View Full Version : Is this true?

09-13-2010, 09:31 AM
or another hoax? Received it in Email said was shot in East Texas and weighed 1800#. The rest of the pictures

09-13-2010, 09:57 AM
It appears from the foliage that the person is probably 10 feet behind the critter. The leaves under the beast is also much larger than the leaves that appear to be at the same distance as the person.

I'm thinking camera tricks. Show me a picture with the person or rifle on top of the beastie to show scale.

09-13-2010, 11:46 AM
I think someone is :kidding: and trying to sell fertilizer of the bovine kind.

09-13-2010, 11:55 AM
I think it is a hoax. I got the same email a few weeks ago and it stated it was shot in Florida.

09-13-2010, 12:52 PM
Photoshop. That's been going around for a while (that hog has been shot in all 50 states!).

Wayne Smith
09-13-2010, 12:55 PM
That's been going around for years. Apparantly the hog was big and shot in Turkey. Just not that big!

09-13-2010, 01:52 PM
Not photo shopped. Just a trick of a wide angle lens. With a small enough aperture you can focus a wide range of depth at the same time.
The hog is right in front of the camera and everything else is a good ways back behind.

And yes , the foliage is the most prominent tattle tail.

09-13-2010, 02:09 PM
thats were my little piggy went.....:bigsmyl2:

Bob Krack
09-13-2010, 09:07 PM
Prolly 800 pounds - 1800 is a stretch that would keep ya looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.


09-13-2010, 09:08 PM
gives new meaning to hog jowls

09-13-2010, 09:16 PM
Exactly, what has been said. Camera trickery.

No different than the pic of the person "holding up" the leaning tower of Pisa
with a fingertip - the tower is 1/4 mile away and the person is close.



09-13-2010, 09:24 PM
If they would have put Marlin Perkins up front, I would have believed it!

09-13-2010, 09:35 PM
or another hoax? Received it in Email said was shot in East Texas and weighed 1800#. The rest of the pictures

Here is a link to Nature Tours http://www.naturetours.com.tr/driven.html

and the photos are staged.

09-13-2010, 09:37 PM
All a hoax..............remember the 11 year old that shot with a 500 S&W revolver a "wild" hog that was over 1000 lbs. The wild beast was no more than a domestic pig named Fred if memory serves me right and the whole thing turned out to be hogwash and ended up going go grand jury for other falsifications and such.

09-14-2010, 04:24 AM
Makes ya wonder why they would go thru the trouble to try and pull something like that off.........steg

09-14-2010, 04:28 AM
Like hackers, the thrill is in the challenge.

09-14-2010, 05:26 AM
Here is a link to Nature Tours http://www.naturetours.com.tr/driven.html

and the photos are staged.

You're not kidding. This photoshop job is horrible:


09-14-2010, 05:55 AM
Photoshop. That's been going around for a while (that hog has been shot in all 50 states!).

:-)Not in Arkansas!!! That is our team mascot. He would get a 50 yard line seat right down on the field. Unless the coach could find a way to suit him up and put him at nose guard.:-)

09-15-2010, 10:28 AM
Arnold Ziffel from "Green Acres"????

09-15-2010, 10:35 AM
Funny thing is, why in every single picture are the people BEHIND the animal? Cause it is easy to manipulate the depth..

Wayne Smith
09-15-2010, 10:54 AM
It's a touring company in Turkey! What would they not do to get business?

09-17-2010, 09:58 PM
If they would have put Marlin Perkins up front, I would have believed it!

Let's watch Jim approach the dying boar. Watch as he approaches, notice that the boar's tusks are nearly as long as Jim's leg is thick. Oh my, the boar appears to be recovering from his nasty wound. He's struggling to get to his feet and now has Jim's left leg firmly grasped in his mouth, confirming my initial analysis. You can actually see the tusks poking through Jim's blood stained khaki trousers. GO GET HIM JIM!!!!

09-17-2010, 10:31 PM
Watch Jim wrestle this croc into submission while we film from the safety of the helicopter....

Dean D.
09-17-2010, 10:45 PM
We had this same discussion in chat last night, poor ole Jim :(