View Full Version : 300 Savage S14 Contender

10-11-2010, 05:03 PM
I have one chambered by SSK from a 30H barrel. It shoots great with JBs, but I haven't been able to work it with cast. Am thinking about a re-rechamber to a rimmed cart with a longer neck. Maybe something made from 307Win cases. Any suggestions?

10-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Bellm can do an ackley improved savage with a rim recess. The brass can them be formed from .444 marlin cases, you could then use your current dies to form brass, then fire form and use a lee collet die to size the formed brass. Another cheap option is the 308 Bellm http://www.bellmtcs.com/BellmTriad/308bellmdata.htm Basiclly you take a 308 reamer and run it in an extra 40 thou so that a real 308 round won't head space. Then use standard 308 dies to form brass from 444 marlin cases.

Could also send it to JDJ and have the 309 JDJ done, dies and barrel work are more expensive.

I have a super 14 in .30 herrett that looks like they tried to chamber the barrel from halfway across the parking lot. One side has almost no throat taper into the rifling, the other has a ton. I am tempted to try running a .30/30 ackley reamer into it.