2010, 10:36 AM
[smilie=l: Actually it is 1.00 caliber. Big Snuffer!

oh, I always heard 45's were better.

10-22-2010, 11:02 AM
nice buck. ive shot a bunch of deer this year doing crop damage shooting with rifles and handguns but my bow hunting and been the ####! The deer just arent moving and i had one crack at a small buck and missed it cleanly. I need a kick in the but though. Ive been so busy with other things that the first time this year i picked up my bow was the day i missed that deer. I guess I deserved it. Oh well at least i didnt wound it.
Same here, I didn't shoot all year so I chose my lightest bow and still don't know How I drew it. It is 74# but gives me trouble in the evenings. It makes deer jump the string. No trouble in the mornings. It is a Browning Maximum Hunter and I stuck every damper on it I could find. I can't hear it but the deer can.
I guess I have to go to another bow. I can't afford one of the new ones that cost more then a good revolver.
I have been convinced for years that some bows give off a high frequency sound that scares the heck out of deer. A sound we can't hear. I have had deer get out of the way at 10 yards.

Lloyd Smale
10-22-2010, 01:38 PM
thats what sucks about bows more then anything to me. to buy a good one your looking at at least 600 bucks and in two years its making noise and about needs to be replaced. At least a 6 gun is still going to be around when my great grandkids want to shoot it. My nephews like it though. they just take turns waiting for me to get discusted with my bow and take them and use them for 5 years and kill deer with them after i think there allready junk. There kind of upset at me now. I bought a new mathews last year and there fighting over it allready and i went and bought a cross bow this year (but havent used it yet) i told them that that mathews will probably last me 5 years now! By the way why such high poundage. I used to shoot 80 lb pull bows but now a rarely pull over 60. Its just easier to pull smoothly, the lighter poundage bows seem quieter and last longer and my longest shots are probably 20 yards anyway.
Same here, I didn't shoot all year so I chose my lightest bow and still don't know How I drew it. It is 74# but gives me trouble in the evenings. It makes deer jump the string. No trouble in the mornings. It is a Browning Maximum Hunter and I stuck every damper on it I could find. I can't hear it but the deer can.
I guess I have to go to another bow. I can't afford one of the new ones that cost more then a good revolver.
I have been convinced for years that some bows give off a high frequency sound that scares the heck out of deer. A sound we can't hear. I have had deer get out of the way at 10 yards.

10-22-2010, 04:04 PM
thats what sucks about bows more then anything to me. to buy a good one your looking at at least 600 bucks and in two years its making noise and about needs to be replaced. At least a 6 gun is still going to be around when my great grandkids want to shoot it. My nephews like it though. they just take turns waiting for me to get discusted with my bow and take them and use them for 5 years and kill deer with them after i think there allready junk. There kind of upset at me now. I bought a new mathews last year and there fighting over it allready and i went and bought a cross bow this year (but havent used it yet) i told them that that mathews will probably last me 5 years now! By the way why such high poundage. I used to shoot 80 lb pull bows but now a rarely pull over 60. Its just easier to pull smoothly, the lighter poundage bows seem quieter and last longer and my longest shots are probably 20 yards anyway.
I like heavy arrows and heavy boolits. I bought the bows long ago so I am stuck with the weights and arrows. My heaviest is 82# and is dead quite but I need to shoot a lot to get used to it. I shoot fingers with it.
My friend seen a deer go by with a bright green arrow waving from her back, maybe 4" of penetration. LIGHT ARROW. They stop FAST.
If I bought a new bow I would still look for the heaviest arrow I could shoot from it. 60# would be a 2219. I shoot 2317's and 2419's from my bows with 125 gr heads. Most carbons are too light.

Lloyd Smale
10-23-2010, 05:34 AM
I to dont care much for carbon arrows and never saw any reason to go to them. I use 2219s and a 125 grain broadhead at 60lbs. Youve got to have a tough set of fingers pal. Back when i used heavier bows i too shot with fingers. You have to be good and practice alot to do it though. I have to admit to switching to a release about 10 years ago. Hate to admit it but it gives me a little more latitiude in years like this one where i get to lazy to do enough practicing. The main reason i switched to a lighter bow was one year i again got lazy and about a week before season grabbed my bow and went out and shot about a 100 arrows one day without working up to it. I ended up pulling a muscle in my sholder and just about missed deer season because of it.

