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View Full Version : "HAMMER" Pistol Rest

08-26-2010, 06:35 PM
Anyone have any experience in using the Hammer pistol rest ? I used a Ramsom Rest back in the 80's and discovered I could shoot from the bench about as well as the gun & load tested in the Ramsom. I bought the HAMMER a few years ago and just tried it the first & second time this past two weeks with 1911's. I was not impressed with most of the results but a couple loads did well. I'm really trying to determine if its me (old age), the 1911's (also old and shot a lot), or the loads. Any insight ?

08-26-2010, 10:26 PM
Consistancy is the advantage of any type of rest.

I to could out shoot my Ransom but I could not do it all day every day.

I haven't had it out in awhile but will most likely find that I can't keep up with it these days simply from lack of practise, another reason these types of rests work.

As in all tools how you set it up plays an important role in how it performs!

Hope that helps.

08-27-2010, 08:34 PM
Gave it another go today. Since some of my old loads shoot as good or nearly as they did years ago, I guess I can eliminate the gun. That leaves me & the loads as the problem areas on those loads that did not do as well. Since I wasn't doing the aiming, guess that leaves the loads as the problem. This assumes (I know what it means) I had the gun set up in the rest properly. I did get a lot of interest at the range this morning. I'll be trying this again.