View Full Version : Lee shell holders a little small ???

Jack Stanley
09-12-2010, 10:46 PM
I just started loading a batch of NNY cases for my Mosin and ran into problems . About half of them won't fit into the LEE shell holder that I was just using on some S&B brass . Do ya think it's just a bad bit of QC for Wolf ammo or LEE . The rim isn't what is stopping the fit , it looks like the body is a bit big .

I'm thinking maybe I'll look for another shell holder to try at the next gun show but this puts a little crimp on trying to load for now . I'll just have to load the ones that fit I guess .


09-13-2010, 01:09 PM
Probably just a matter of manufacturing tolerances Jack. Mr. Dremel will quickly fix the problem for you without any loss of quality for future ammo. A tool a little slower than a Dremel might be a help to you. You probably only need a few thousandths, so a small round stone might suffice. Even if you take a tad too much off, the rim will get you close to center and the die will recenter things on the upstroke.

09-13-2010, 01:16 PM
I misplaced my Horandy SH for the .223 Rem...I tried to use a Lee (#4 if my memory seves me corrcet)--many .223 Rem rims were a bit tight going into the Lee SH. I found the Hornady SH and was sure glat that I did---no problem with any tight fitting .223 rem cases any longer.

Jack Stanley
09-13-2010, 08:25 PM
If I was using this particular shell holder for loading I'd be in almost as bad a way . I'm using the LEE ram prime because I managed to break my Bonanza priming shell holder for the cartridge :oops: That was with the S&B brass with the primer pockets to shallow . These "wolf" pockets are deep enough but the brass really has QC issues .

I bought one of the newer "universal" shell holders for priming on the CO-AX press but setting it up would take more time that I'm willing to fool with right now . I have a few loaded rounds for the 91/59 and a pile of surplus for the worn out old M38 so if I need to make noise with a Russian zip gun I'm good . It would just be nice to know that when I do empty my little stash of boxer brass , it's as in spec as Fed or R-P or W-W ..... ya know what I mean ?


09-13-2010, 09:16 PM
I have a love/hate relationship with Lee shell holders; I love to hate them! I won't use them unless I absolutely have to, for reasons like the OP mentioned. Also, Lee likes to take shortcuts and use the same shell holder for two different cartridges like the .44 Spl/Mag and .45 Colt; they ain't the same! In my experience, the .45 Colt fits well enough, but the .44s are a bit sloppy.

Jack Stanley
09-14-2010, 09:33 PM
Maybe I oughta see what else fits this thing , I tried the rest of the shell holders and they sure weren't going to accept the big body of this Privi brass .