10-23-2010, 01:46 PM
Good for you ! Another corn cruncher for the table.
That is one thing I do miss down here.. launching razors from my recurves..

10-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Nice little deer.
Just like the 1 I shot w/ my black powder rifle here in UT. this Mo.
Where do you live that you see that many deer & get to shoot more than1??????
Mine was the only buck or deer I saw, did see 2 cow elk though.
Hope to be able to go on a cow elk hunt during the Xmas break from the school I teach at.

10-24-2010, 12:00 AM
Boom Boom;
I live in Ohio. Ohio is divided into three zones. Zone A number of deer taken is limited to TWO. Zone B the number of deer taken is limited to FOUR. Zone C the number of deer taken is limited to SIX.

I live in Zone B, where the deer are bean and corn fed. Best venison ANYWHERE. Please excuse my exuberance - I can't help it:bigsmyl2:


What is really hard to realize, when I was living on a farm during WW II (yeah, I know, Ancient History) we had NO deer in Butler County (Zone B). Now, we are over run with them. I live in an urban sub-division in a town of 70,000 or so. I am not at all surprised to find deer feeding along the curb lawn or casually jumping my yard fence. A doe dropped a fawn in my neighbors back yard this spring. Unbelievable!


10-24-2010, 10:40 AM
LFN or WFN water dropped or air cooled :)


10-24-2010, 10:55 AM
I went out last afternoon and had deer behind me, seen seven but heard more in the woods. A few of the largest doe I have seen in a long time, pushing 200#. Then my friend shot and I heard "Clank, clank, clank" He seen a drop tine buck and hit branches, bent his arrow so I had to fix it.
The deer behind me jumped into the woods but came back in a while. Then they walked off. Later I had one to my right and a six point behind me. No shots.
Don came back this morning but I would not get out of bed. He took my little machine to his stand but only seen one doe on the wrong side.
Just takes time to get a deer in the right spot for the bow, I could have piled up many with the revolver. :bigsmyl2: Have to relax and enjoy the time in the woods but I did fall asleep for 40 minutes in the stand. [smilie=l:

10-24-2010, 02:32 PM
>>>Have to relax and enjoy the time in the woods but I did fall asleep for 40 minutes in the stand.<<<

I have had some of my best hunting opportunities while falling asleep or just waking up from an impromptu nap... I have actually had game, both small and large, wake me up in time to take the shot. Don't tell anyone, tho', I wouldn't want them to think I am anything other than a REAL Daniel Boone (Hah! Hah!).


Wayne Dobbs
10-24-2010, 02:59 PM
Sleeping in a deer blind is one of the greatest gifts we get from the Lord!

10-24-2010, 03:50 PM
Sleeping in a deer blind is one of the greatest gifts we get from the Lord!

10-25-2010, 08:58 AM
A good morning in GA. A buddy of mine invited me up for the weekend with the promise that I KEEP shooting. He is trying to thin the heard. I hunted an afternoon (no shots) and one very good morning.:Fire::mrgreen: Ten hours each way but well worth it for me. Only downside...as an invited guest I only brought home a backstrap (gone![smilie=1:) and a ham.


10-25-2010, 10:23 AM
A good morning in GA. A buddy of mine invited me up for the weekend with the promise that I KEEP shooting. He is trying to thin the heard. I hunted an afternoon (no shots) and one very good morning.:Fire::mrgreen: Ten hours each way but well worth it for me. Only downside...as an invited guest I only brought home a backstrap (gone![smilie=1:) and a ham.

Nice, but I would have given you all of the deer. You shoot them, you eat them, better bring a BIG cooler. :drinks:
I think GIVEN is the wrong word, they were your deer to start with. I don't understand why you took home so little meat!
Hunt with me and if I shoot one and you don't, you will take mine home with you, ALL of it! If you shoot three, you better have some way to take the meat home. Something about the "buddy" thing does not jive.

10-25-2010, 12:17 PM
Nice, but I would have given you all of the deer. You shoot them, you eat them, better bring a BIG cooler. :drinks:
I think GIVEN is the wrong word, they were your deer to start with. I don't understand why you took home so little meat!
Hunt with me and if I shoot one and you don't, you will take mine home with you, ALL of it! If you shoot three, you better have some way to take the meat home. Something about the "buddy" thing does not jive.

