View Full Version : Can't leave powder in them...

09-13-2010, 01:23 PM
I left some powder in my Uniflow over a period of a few weeks. When I went to clean it out the powder had stuck to the sides of the hopper. I couldn't scrub it off. I called RCBS and the lady I spoke to said, "Oh yeah...you can't leave powder in them." They're sending me a replacement hopper no charge. Good company.

09-13-2010, 01:32 PM
"Oh yeah...you can't leave powder in them."

That's clearly incorrect and you've proved it! ;)

09-13-2010, 04:49 PM
Depends on the powder...I've kept Accurate #5 in a Uniflow II (rootbeer hopper) most of the last 20 yrs and it hasn't done anything to the hopper. My older Uniflow has a clear hopper and I've kept Accurate #2 & 5 in it on an off for several yrs without a problem too. The only time I may (but not always) empty them is when they are going in storage for a couple months.

Rocky Raab
09-13-2010, 05:02 PM
The NG in some powders will aggressively attack the plastic in some hoppers. Both hopper and powder are ruined if it does because both are chemically altered.

Note that it is not all powders and not all hoppers -- but when you find out yours are included, the damage is already done.

The other danger is forgetting what powder is in there. Unless you only own and use one powder, the danger of mixing powders is great.

09-13-2010, 05:10 PM
The NG in some powders will aggressively attack the plastic in some hoppers. Both hopper and powder are ruined if it does because both are chemically altered.

Note that it is not all powders and not all hoppers -- but when you find out yours are included, the damage is already done.

The other danger is forgetting what powder is in there. Unless you only own and use one powder, the danger of mixing powders is great.

It was Bullseye.

09-13-2010, 05:24 PM
Best to just return unused powder to it's container. No hopper discoloration, no chance for a screw-up.

09-13-2010, 06:20 PM
I saw a gentleman put a piece of exposed X-ray film inside the hopper to to shield the powder from light and stop the powder from adhering to the hopper and stop it from being damaged.

09-13-2010, 06:59 PM
If they would just make the hoppers out of leaded crystal, this could be avoided.
All I've ever had happened is the hopper has turned color faster then if I didn't leave the hopper full. However, the convenience of having everything ready when i feel like cranking out a few hundred is worth it.
They should really reclaim more of their solvent.

09-13-2010, 07:32 PM
If they would just make the hoppers out of leaded crystal, this could be avoided.

It would work fine until somebody here figured a way to extract the lead. :groner:

09-13-2010, 07:37 PM
i always have left powder in my hoppers. I place a magnetic card with what powder is in it on the metal base of my 650xl just becaquse i'll old enough now to know i'll forget what's in it.

09-13-2010, 08:33 PM
"If they would just make the hoppers out of leaded crystal, this could be avoided."

Because of clumsiness, I'd never be able to find out.

09-13-2010, 08:47 PM
I was taught NEVER to leave powder in the hopper. It's never been a problem for me.

09-13-2010, 10:24 PM
I did the same thing a few weeks ago as well ... Bullseye

09-13-2010, 10:25 PM
"It was Bullseye"

One of the worst for softening plastic.

09-13-2010, 11:09 PM
[QUOTE=noylj;998043]If they would just make the hoppers out of leaded crystal, this could be avoided.

I would end up spending quite a bit on replacement hoppers if they were leaded crystal....

09-14-2010, 12:48 AM
I was taught NEVER to leave powder in the hopper. It's never been a problem for me.

Well, I was self taught...I guess I missed that lesson.

09-14-2010, 08:58 PM
I'm quite sure I've left Bullseye (and a number of other powders) in my Lyman #55 for extended periods. None stuck to the inside, but the plastic is darkened now. RCBS must use a different plastic. If I leave powder in the hopper, I also leave the container on the bench so I know which one it is.



09-14-2010, 09:33 PM
I go with Fishhawk blue painters tape powder type charge boolit and cal when i get done i remove tape and stick it to a cabinet to reuse.

John Guedry
09-15-2010, 10:54 AM
I'm self taught too and never leave powder in the hopper. (scared it might "spoil")

09-15-2010, 05:33 PM
I bought a box of reloading "stuff" at an estate sale. The uniflo measure was in the bottom of the large box. I found the measure had about a handful of what looked like Alliant 2400 powder in it. You couldn`t operate the drum handle as it was rusted in place and the clear hopper was a dirty dark gray. It took several hours to get the drum out and cleaned so it would work again. RCBS sent me a new hopper at no charge. I have always had it drummed into me about not leaving powder in any hopper, either shotshell or metallic cartridge measure, this time I saw why.Robert

09-16-2010, 10:07 AM
My Lee powder measures have powder in them all the time. 2 Auto Disc, and a PPM. No problems. My RCBS and Lymans get emptied after use. The measures that are caliber designated (progressive presses) I mark what powder and gr. charge, on the others I leave the powder container on the bench behind the measure. Of course I didn't adopt this procedure until I had mixed 3031 and 4064 once.

09-16-2010, 11:47 PM
I've been keeping Bullseye in a Lee powder measure hopper for years. I've never had any problems.

09-17-2010, 12:06 AM
About 30 years ago Skeeter Skelton wrote an article in Shooting Times about having set up a reloading bench in the Sheriffs Office so he and deputies could reload for recreational shooting. They left either 4227 or 296 powder in the hopper of a #55 Lyman thrower as all they were reloading mostly were .357 or .44 Magnum loads. A call was received at the office about a steer running amok down a main street and when Skeeter and company arrived to dispatch the critter all their "reloads" did was go "pop" and bounce off the cows head like popcorn. They had to use a factory jacketed cartridge to dispatch the animal.

Inquiries to the powder companies by Skelton resulted in a kernal of knowledge that powders left in plastic hoppers can deteriorate at different rates, but the powder will be affected.

09-21-2010, 05:10 PM
Well this is all new to me . . . I just leave the jug of powder out that is in the uniflow . . . mine has never had a problem, but I guess I should start putting it away . . .

09-21-2010, 05:56 PM
About 30 years ago Skeeter Skelton wrote an article in Shooting Times about having set up a reloading bench in the Sheriffs Office so he and deputies could reload for recreational shooting. They left either 4227 or 296 powder in the hopper of a #55 Lyman thrower as all they were reloading mostly were .357 or .44 Magnum loads. A call was received at the office about a steer running amok down a main street and when Skeeter and company arrived to dispatch the critter all their "reloads" did was go "pop" and bounce off the cows head like popcorn. They had to use a factory jacketed cartridge to dispatch the animal.

Inquiries to the powder companies by Skelton resulted in a kernal of knowledge that powders left in plastic hoppers can deteriorate at different rates, but the powder will be affected.

Dispatching a steer is Recreational ??? :brokenima

But seriously, long before I started reloading, a old timer in our church sold reloaded ammo. He had many presses (several were progressive) all setup in his garage in Minnesota (humid in the summer, cold in the winter). More than once, Me and my friends had bought his ammo where the whole box were squibs. We'd return them, he'd get upset when He would pull them apart and measure the powder..."just the right amount", he'd say. Well 25 years later, I bet this was the issue.

09-22-2010, 12:05 PM
Ive recently found some powders cant be left in RCBS hoppers too I had same result. But Lee hoppers can handle being left full ,like another said here I tape the top cover and put the powder type on it .