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09-03-2010, 10:05 PM
Ws wondering down the isle at a grocery store yesterday and glanced up at the oils. (always thinking lube). saw one I hadn't seen before.---Sesame oil

so I took it down and read the back.
this is what it said:

different oils have different uses and each performs best within a certain range of temperature. some are made for high heat......etc
This oil is best for high heat.... etc

So I bought it. to add to my plethora of lube ingredients.

Did a search of a dozen forums and Sesame is not mentioned once.

Has anybody tried it?


09-03-2010, 11:28 PM
NOT ME, I am allergic to the stuff, seeds included. Make me dig and scratch till I bleed and drag my bottom on the carpet. I've been to the emergency room twice for allergic reaction to the stuff.
It should work as good as any, (maybe) if it is a high heat oil.

09-04-2010, 01:57 AM
peanut oil is a high temp oil too.
sesame oil adds a different flavor when using it to cook vegetables in a wok.

09-04-2010, 02:04 PM
I thoght a Wok was somting you fwow at a Wabbit!

I've used peanut oil in lube, it makes the shooting range smell like a chinese kitchen. Works fine for LV stuff.

Never thought of sesame oil, though.


09-04-2010, 02:43 PM
Cost prohibitive, but if it works better than other oils then it may be worth the extra cost.

Centaur 1
09-04-2010, 10:24 PM
The only place that I've ever heard of sesame oil being used was as a massage oil in the bedroom. :bigsmyl2:

09-04-2010, 11:09 PM
The only place that I've ever heard of sesame oil being used was as a massage oil in the bedroom. :bigsmyl2:


Well I've got a whole bottle of it. Guess I don't have to hoard it all for shooting. !!!

09-04-2010, 11:17 PM

09-05-2010, 12:28 AM
Sesame oil is fantastic in stir fry. Has a very distinctive flavor. In fact it is great oil to fry meat with, you just use a couple Tablespoonfuls on your thin sliced meat.

If you use sesame oil in your lube and we are on the same range, i will be the one with the drool coming from the mouth.

BTW... it is good on chicken, beef or pork

09-05-2010, 12:59 AM
Semtav, with those good looks you might want to stock up!


09-05-2010, 10:04 AM
Semtav, with those good looks you might want to stock up!


You haven't seen my other half !!!:veryconfu

09-05-2010, 10:22 AM
There is two types of sesame oil, the amber, nutty smelling type that is made from roasted seeds and a pale colored type that has little or no smell that I suspect is made from raw seeds. The darker nutty type does not stand heat well and is used to flavor and not to cook with. I do not know much about the other.

Wayne Smith
09-07-2010, 03:40 PM
It is also very good rubbed on salmon before grilling/broiling basted with a burbon terraki glaze.

09-23-2010, 01:11 AM
My recipe: (not lube)

mix 10% by volume sesame oil (brown stuff) with mayonnaise, then add cayenne pepper to taste.

This is a variation of the "spicy mayo" available at some sushi places, and I like to make tuna salad with it in place of the standard mayo.

09-23-2010, 02:16 AM
I do the same but with sriracha instead of cayenne. Mix the spicy mayo with canned tuna and g
You've got spicy tuna roll filling on the cheap. Now if there was only a faster way to prepare the rice, I'd do it more often.

09-23-2010, 10:09 AM
Only on this site can you get a cooking recipe suitable for lubing boolits[smilie=1:

09-23-2010, 02:30 PM
Only on this site can you get a cooking recipe suitable for lubing boolits[smilie=1:

What do you mean ONLY, are you telling me FWFL is bad on a garden salad, uhmmm, I new that, I was just kidding, really.:veryconfu

09-23-2010, 11:49 PM
glad I could get all you gourmet afficienados together .:killingpc ;-)

09-24-2010, 12:12 AM
threads do wander some.
be aware vegetable oils break down beeswax over a short time i don't know how nut or legume oils affect it.

09-24-2010, 12:08 PM
"Man, that [bullet, ammo, rifle, beer, car, computer, sushi, etc] sure is expensive... I wonder how hard it is to make yourself..."

A tinkerer will tinker. :D


09-27-2010, 02:45 PM
Not only is sesame oil good for stir-fry, it's Kosher. Chicken, snow peas, water chestnuts, dark and light soy sauce, a bit of chicken stock and a pinch of corn starch as a thickener and you're in business. Blend these ingredients together, stir fry and pour the mixture straight into your Lyman 450 or 4500.

No, don't really do that....

09-27-2010, 04:27 PM
Add a bit of extra sesame oil to soften it up for wok lubing?