View Full Version : Trade RS for WW's????

10-13-2010, 12:21 PM
Just spent the last two hours cleaning up the indoor sheriffs range where I work.

450lbs of range scrap (mostly jacketed Remington and Winchester rounds...no 22's or cast). Expecting to get around 350lbs of ingots whenever I get to smelting. A few months ago I picked up 590lbs of scrap and ended up with 450lbs of ingots. My experience with this lead is that it is much softer than WW's but I dont know the BHN.

Now for the question...
Im loading for 44Mag (RSBH w/ 7.5" barrel), 9mm, and 30Carbine. There is a local tire shop where there is a 55gal drum of WW's but he dosnt get rid of any as he has a race car that he makes weights for. I am currently getting about 30lbs of free WW's each month from another source. With the WW sources drying up and picking up more Zinc (4 letter work) and steel WW's, would it be worth it to trade RS for WW's? As long as I keep my job, I should have an unlimited supply of soft lead.

10-13-2010, 02:08 PM
Range scrap is a mixed bag, but it shoots fine in my 38 and 45. That being said, WW are worth a bit more. I'd get all you can while you can.

10-13-2010, 02:30 PM
Maybe if you smelted down the range scrap, he would be willing to trade you for unsmelted wheel weights. You would have to figure out a fair exchange rate. Most guys that aren't boolit casters don't enjoy smelting. So maybe he'd be willing to trade you more weight if you do the dirty work. Just a thought, jmsj

10-13-2010, 03:23 PM
I just went through making a bunch of race car ballast out of 'sniff' pure roofing lead, anything will work, so I'd try to trade RS for WW. Ask them what mould they use, most race car builders have a cobbled-up mould that makes ingots shaped for their particular mounting method. You might ask them if you can just cast a bunch of weights for them using their mould and swap you for raw WW. Most race car builders I know detest the time and effort spent to cast weights and would probably make you a good trade so they didn't have to mess with it.


10-13-2010, 09:47 PM
You might point out to him that pure lead weighs more then ww alloy per cubic inch. Might work.

10-14-2010, 12:06 AM
If it will test at les than 7 bhn I may trade some ww.

10-14-2010, 12:28 AM
When I ingot range scrap, mine comes in anywhere from about 8-15 BHN depending on what I pick up a majority of. If mostly jacketed it comes in lower, if mostly hard cast, it comes in higher. For rapid cooling and a faster result, I water quench my ingots.. but recheck them after a week or so. I use the 8-12 bhn for cores for my 9mm into 40 jacketed bullets.. and air cool them.. they work nicely.

10-14-2010, 01:24 AM
I used to not like jackets in my RS till I found outt hat I could sell the jackets for more than the lead was worth and keep the lead to boot.

10-14-2010, 01:35 AM
Don't waste your time with the race car guy. Toss some of your free WW's in with some free RS and add a bit of tin solder. Buy a LEE Hardness tester too. Life is too short for dealing with folks who won't part with some lead because they have a "race car"..........