View Full Version : Tranquilizer gun?

08-19-2010, 10:59 PM
(Moderators please feel free to move if this is in the wrong place.)

I have been toying with the idea of getting a tranquilizer gun to use on some of these Axis bucks I have crawling all over my place. Yes I know I could just shoot and eat these things, but after seeing what a live axis is worth I would really like to try and sell them off. First of all are these things legal? The limited research I have done says yes they are legal BUT the actual drug is a controlled substance. Any one happen to know what it takes to get the “controlled substance?” I am guessing a prescription from my vet could do it, right? Also anyone have any info on the actual gun?

82nd airborne
08-19-2010, 11:03 PM
Just wrestle em down and hog tie em, makes for a good workout anyways. I can see where a tranq gun would be pretty dang fun though.

08-19-2010, 11:46 PM
you can do same thing with a 20ga single shot shotgun. The darts are pricey and a miss or lost hit you lost about $6 the drug is hard to get and most places require a fee and special permit.
I have one air powered that will shoot good to about 75 feet. A bad hit is $6.00 maybe more now. darts are not cheap and most likely a one time use. . Deer are going to be a very hard target the drug takes about 10 min and deer in WV would be in TX in 10minLOL
BUT IF YOU WANT I will sell this one email or pm if you want to try it

08-20-2010, 01:54 AM
I would start with the Fish and Game Dept. they use them and can tell you if legal and also know how to ge the tranqulizer drug since they use them for relocating animals that become problems .Or the Animal control people but they would want to be the ones to do it and be the ones to sell them or make the money.:roll:

08-20-2010, 05:17 AM
Many places it's illegal to sell wild game, either living or as meat, so check the regs on that before investing in a tranq gun

08-20-2010, 09:14 AM
I never used one or even saw the label of the drug they use, but a couple of the armories I ran had them. One was a CO2 gun, the other was (I think) a 32 ga H&R. Talk to the dog catchers or if they are modern, the animal control people.

Or you could try roping them:kidding:.


08-20-2010, 09:29 AM
I think they used to use a strong solution of nicotine, which in pure form is a very strong muscle relaxer.
Its also so potent that a blob of pure nicotine that would cover the head of a pin can kill an adult human.

When used for abdominal surgery before anethetics were invented many patients died of accidental overdose because the stuff was not easy to keep in solution. They then began simply chewing up wads of tobacco and stuffing these up a patients butt.
Without the nicotine abdominal surgery was almost always fatal because the stomach muscles could push the victims guts out any opening.

The Big cats are especially vulnerable to nicotine. It works on dogs as well.
BTW blowing cigarette smoke in a pet's face can kill it.

I don't know if it works as well on herbivores.

82nd airborne
08-20-2010, 07:08 PM
Multigunner, you know some of this too well for it to just be hearsay.....

08-20-2010, 07:57 PM

I used one of these while serving as a firearms instructor with the MPD. This was in the sixties and seventies. I was trained in the use of the CO2 rifle and pistol and with the H&R brake action which fired various power level blank (Ram Set) cartridges.

The owner and developer of the Cap-Chur system is/was Red Palmer. His facility is in Douglasville, GA. Here is a link to his site (contact Info) http://www.palmercap-chur.com/Contacts.html

The drug that was used at at the time was Nicotine Alkaloid. You must handle the animals in a certain manner to avoid their expiring, after imobilizing (spl) them.

The course that my dept. sent me to was 1 week long. there were 5 of us going through the training. During the week we imobilized male African Lion, Herford cattle, Fallow Deer, a Horse, Sedated an Elk. Allof these were done with the NA except the Lion. All felines require a drug that is a controlled substance.

PM me for more details.


(Moderators please feel free to move if this is in the wrong place.)

I have been toying with the idea of getting a tranquilizer gun to use on some of these Axis bucks I have crawling all over my place. Yes I know I could just shoot and eat these things, but after seeing what a live axis is worth I would really like to try and sell them off. First of all are these things legal? The limited research I have done says yes they are legal BUT the actual drug is a controlled substance. Any one happen to know what it takes to get the “controlled substance?” I am guessing a prescription from my vet could do it, right? Also anyone have any info on the actual gun?

08-24-2010, 10:19 PM
Flunitrazepam or "rohypnol" was the tranquilizer we used 25 years ago to "relocate" white tail deer and black bear in Florida. I had a CO2 charged .75 caliber smooth bore and brass syringe-darts that could hit a bushel basket size object to about 40 yards, After that all bets were off. I lent it to a US Fish and Wildlife officer and never got it back. They used it on Florida Panther studies and killed several rare panthers with overdoses. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and kids right out of college really know everything, you think?

Actually tranquilizer guns are difficult to use effectively, You have to make your doses in advance and they are very dependant on body size. It is easy to overdose and kill your quarry, Often it is better to dart an animal several times than to attempt to tranquilize it with only one dart.

08-25-2010, 12:30 AM
curator is right on rohypnol is what I used it is based on weight and if you dont know what your going after you are going to lose one by under dose or kill by over dose. I used them on cattle they dont run far. A deer you may never see it again
Was told a story about the NA mention above. Guy had a dart in his shirt pocket and dropped the gun back to reload hit the dart and got stuck near his heart. He WAS 35
here are some the long silver ones have a little propellor on the rear for long range but about 100ft is all your good for . I know a cow is big but you are shooting at the neck area If you hit in the butt your looking at 20min if at all