View Full Version : Wheelweight tape

Jack Stanley
09-15-2006, 09:14 PM
I meant to ask the question about using wheelweight tape for bullets . Does anybody know the contents of this stuff ? the last time I melted lead , this kinda stuff wasn't made yet ..... thanks


09-15-2006, 09:37 PM

If you're talking about the segmented stick on type weights they're just about pure lead. Save them for your frontstuffer.


grumpy one
09-15-2006, 09:50 PM
The segmented weights I've been getting the last couple of months have all contained substantial amounts of antimony (except for the zinc stick-ons, which I instantly toss in the garbage). Before that nearly all of them were pure lead, but I hardly see any of those any more.

To see which type you've got, just twist them. If it's easy, they're pure lead. If it's moderately difficult, they contain some antimony. If you can't twist them at all, they're probably zinc, but so far all the zinc stick-ons I've seen have been coated in some kind of lacquer and are a strange shape.


Jon K
09-15-2006, 10:22 PM
WW tape or aka stick-ons, evertime I smelt a batch, I test it and they test like pure lead, but I also smelt @650, the zinc WW will not melt , but float to the top. Might take longer, but I don't want the zinc going down the barrel.

I don't like smelting this stuff as the 2 sided adhesive tape STINKS! and smokes. I've been lucky, my neighbors haven't complained.
I try not to use it anymore except to pour a slug to slug a barrel.


grumpy one
09-15-2006, 10:40 PM
Jon, it isn't difficult to get the adhesive off before you smelt them. You can peel it off with a knife, or use a method someone else here posted - throw them in a container of whatever petrochemical is in surplus and let them sit for a day or fifty, then you'll find the adhesive is just loose and falls off. Keep the container somewhere the fire hazard won't be an issue of course, not in or close to a building.

It isn't worth smelting with the adhesive in place - stink, smell, and health issues too.


09-15-2006, 11:01 PM
If you lay out a bunch of the tape weights - tape side up and spray them with brake cleaner, it then is easy to scrape off. It's still messy, but better than creating all that acrid smoke.

Jack Stanley
09-18-2006, 06:14 PM
Thanks guys , only got a few of them around . It doesn't look as though they are laquer coated .


Marcello Morbin
09-29-2006, 05:15 PM
Hi there,

Try put some parafim into the pot with the tape ww and when the parafim is solved put fire , the smoke goes and the stinks either.


John Boy
09-29-2006, 08:40 PM
Jack, here's the composition of Tape-On's:
Composition: 0.377% Sb, 1.45% Sn, 0.029% As, 98.144 Pb