View Full Version : Question On SAECO Molds

09-08-2006, 06:01 PM
This concerns this company's 45 caliber rifle designs. Being a little disgusted with Lyman, Lee, and RCBS molds in this caliber--due to their undersized castings--does anyone have experience with the SAECO product line in this caliber? I'm looking for molds that cast .459"-.461" with WW alloy or 92/6/2. My sole use of such a mold gave good results, a fat .459" that did well in my Ruger #1.

Thanks in advance!

09-08-2006, 06:33 PM

Based on my experience with the mould for the .404, I'd suggest you check out www.neihandtools.com. Go to their site, select "our catalog", and then to page 12, where you'll find a selection of .460-.462 moulds. The list includes both PB and gaschecked designs.

They stated my 421-390 GC would cast at .421+.000-.003, and that is exactly what it does, running straight WW at .421". Ergo, I believe their .460-.462 moulds will also deliver just what the name says. My 2-cavity mould cost about $ 80 delivered (in EIGHT DAYS!), and a single-cavity mould is the same price if that's your preference. I consider it to be a bargain of the first water.

Mind you, I like SAECOs, too....

09-08-2006, 07:17 PM
Yeah, NEI is good stuff--no doubt about it. I have three of their molds already, and all are great tools. NEI was the other choice, since Mountain Molds is down for the present time.

09-08-2006, 08:05 PM
Deputy Al: that one saeco of mine that you had a few years ago stayed in No.Nev.after some fevered negotiations involving shotguns,shovels,and acreage. Apparently with some satisfaction as I haven't seen it back on the market.. the more recent heavyweight PB is now "Leased" to Ammohead,without comment so far..the products of both of those have me policing all the web auction venues for suitablly priced replacements.. But, there is no shortage of attractive looking boolits on the NEI site, and I too,have no grief with their moulds. I believe Bullshop offers at least 1-2 of their designs in his boolit product line...so I may test the idea that way first.... :mrgreen: Onceabull :mrgreen:

09-09-2006, 07:47 AM
i have 2 saeco 45 cal rifle moulds, a # 017 a 350 gr gc and a # 020 a 540 gr gc, i size both to 0.459 dia with no problem , you can see the sizing on the sides of the bullet useing WW or 1/10 alloy. bob

09-09-2006, 09:21 AM
I have the Saeco #018 in a 2 cavity and both holes drop at .459. This is listed as 405gr pb with rf nose.

09-09-2006, 10:43 AM
I have the a Saeco 300 gr. I'm not sure the number but it cast large enough with 92-6-2 to size .460 with no problem............Creeker

09-09-2006, 11:16 AM
Bull, the mold you mention was the example I was referring to. THAT was a good-shooting boolit in the #1.

The consensus seems to be that SAECO molds nominally listed as .458" designs will produce boolits to .459"-.460" pretty readily. Good--I'm glad my anecdotal experience wasn't an isolated quirk.

Thanks, you guys!

Jon K
09-09-2006, 12:05 PM

I have had the Saeco #023 375gr SP, #645 480gr & #745 525gr. Using 1:30, 1:20, and WW/10% Lino, they all seem to drop out @.459-.460.
They are all good shooters. I tried them w/BP and Smokeless. Sold them and bought a Paul Jones Custom Mold.
The 645 & 745 have small grease groves, the 023 has one wide grease grove, for BP I prefer the more generous sized grease grove.

In a production mold, Saeco is my favorite. I used to be hesitant about spending the extra cost for a Saeco, but not after trying more different brands than I care to admit, in order to save a buck, I would not hesitate 1 minute to buy a Saeco, if I like the design. Very well made, easy to use, and shoot good.

That's just my opinion, others may have their own favorites. "To each his own"


09-09-2006, 12:12 PM
Thanks, Jon.

My experience with my Ruger #1 is that once you find a boolit fat enough (.459") to fit it, the rifle will shoot it well. I do some gymnastics with my existing molds to get boolits fat enough, but I want any further molds for this rifle to be user-friendly in that respect.

Marlin Junky
09-10-2006, 04:46 AM
So who's cutting the molds at NEI these days?


09-10-2006, 08:41 AM
............Walt's daughter and son in law.
