View Full Version : Mike V- re-Things we know...

09-11-2010, 04:31 PM
Just read the article Mike. Just a couple thoughts.

I agree a single ten shot group isn't a very good "test", although it's worlds above a series of 3 or 5 shot groups. Ten 10 shot groups is a whole 'nuther thing.

On you grouping patterns- I can;t help but wonder if the alloy or boolit design were changed if that would have an impact. My theory is that different alloys will react differently with the same powder charge. Most of us are using WW based alloys and you're using a lead-tin binary alloy. I wonder if that might account for my experience differing from yours? I've found a boolit up to .002 over groove will almost always give better accuracy in the long run. BUT, every now and again an odd ball gun or load crops up that wants the boolit right at groove diameter or only .001 over. Why? Alloy, boolit design, pressure curve, barrel condition, the way I squint, star position, or the favorite excuse- it's Bush's fault!

Kinda nice to see a big time world famous gun writer admitting all is not as we are told.

09-11-2010, 04:41 PM
It is time to stop blaming Bush! It is now Nobama's fault. :drinks:

MT Gianni
09-14-2010, 11:43 PM
Bret, What magazine is this in? Thanks Gianni.

09-15-2010, 07:58 AM
Handloader, October 2010.

09-15-2010, 05:07 PM
I read this thread this morning and picked up a copy of the magazine during an expedition to the grocery store. I found the article to be honest and interesting.

I don't know what it proves, other than when folks try and codify cast bullets they end up in a situation that is like trying to nail jello to a tree. The rules of cast bullet shooting always apply except when they dont. Cast bullet performance is only predictable to a certain general level and after than each firearm and it's owner are on their own to chart a course to accuracy nervana.

Thos of us who have been in this game for a lifetime, have figured that out. But still, it is fun to watch others pontificate on how things must be. They are probably right..well sometimes anyway! A cast bullet shooter needs a high tolerance for ambiguity.

The cast bullet Gremlins never sleep.

09-15-2010, 08:18 PM
Yep, its those variables that some authorities insist don't exist that keep ya on your toes.