I'm cool with it. He had lots of folks that wanted to help him "defend his garden" and he choose me. Plus, it keeps me motivated to hunt hard in the public swamps down here for more!!!:bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2: Like you.....I'm not done for the season, and all is well with me. He would have "given" me more if I told him I really wanted it...but he knows I hunt and these are going to those who won't get the chance this year! By the way, nice going on your deer.:drinks:

10-25-2010, 02:32 PM
I'm cool with it. He had lots of folks that wanted to help him "defend his garden" and he choose me. Plus, it keeps me motivated to hunt hard in the public swamps down here for more!!!:bigsmyl2::bigsmyl2: Like you.....I'm not done for the season, and all is well with me. He would have "given" me more if I told him I really wanted it...but he knows I hunt and these are going to those who won't get the chance this year! By the way, nice going on your deer.:drinks:
I am fine with that. If he gives to the needy or those that can't get out, it is great.
I wish you luck for the season.

10-25-2010, 05:17 PM
Same here, I didn't shoot all year so I chose my lightest bow and still don't know How I drew it. It is 74# but gives me trouble in the evenings. It makes deer jump the string. No trouble in the mornings. It is a Browning Maximum Hunter and I stuck every damper on it I could find. I can't hear it but the deer can.
I guess I have to go to another bow. I can't afford one of the new ones that cost more then a good revolver.
I have been convinced for years that some bows give off a high frequency sound that scares the heck out of deer. A sound we can't hear. I have had deer get out of the way at 10 yards.

Somehow I thought you might be a traditional bow shooter kind of guy, well at least you use Snuffer's.

I have used a traditional bow my whole life (about 50 years now)and bought a Black Widow back in 1990 when they were a hunting tool instead of a fashion statment. I know some will say I'm lying but I have never had a deer jump the string when shooting a properly tuned recurve or longbow. If you never have tried them you owe it to yourself to give them a try. I shoot a 65# @ 30" with a 600 grain arrow tipped with a Zwickey Eskimo or Delta and have always gotten complete penetration. Every deer I have shot never knew that I was there or it was shot. Most walk about 30-40 yards and fall over or lay down and take their last nap.

Nice thing about recurves is that they are still the same bow in 20 years and you don't feel out bowed by the latest and greatest advertisements. Boring if you like to buy new things for hunting but an utterly dependable killing machine with a sharp broadhead and heavy arrow.


Lloyd Smale
10-26-2010, 06:47 AM
they laugh at me when were doing crop damage shooting. the other two shooters will put a deer or maybe two in the freezer and not want more until thats gone but not me. I want every deer we shoot! I tell them id rather buy another freezer then give it away! then we found out the butcher shop that we do drop deer off at that is suppose to be butchering them for the food bank had gotten 10 deer from us and the food bank hadnt got a scrap of meat. He has an old folks on at his house and was probably feeding them to his clients to save on his food bill. Needless to say they have to pry them out of my truck now to give any of them away! Id much rather give it to my family and freinds.

10-26-2010, 08:49 AM
2shot, I still love a good recurve but all I owned eventually broke. The best ever was the Wing Presentation II. I killed maybe 100 deer with recurves before I went to the compounds.
I made two bows, one osage and one hickory but don't shoot them enough. Talk about STACK! [smilie=l:
I look at the prices today with shock.
Lloyd, I did buy an extra freezer but the wife filled it too! :killingpc

10-26-2010, 11:57 AM
I look at the prices today with shock.

+1 on that! For both recurves/longbows and compounds too!

Funny you mention bows braking. The only one I had break was an old Indian Archery bow that broke when I got to full draw. Top limb snaped in half and the top piece coming back and hit me in the forehead. :holysheep Felt like I got hit with a hammer.

10-26-2010, 02:42 PM
+1 on that! For both recurves/longbows and compounds too!

Funny you mention bows braking. The only one I had break was an old Indian Archery bow that broke when I got to full draw. Top limb snaped in half and the top piece coming back and hit me in the forehead. :holysheep Felt like I got hit with a hammer.
It is scary! :shock: I seemed to have the worst luck with bows breaking right before the season.
My hair stands on end when I look at arrow prices too. I have always made my own but parts use up a whole SS check anymore.