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View Full Version : GP100man ask me to post this as his internet isn't working!

Muddy Creek Sam
10-03-2010, 09:51 PM
Howdy all,

Due to the Storms in Eastern NC, he has three large Oak trees down on his place, One is on the old house where he does his reloading, IF anyone wants firewood and has a chainsaw, COME ON. He lives in Southern Columbus County outside of Tabor City. Please contact me for his address and Phone. He has been down with the Gout for over a week.

If you can help get the Trees off the old house and yard Let me know. These are large Trees, one is over 3' in Diameter.


Sam :D

10-04-2010, 12:24 AM
...........Wish I lived closer as I'd be there in a skinny minute! Oak firewood around here is $300 a cord.


10-04-2010, 12:41 AM
Here in NY, we can't move wood more than 50 miles..........:shock:

82nd airborne
10-04-2010, 10:43 AM
...........Wish I lived closer as I'd be there in a skinny minute! Oak firewood around here is $300 a cord.


holy sheep, I could fit 11 cords on the goose neck and take a little road trip...... we give away free cut and split oak firewood at our sawmill. I cant imagine someone paying that for it.

10-06-2010, 06:27 AM
Lordy- I would be there in a heartbeat with my WoodMizer, if it wasn't few thousand miles.. :mrgreen:

By the way- if he still hasn't got help, post over on the Forestry Forum and you will have a local member there with his mill pronto for large oak. Good folks there.

10-08-2010, 04:13 PM
Thanks Sam & others !!!!

Wish we`all were closer , me & POP work on it of aevenin as we can , gonna cut it up in big peices & drag it off in the AM.

Oh yeah got ISP back thursday `bout 4 PM. !!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!

Gout ain`t over with yet but ALOT BETTER!!!!!


10-09-2010, 12:58 PM
Dang! That is a mess. Lived thru a number of hurricanes in FLa and VA as a young man,
don't miss them a bit. Would love the fire wood but like others, can't make a 1100 mile
one way trip work out with current gas prices.

Good luck!