View Full Version : question on short bbl encore and bullet weight/style

10-02-2010, 03:43 PM
I have recently traded for a 12" encore in 250 savage, but I have a question on jacketed bullet construction at the slower velocities.

I'm wanting to try to use this pistol to deer hunt with this season but am unsure of the bullet weight/type to use. My first thought was to use a 115gr bullet but is the velocity from this short bbl enough to get it to work properly? Would I be better off using something along the liines of an 85gr balistic tip or similar type?

Almost forgot the twist in this one is 1-10"

10-02-2010, 11:09 PM
Ballistic Tips work down to about 1,600 fps so you need to load some and chronograph them. There are also bullets made for the 25-20 that are meant for low velocity, most all are flatnose.

I used a 120gr. BT at 2,000fps out of a 6.5TCU Contender last week to drop an antelope at 255 yards. Went thru both shoulders and exited. Exit hole was about 2" in diameter.

10-02-2010, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the info. I just don't want my bullet to be a solid and go straight through without expanding. I'll try some 115 BT's and see how it goes, there shouldn't be any problems keeping them in the 1600+ range.
Congrats on the antelope. My friends are in WY right no hunting them. Ther are 3 out of 4 so far.