View Full Version : shipping M/L via UPS

Forty Rod Ray
10-18-2010, 09:08 PM
Friends, what is the latest information on shipping front loaders through UPS? I have read their regs and is's not clear to me.

I would appreciate your opinion.

Forty Rod Ray

10-18-2010, 09:43 PM
They do not fall under the Federal firearms act and can be shipped UPS. They should be able to be shipped through the mail also but I don't know that for a fact. UPS is how they usually ship them when you buy one through the mail. Some states do have restrictions though.

10-18-2010, 11:53 PM
You can ship ML's through any common carrier, as they are considered a non-firearm. I usually send one every week or two through the post office.

Forty Rod Ray
10-19-2010, 10:25 AM
Thank you fellas, I took the little Italian rifle into local USPS (boxed, but not sealed). It was just too much for the ladies running the store. They read the "reg" book for twenty minutes. While no-one could find the exact chapter and verse, after ten minutes deliberation, I was judged guilty by the brueaucracy. After 69 years, experience has shown me that one must choose his battles wisely when debating postal authority.

So, I'm off to the OOPS store... Wish me well..

Thanks again,

FR Ray

10-19-2010, 01:02 PM
Thank you fellas, I took the little Italian rifle into local USPS (boxed, but not sealed). It was just too much for the ladies running the store. They read the "reg" book for twenty minutes. While no-one could find the exact chapter and verse, after ten minutes deliberation, I was judged guilty by the brueaucracy. After 69 years, experience has shown me that one must choose his battles wisely when debating postal authority.

So, I'm off to the OOPS store... Wish me well..

Thanks again,

FR Ray

They were caught up in their ignorance. I've shipped three FedEx and they agreed no problemo. UPS is the same only with ignorant employees.

10-19-2010, 07:57 PM
A wise man once told me" don't ask a question if you don't want to here the answer" P.O. employes tend to freak out about gun stuff so less said the better and allot of the smaller offcies don't know allot of the stuff they never deal with.

uncle joe
10-19-2010, 08:13 PM
we must remember where the term "going postal" comes from

10-20-2010, 03:05 AM
.............At the post office they don't see a lot of rifle shipping done, as centerfire rifles WILL ship USPS, and ML'ers are the same as lawnmowers to the feds. I had to ship a 1856 Enfield Repo back to Navy Arms just after UPS regurgitated their requirement that all handguns had to go 2nd day Red Label (due to their OWN admitted employee theft).

I was told by the not so nice UPS lady at a REAL UPS hub it had to go Red Label. I explained that was handguns only but she refused to listen or go look. I was allowed to drive back home, get on the net to find the customer service number for UPS. Talked to a lady who confirmed my understanding.

I asked if she would PULEEEZE contact the UPS hub in Loma Linda, CA and advise those &*^^%#@_ fine folks there who treated me like poo-poo, and wasted 2.5 hours of my time, of the facts as I was heading back down there now. When I got back down there I was treated like I had leprosy but the nice folks DID accept the package. However, they did NOT thank me for making the arrangements to get their personal butt's straightened out on their own firearms policy :-)


10-20-2010, 10:15 AM
I think that at times they do know their rules, but they're antis and just want to be a pain in the neck.

10-21-2010, 07:44 PM
Postal workers are not known for knowing the rules very well, and with that said, I've generally found them to be genuinely trying to do a good job.

Please, Please, when you have a question, call your local Postal Inspector. I've had to only once, and she was VERY helpful, and took care of my problem with a phone call and called me back within 5 minutes and my cartridge rifle was shipped immediately, (as I had left it at the PO and they were going to hold up shipment 'til they could decide what to do). She was professional, knowledgeable and went out of her way to get my rifle shipped.

FedEX is another story. I had to call the area supervisor, who immediately knew the rules and called the local FedEx office and told her underling to ship the gun, and the clerk refused HER BOSS's order! She called me back incredulous, not knowing what to do when an employee refused an order from her. I never did get that rifle shipped, with them, but I did tell her I knew how to handle it, send her looking for other work for insubordination!!