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10-15-2010, 10:39 PM
anyone have a link?

10-15-2010, 11:04 PM


10-15-2010, 11:45 PM
Way I understand it he does not do any tests, just writes down what someone else does and takes the credit for it.


10-15-2010, 11:50 PM

Lloyd Smale
10-16-2010, 06:46 AM
I know for a fact that that is bs.
Way I understand it he does not do any tests, just writes down what someone else does and takes the credit for it.


10-16-2010, 07:13 AM
I have been reading his stuff for some years and he makes it clear that he does his own loading and shooting. One article in particular I remember, he was shooting some of the buggest handguns with max charges. He said a day of many many heavy recoils made him sick and he had to lay down with a massive headache. Thats dedication! I have always liked his articles.

10-16-2010, 07:47 AM
This is not specifically "tests" but it is an article that I have used quite often:



Rocky Raab
10-16-2010, 10:11 AM
All due respect, beekeeper, but John Taffin is a valued acquaintance of mine. Your claim is absolute and utter BS. Whoever told you that is either living in fantasyland or is a vicious liar.

10-16-2010, 10:34 AM
Hey don't come down on me!
I don't shoot sixguns and very little pistol of any kind.
I don't know Taffin and wouldn't know him if he was standing beside me.
I only stated what I have heard and been told by numerous people I know.
If it is wrong so be it but an opinion was asked and I gave the only one I have. Right or wrong I am allowed to have one.

From some of the trash I have read about him in the past I am not so sure I am completely wrong.

My opinion .


82nd airborne
10-16-2010, 10:39 AM
Didnt he have something against the word "boolits", or am I mistaking him for another writer?

10-16-2010, 10:41 AM
Hey don't come down on me!
I don't shoot sixguns and very little pistol of any kind.
I don't know Taffin and wouldn't know him if he was standing beside me.
I only stated what I have heard and been told by numerous people I know.
If it is wrong so be it but an opinion was asked and I gave the only one I have. Right or wrong I am allowed to have one.

From some of the trash I have read about him in the past I am not so sure I am completely wrong.

My opinion .


I don't believe an opinion was requested, only a link to information. "Trash" that is mentioned must only be circulated in other areas than those I frequent.


10-16-2010, 01:44 PM
Didnt he have something against the word "boolits", or am I mistaking him for another writer?
Yes, and all of his followers accused me of lying about my shooting and got me tossed off Single Actions.
My explanation to him about the word "boolit" caused more division.
I don't blame Taffin that much but a sense of humor would help. I blame his fanatic followers. Taffin has done some good work but he should not be a "cult" leader.
The result with me is I turn the page when he has an article.

10-16-2010, 08:22 PM
deleted. Thanks for the link.

10-16-2010, 11:08 PM
Yes, and all of his followers accused me of lying about my shooting and got me tossed off Single Actions.
My explanation to him about the word "boolit" caused more division.
I don't blame Taffin that much but a sense of humor would help. I blame his fanatic followers. Taffin has done some good work but he should not be a "cult" leader.
The result with me is I turn the page when he has an article.

It's a conspiracy, I tell ya. All of Taffins "followers"?

I was there. I saw what happened.

10-17-2010, 12:35 AM
Beekeeper -- I am going to echo what several others have already said. I have known John Taffin for over 20 years. I have talked handloading, bullet casting, handgun hunting and competitive shooting with him many times, over many years. I have been a guest in his house and toured his loading room, and seen his projects that he had "in process" at the time. I have asked him technical questions on arcane handloading subjects and his handloading knowledge is both wide and deep. He loads, and shoots, many many thousands of rounds of test ammo every year, and I have personally seen the evidence in the piles of cast bullets, the stacks of shot targets, the loading projects, and the guns. He is missing over a half inch of bone in his right wrist (yes, I have seen the actual x-rays) from the cumulative recoil of all of the heavy-recoiling handguns he shoots for his articles. Yes, he did have a friend shoot some of his ammo for him a number of years ago when his wrists were in particularly bad shape, but John was right next to him, also shooting, because he needed to get the data for a tight publication deadline. He had help for one short period of time, when John had a severe medical conditions that would have probably kept most of the rest of us from shooting at all.

As for John using other people's data and passing them off as his own, I don't believe that for a second. First off, if you go back and read through his writings, you'll find that he is very careful to give credit to folks who develop specific loads (e.g. JD Jones, Jim Taylor, John Linebaugh, etc.). Secondly, John and I have corresponded back and forth for over 20 years, and in the process I have given him substantial numbers of loads that he could have used for "fodder" for his writing, and he never once has. Quite simply, he does his own research, and credits others when he cites their work.

The original question that was asked was where to find the Taffin Tests articles, and you attacked the integrity of the man himself, based on "what you heard" and no first-hand experience or knowledge of the man. That was not the question asked, and tells me all I need to know about you. I know John Taffin well, and am glad that I do.

10-17-2010, 01:11 PM
Taffin needs to learn how to turn the caps lock off.

And by the way, does anybody know how he is faring at the moment?

I seem to remember hearing something about a heart surgery end of last month or so.

10-17-2010, 01:32 PM
First post about his surgery:

Latest about 10 days or so ago:

I haven't really kept up with the progress. I go to Single Actions and look at the pictures from time to time.


10-17-2010, 01:48 PM
It's a conspiracy, I tell ya. All of Taffins "followers"?

