View Full Version : Alignment pin problem....

09-25-2006, 12:20 AM
Hi Guys.

The front alignment pin fell out of one of my Lee 6 bangers. I let the mould cool and pressed it back into place.

On my next casting session, the damn thing fell out again.

I'm thinking the pin is either slightly undersized for the hole or the hole is a little too big. Either way, it won't stay put. I guess the hole in the aluminum expands too much with the heat.

Any ideas to keep it in place? Epoxy? JB Weld?

Any suggestions would be muchly appreciated.



09-25-2006, 12:36 AM
How much over/under sized is it? If it's very close a hit or two on the side with a 4 ounce hammer may be able to distort the pin base enought to wedge it into place when it is tapped back in. As far as adhesives go I would think if you rough up the pin and the hole anything that can handle the heat would hold fine.

09-25-2006, 01:22 AM
The pin holds fast when the mould is cool but starts to slop back and forth when it heats up.

I did some checking and JB Weld will hold up at 500F but only for a short time at 600F. How hot do the mould surfaces get during casting? I've never really checked.



09-25-2006, 01:40 AM
I've never checked either but I don't think JB Weld will hold up for you. What if you try cutting a small piece off of some .001 shim stock as a wedge or try to expand the pin and reinsert it while it is hot. I don't think an adhesive is the answer to this one unless there is one I am not familiar with, which is always a possibility.


09-25-2006, 02:56 AM
This will hold it....

Lloyd Smale
09-25-2006, 04:56 AM
ive had other 6 cavitys do the same. Send it to Lee and they will replace it

09-25-2006, 10:13 AM
.............Just knurl it. No knurl, then use a chisel. The pin needs to be laid in a groove in a board, or similar so it doesn't go shooting off into some other time dimension (these are located under workbenches and other heavy immoveable objects). Put the chisel on it lengthwise and give it a whack. Rotate it a smidge and do it again. Repeat 5-6 times and you'll have some dandy lengthwise ridges cut into it with raised metal on either side. Drive it back into the mould block and you should have no more problems.


09-25-2006, 12:17 PM
I've had the same thing happen to one of my 6 bangers. I fixed it by loctite'ing it in with Loctite Retaning. I'm pretty sure it is Loctite #607. Worked well for me and has never come apart again.