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View Full Version : Which Saeco bullet number do I have?

09-23-2006, 05:31 PM
I cannot find my Saeco bullet number on the Saeco web site. I believe that this Saeco bullet style is no longer manufactured. It is a .45 caliber, round nose, flat base with one grease groove and one crimp groove. The bullet nose is similar to Saeco #456. I cannot upload an digital image because the smallest image I can create on my camera is 268KB and there is a 100KB limit on a jpeg upload.
Please tell me what is the Saeco bullet number for this bullet.

09-23-2006, 05:53 PM
Resize the picture with this web site and then upload:


09-23-2006, 06:15 PM
or host over at photobucket and then link the url. My company prints the redding catalogs so I have a reference library

09-23-2006, 09:28 PM
Thanks Imashooter2. It was easy to resize my picture.
This picture should make it easier to answer my question.