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View Full Version : Oh Man...

09-18-2006, 12:51 AM
Not a CB hunting story but....

I am going to be having a few busy weeks here. I was sitting here tonight go over my bow, make sure everything is tight and where it needs to be, when I realized I move back to the dorms next weekend, probably on Saturday. Monday-Thrusday about 7:30 PM I have classes, then Thrusday night I high tailin it home to get my gear (2 hour drive) and haulin ass to get to camp (8 hours from the house) by early Friday morning to do some BEAR HUNTING!!! Probably wont make it out in the AM I will be beat but the PM I will be out there bow in hand 45 in the holster on my side.

Hunting out of a tree over bait. One of the guys I am hunting with said he will bait that week I am in school so bear should be in there by the time I get up there....hopefully.