I was there. I saw what happened.
You have to understand I have nothing against him. I have nothing against anyone here that reads or knows him. I explained he has done a lot of work.
However a few on the single action site were fanatical.
It only takes one guy to mess up a great site.
I wish I could have had meaningful discussions with Taffin but I was attacked by a few others.
But I will admit, Taffin started it and then the flow started. I feel it is my right to defend myself and also our "Boolits."
I spent a lot of effort to show how to make revolvers work and posted a ton of information and I have to ask why I wasted my time.
I don't know it all so give and take is healthy, however I ONLY post what I have found and I don't give a darn if it is about a Freedom gun or any other gun, a boolit or a powder.
I got a pile of PM's from the site wanting info.
You must decide if you want to discuss things, transfer information or join those that jump down people's throats because it does not agree with their views.
From what you posted, it sounds like the latter. I won't hold it against you because if you find something works better, I will not ignore you or jump on you. I will try it! :drinks: Don't ever expect me to to get personal and bring stuff up that you posted for years. That is very LOW!

10-17-2010, 02:16 PM
Just for the record, Taffin uses the caps lock for a very simple reason (and no, he's not "shouting"). He started online with the old "sixguns.com" and "sixgunner.com" discussion boards, where he would get LOTS of questions from shooters. The format of those old discussion boards was kind of "cluttered" and it could be hard to dig out a question or response without a lot of digging around. He would respond in all caps because it made it easier for both the reader and himself to find his responses. It's a habit that he has never broken. Now if somebody wants to criticize him for being a man who is set in his ways and hasn't broken an old habit, I would simply say "Guilty as charged." (and so would John), but I would hasten to add that I think that verdict probably applies to most of the folks posting on this board as well (myself included).

10-17-2010, 02:21 PM
Really Glen?

See, back when 44man and Taffin and pretty well most on that board got into it, a person on that board claimed that Mr. Taffin uses a voice to text program because of his wrists.

They claimed that is why Mr. Taffin uses all caps.

Mr. Taffin never disputed that claim, as I imagine he would if it were inaccurate.

All of those sorts of software that I have seen have the option of NOT typing in all caps.

Makes me wonder which it really is.

10-17-2010, 02:45 PM
Whether he's using voice-recognition software or typing them in by hand, the choice for using all caps was to make his responses easy to find.

10-17-2010, 02:58 PM
Just for what it's worth..... As to using all caps.

My wife and her sisters had a habit of doing e-mail, and other typing in all caps. None of the 4 of them had ANY IDEA that it represented shouting until I, and one of their freinds told them.... and argued until blue in the face. Two of them STILL do it EVERY TIME.... They say it's just easier for them. Just too much work to hit the shift key at the beginning of every sentence I guess.

They have all been around and using computers, e-mail and forums longer than I have.

Sometimes people just don't get the story..... Or choose not to.

10-17-2010, 03:12 PM
Strange thread. Started off as "anyone have a link to Taffin tests".

Turned into . . . Does anyone's next door neighbor's third cousin's son's daughter's neighbor know anything that we can slur Taffin with. Very odd indeed.

I don't know John Taffin but I do know Glen Fryxell. I know Glen well enough to know that if he says something you can bank your fortune on it.


10-17-2010, 03:24 PM
Don't really know John Taffin or Glen Fryxell but I've had numerous business dealings with both & I'll call them straight shooters............Creeker


10-17-2010, 03:33 PM
Whether he's using voice-recognition software or typing them in by hand, the choice for using all caps was to make his responses easy to find.

All speculation.

Personally, I plan to ask him about it once he's feeling better.

10-17-2010, 04:14 PM
No, it's not speculation. It's the explanation that Taffin has given a number of times over the years.

10-17-2010, 04:19 PM
Cite to source my friend.

If he has explained it so many times, than there should be some record of it.

10-17-2010, 04:31 PM
John Taffin does not post on this board. Why should his typing in all caps concern us and prompt such strident posts because of it?


10-17-2010, 04:54 PM
I would like to read his articles, but his arrogant attitude turned me off.

My first exposure to Taffin was the thread in which he made this post in response to an on topic and completely unoffensive post made by 44man.


As for the caps, when a poster from this board mentioned the caps (in a rude manner) Ken O'Neill responded with the following post, truncated for space.

I see you joined today also. John Taffin uses a voice activated computer. It prints in caps. With your first post, you showed yourself in a damned poor light.

CraigC followed up with this.

Misters (names omitted) you are certainly not the first and unfortunately won't be the last to boo-hoo about Taffin's all caps. Fact of the matter is that John Taffin cannot type his responses because of damage to his hands and wrists so he uses voice recognition software that happens to print everything in caps. Forum regulars understand this and it's rather easy to disregard that particular internet protocol. Most of us here consider ourselves to be rather privileged to share cyberspace with one of our favorite gunwriters, John Taffin, and typically do our best to maintain civility. Posts like those from you two dummies are usually met with rather harsh responses because you obviously only came here to inflame and could care less to take the time to become acquainted with the regulars. So, how do your feet taste???

Taffin came back with another post after the two I have quoted.


Note the lack of correction to the two previous claims of voice recognition software.

I'm sorry, but Taffin's attitude in that thread has turned me off his writing.

Here is a link to that thread. I'm sure you have already read it, but since I am quoting it, I feel a cite to source so that people may see that I have not edited anything more than I have mentioned, is good form and heads off any claims regarding my credibility.


If you will look at Taffin's posts in this thread, you will notice that he is perfectly capable of posts that aren't in all caps.


If the all caps was a habit, he would be consistent. Unfortunately, he is not consistent in this. Makes me wonder why a teacher like himself would do something like using all caps in some posts but not others, at the same time, attacking people who use the term "boolit".

Anyway, as you can see, my understanding about why the caps is somewhat supported by the members of that board, and not disputed by Mr. Taffin himself.

And my position regarding the

10-17-2010, 05:05 PM
Mods, I apologize for bringing that whole thing up again, but I have a thorough disdain for being called a liar.